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RB Ripley

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Everything posted by RB Ripley

  1. Oh, my gosh! Did I actually copme close to the right answer on a technology-based question? Free beer for everyone who's currently in this thread! Woo-hoo!
  2. My guess is that it has to do with the way the site is built. Maybe only one icon per corps that covers both current and historical recordings?
  3. Sorry for what? Making this little gem of a contest happen? What-eva! Thanks for doing it! :)
  4. Absolutely! I don't think I've ever seen that many photos accompanying a drum corps article!
  5. Troopers did it in 1986. It is some great music. Check in out on DCI Season pass if you can. I'd like to hear someone do "At the River", one of Copland's songs for voice and piano. WOuld be a beautiful ballad.
  6. Feel the same way. I could live without the opening narration, but it's quickly out of mind as I watch this musical and visual treat of a show. Mercy, I can't wait to see 'em again! :)
  7. My understanding is that the Troopers, along with continuing to play on G bugles, have stated they will not utilize the A&E option. So for all you "traditionalists" ( :P )don't forget to stop by their souvie truck and help them on their way back up the competitive ladder!
  8. I was DM at the University of Houston back when the football team played in the Astrodome While I'm sure that newer indoor faciltities have better acoustics, I still can't bring myself to pay to see a music group perform in one. Every time I think of going to one of these DCI events, I have these scary flashbacks of garbled white noise seemingly unrelated to the corps moving around on the field. Someone else mentioned for the Texas Regional that The University of Texas at Austin's football stadium would be a great site and I concur! As far as the Texas heat? Jiminy Cricket, if everyone used to survive DCI South on that infernal field in Birmingham, then a show in Austin would be no worse! Anyone else ever pass out after a show there? :)
  9. Like a pig in mud. b**bs Of course, I don't own any CD's and very few videos/tapes and I've pretty much been streaming and stocking teh iPod non-stop.The APD's are a great way to keep up and even though we only get two minutes of shows, it's better than not seeing anything at all. :) The best part is that DCI has laid down a great foundation for site's functionality to just get bigger and better.
  10. Or it might mean she's going down for the Final Dream! :P
  11. Lee, This post has been hit the bullseye for what the forum needed. Thanks to you and the Renegades for infusing a welcomed jolt of unexpected warmth of spirit into things here. Personally, I'm quite proud to have marched with you. At least I am today. :P Pax, RR
  12. Was thinking the same thing. Still enjoy SVC's Adagio for Strings.
  13. That was hardly the case. Finals week, like that entire summer, we just kept focused and working. We played an enormous game of catch up the whole season and the environment to which you alluded just didn't exist. :-)
  14. I'm just tickled she said "amp your udu"... :P
  15. I remember watching you enter the stadium at the Blue Devils home show that year and it seemed like an endless stream of Marauders!
  16. Are you kidding? You guys played the snot out of the '87 book! The hornline was so much more musical than even the 11th and 12th place corps that year. And the opening hymn that year - He's Gone Away - was so very sweet. STILL waiting for the Troop to do an updated version of American Overture. :P
  17. I'd forgotten all about this moment. It was something to behold. Always felt bad for the guard...
  18. The "random selection" process for finals performance order in 1988. Oh, you meant performance gaffes? :P
  19. It's SO wonderful to read through this thread extolling the efforts and accomplishments of Star. I was a DCI participant in 1985-1989 when Star was born and came of age. I adored them - their sound, their music choices, their uniqueness - and was always STUNNED at the level of hatred and disgust what was thrown their direction. I remember sitting in the stands in '93 with the full awareness that a real contributor to the activity would more than likely not be back. Here it is TEN years later and people still get upset when you mention Star, despite the fact that their general financial management model (and I don't mean corporate sponsorship) is now practiced by most solvent corps and so much of what they were blasted for in '93 (music selection, horn player movement) is now a staple of the activity. In a lot of ways DCI wasn't worthy of Star, but boy I'm glad they were around. I still miss them at finals.
  20. 81 Sky Ryders 86 Spirit & Garfield 87 Troopers - what a nice hornline but couldn't march their way out of a wet paper bag. 88 SCV 94 Crossmen
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