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Everything posted by Screamer

  1. So much salt because Blue Devils won. It's just band folks. Congratulations to all World Class Finalists!
  2. This years recaps are so cool. Remember that year where we couldn't see recaps unless they were leaked
  3. Good job Cadets! Keep cleaning and closing that gap!
  4. That 6th and 7th will be interesting to watch for the rest of the season.
  5. It's been almost 6 years since their last championship, that's not the only way to measure one's worth. Greatness is within the eye of the beholder and I know multiple mms that are enjoying what they are performing.
  6. I could care less about placements, I'm more into appreciating the hard work the mm's are putting into all of these shows.
  7. Saw a video of the new ending, much better!
  8. Must say, I haven't seen crown's show since the first show(didn't like it whatsoever) and It's pretty cool now c:
  9. Something something intense cardio=weight loss
  10. I really don't understand how you can have a show without a judge for a caption :l
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