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Everything posted by DWW11

  1. Watching in Warrington, PA. Still kind of creeps me out that people in MOVIE THEATER all around the country are watching the same thing i am at the same time!
  2. How do I turn off notifications for this string? It has become unpleasant!
  3. i am curious where folks are finding video of the guards at this point. I saw the 100% Not the BD video before it was taken down, but have not had any luck finding anything else. I am signing up for FloMarching this evening. If it's on there, I will be a happy camper. As far as predictions? I have never done this, so i am basing it strictly on what i read about the shows and what appeals to me. Only the top 6. Disclaimer: I have watched DCI consistently since 1975, but don't get into the meat of it too much, because it ruins my enjoyment. a LOT of the shows go over my head. If i need someone to tell me what the "story" is, or the message of the show, I probably won't bond well with it! I appreciate all of the challenging music but am always more connected to shows that use music i know. i DON'T like a lot of singing, regardless of the concept, but some well placed vocals are ok. i LOVE a lot of the new trends, like body movement work with the playing members. HATE all of the people rolling around on the ground. Being an "old" rifle, i am very guard-centric. 1. Blue Devils 2. BAC 3. Vanguard 4. Crown 5. Cavies 6. Bluecoats
  4. I am another one who doesn't post much because i don't know the minutiae of the rules, or much about the folks who run the programs, but i have been a fan since 1976 and i know what i like. The one thing i am so tired of is all of the dying on the field! I am not saying every show has to be filled with happiness and light, and i LOVED BAC last year, but i don't find all of the doom and gloom entertaining. What bothers me more is all of the rolling around on the ground. I mean, if the drill requires it, great. But when the corps is marching across the field playing and they randomly drop to the ground and then spring back up, i just ask "why"? i LOVE all of the fancy steps and poses and movement in the corps these days but i don't get the whole butts on the ground concept! Brings me back to Ice Dancing. a few years into that new sport, the rules committee said there was too much dying on the ice, and people weren't enjoying it. the rules were changed to encourage drama without death. Life is too sad and depressing as it is. That is what i loved about BD last year. The show made everyone smile and feel beauty. THAT is the magic of Drum Corps.
  5. Last night the sound got wonky on me during SCV and then worse for start of BD. High pitched squealing. I was cussing out Flo, and then realized that it was the battery in my noise cancelling headphones!!!
  6. Clara will be coming through those big curtains at the end of the show for finals, I bet you!
  7. overall, I think the shows are flat, compared to last night. Maybe I have just seen them enough to have the excitement wearing off? Seeing them in Allentown next week should change that. oh, and Flo? More guard, less pit!
  8. did they take out the "butterflies" at the end? never mind. i see the bodies there. i guess they just don't use the white wings at rehearsal? I HOPE they are going to replace the bedsheets with color for finals? like monarchs, maybe?
  9. I hear everything everyone else is saying, and mostly agree. What galls ME is that FloMarching is charging us their top rate to watch this garbage they are spewing. If they were charging us a discounted rate while they "work out the bugs" i could ALMOST be okay with this, but they aren;t. We are paying top rates for bottom quality and that SHOULD be against the law!
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