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Everything posted by gak27

  1. Actually, I believe the song is "Black Orchid" by Stan Kenton. I remember that show quite well -- "Hey! SCV can play jazz, loud AND high!" Funny quote from SCV's web site about that year: 'DCI also made its mark this year by officially approving two-valve horns, and they went on record as being "permanently opposed to any three-valve horns in the future."'
  2. How about every corps playing themselves off? Gives the crowd one more chance to hear each corps and gives each corps one more chance to "lay their ears back"...and have all 12 corps pass in review (like the "old" days) before filling in from the back if you want "spectacle"...
  3. I saw one in Michigan many years ago that wasn't a specialty plate: SCV 027
  4. Maggie, The pic of your grandfather in your sig; what corps and year was that, do you know? The uniform looks very similar to my father's corps in the 50's -- St. Vincent's Cadets from Bayonne... Greg
  5. Great thread! As a fan: '74 prelims and finals. So many corps were on fire, esp. in finals...Muchachos bringing down the house (crowd was so loud we thought they were done and my dad turned off the recorder; luckily he quickly restarted it)...Madison guard member going down shortly after kickoff...Anaheim 'Mambo' and 'Firebird'... As a member: Looking at the concert side crowd for finals in Philadelphia in 75 and thinking "Holy Cr@p!"...In '82 the first time I put on my 2-7 uniform...finals in '82 during retreat -- for some reason that I don't recall we weren't allowed to play ourselves off so some of the corps were leaving out of turn. We wound up on the field w/ BD, SCV (not sure if anyone else) and our drum major comes runnning back saying that we were allowed to play ourselves off. Needless to say we made the most of it as we trooped in front of BD and SCV... As a fan again: Erie, PA in 92 -- SCV's glorious "Fiddler" revival...standing up and yelling (at the proper times ) during the initial notes of "Conquest", seeing I was the only one doing so, and not giving a ####...
  6. Stripes on pant legs... Uniforms that don't look like someone used a Colorforms toy to design them... "Elks Parade"...
  7. I always loved 2-7. I distinctly remember watching them during Finals in 1975 and the crowd roar during the kick step in Crown Imperial was so loud you almost couldn't hear the corps playing. I still listen to the live recordings I have. One of my best years in drum corps was in '82 when I joined 2-7 part way through the season. I was called by one of my former R.C. corps mates and flew up to Boston on People's Express (remember them?). Everything Kevin said about how other members treated one another was true; I (along with others from R.C.) were welcomed and absorbed into the corps. Putting on that uniform and marching out on the field was truly amazing. BTW, I marched right next to you in the mellophone line, Kevin... Greg
  8. Greetings all! I've been a long-time fan and veteran; however, I haven't been to a show in awhile until the Akron show. In general, I was very pleased w/ how 'the activity' is succeeding, w/ a couple of things that bugged me. First off, I'll put it out there and leave it...I prefer G instruments. I also would like to see better technical excellence in the marching at the expense of some of the difficulty. There was A LOT of phasing and nebulous forms. Second, I will admit that most of the A&E was acceptable, although some corps were overboard, and I see no reason for any brass player to play a solo into a mike. Finally, can someone tell me what the deal is with making announcements AFTER the corps has started? It sounds like halftime at a high school football game: "Come back with us to the glory days of yesteryear as the Marching Rams perform 'The Twist'!" Greg
  9. Greetings all! I thought I'd add a couple of my favorites esp. because of their personal meaning (and they're great openers, too!): 1. '77 27th: The special thing to me about this opener was the first time I saw it. We were watching the show from backfield and a friend of mine who was a HUGE 27 fan was with me. He was totally into the show by the time the horn line runs started and then his jaw dropped when the segue into the Crown Imperial chords happened. 2. '74 top 4: My first year at nationals and one of the most excited, emotional crowds ever. Each show seemed to build on the previous. The tapes my dad made that night are still in good shape and I actually prefer to listen to them because of the background crowd noise. 3. '75 Royal Crusaders (Coronation Scene from Boris Godunov): My first year in Finals. The first, most vivid memory is of entering Franklin Field through the tunnel and seeing the mass of people on the front sideline. Everything seemed to be in slow motion until we started our show and then it was over like that b**bs 4. '82 27th (Seahawk): 27 has always been one of my favorite corps and when I got the chance to march with them (joined in midseason w/ some friends from R.C.) I jumped at the chance. Putting on the uniform and stepping off the first time in a show was a huge thrill. Greg
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