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Everything posted by leadsop97

  1. most of the examples being presented in this thread are trumpet players. Lets remember that a trumpet is a trumpet no matter what. French Horn and Mellophone are VERY different instruments and must be approached differently. The only thing I think they have in common is the the key they're in. Mellophone uses more of a trumpet embouchure, so just be careful....there's a reason many music education-horn players are not allowed to take trumpet. I would say do what you want. However, in doing what you want, pay close attention to what's going on, you don't want to do anything that will hurt your horn playing. It's very easy for us trumpet/trombone/tuba players to say "no biggie" but when it comes to Horn vs. Mellophone, I would be extremely cautious. Also, all people are different in their playing styles, so the only way to truly find out if it is going to have any effect on your playing, is to find a mello and try it out.
  2. I had a lot of experience with the Springfield Marksmen and CT Alumni, as well as the CT Hurricanes before I ever stepped foot in ECJ's corps hall. I don't think it really matters all that much. We all come from different backgrounds anyway at some point in time. SR/Alumni corps is just another one. Obviously if the person made a world class corps, they deserved it, and anyone who deserves a spot should be a welcome addition to any drum corps.
  3. Haha...."how many beers do you think we can fit in that big box?" in all seriousness, Kings are beautiful horns. This is a great move, congrats.
  4. I've always wondered what I&E would be like if many of the past winners showed up all at the same time to compete. But then I remembered Joey Pero was a winner, and I'd no longer want to compete either. haha. I think it would be cool though to do something like DCI did with the tour of champions but with I&E. it would be a spectacle, that's for sure.
  5. Shouldn't the French Horns have been "French Suckers"?
  6. After winning one of the focus shows in 2004 we heard a lot of East Coast ####....... a couple of us used to call ourselves The Luigis as well, since when we were in halfs we definitely looked the part. Of course, SCVC could have been called the same at the time.
  7. choice #1 for both Madison and Phantom. these are pretty cool. congrats.
  8. check other music websites or music publisher websites. someone like JW Pepper might have it. I'd look on Rhapsody as well. Also, if you have access to Naxos, that could be another option. After looking at the music for Williams' trumpet concerto and not even bothering, I would imagine the horn concerto is in the same boat as far as difficulty goes.
  9. I love extreme bias in these discussions, it's great. To me, the strongest tuba section is going to be the one that makes the rest of the hornline sound good. DCI - Carolina Crown easily. That line not only has an impressive, warm sound, but they make the rest of the hornline sound like a million bucks. Phantom doesn't have this luxury. DCA - again, this is easy, Reading. Pretty much same reasons as Crown. while I'd rather listen to other hornlines in DCA (mainly due to choice of music), I refuse to say there is a hornline more balanced and blended than The Bucs.
  10. I used the green bottle and blue bottle. very seldom did I use yellow...pretty much only when i was using someone else's. Green and Blue are both great, and I still use them even when I'm not marching at the time. Sometimes the tingling is worth it.
  11. It is definitely the Jersey Smurf..... and going along with Magic, I knew something similar but a bit different.....Tragic of PoorBando
  12. I'll have some fun with this. 1) Holy Name Cadets....makes sense 2) Cavaliers.....2 years out of the top 2 in this decade, I don't think it will last much longer. 3) Blue Devils......always up there. 4) Phantom Regiment......I'm not convinced quite yet that they can consistently push the top 2 or challenge for the championship. Maybe this year will prove to me they can. 5) Carolina Crown.....they still need to make big strides in certain areas. 6) SCV.....I want them to be in the top 3, so I will put them here. 7) Bluecoats 8) Blue Knights 9) Boston Crusaders 10) Madison Scouts 11) Blue Stars 12) Crossmen 13) Glassmen 14) Spirit 15) Colts 16) Troopers 17) Academy 18) Jersey Surf 19) Pacific Crest 20) Pioneer 21) Mandarins 22) Cascades
  13. 1999 with 1997 a close 2nd. It's hard for me to find shows from either year's top 12 that I don't enjoy.
  14. this one was easy for me....1999 Madison Scouts. First Div I show I saw live. First favorite show. It will also be my last favorite show. To me, 99 Scouts is drum corps.
  15. It's happened before. I know of a couple members of various drum corps who were very much "in the know"...especially if there is family relation. or...the corps could have been informed of this. it's not all that strange.
  16. I'll have to go with Stonehenge on this one. One of the few Cadets shows I like, and it's just a BAMF show.
  17. I just want to point out that Scheherazade is not a musical in any form.....and that we must remember that opera and musicals are vastly different. I believe musicals, if done well, could be championship shows once again. Have any of you ever heard Andrew Lippa's "Wild Party"? It's set in the '20s and much of it is jazz influenced. I loved playing in the pit orchestra for it....it had some crazy trumpet parts. With a good arranger that show could be absolutely amazing. It's something I could see BD doing....if you haven't heard it, check it out. For those who don't attend Open Class events, The Citations did a Wicked show a few years back, and it was a pretty big success as far as audience reaction goes. And as far as Phantom of the Opera is concerned.....I just don't want to see it on the field anymore. I feel as though every corps that does is butchers it more than the last. Just let it rest in peace.
  18. I guess this isn't a topic people are all too familiar with. It's unfortunate that these things cannot be remembered.
  19. well this might sound funny. but not everyone thought all of those shows were good. I would personally rather not see or hear 2005 again. Also not so fond of 2007. So I understand what he's saying. As for the Scouts comments a few posts up....I agree with that as well. There just hasn't been that thing present that makes them who they are, and since the corps has always been my favorite, I hope they get to that point again soon.
  20. Boston's 2006 show was one of my favorite ever out that corps. I love Jennifer Higdon's music, and Windmills of the Mind is a great piece. Crown 1996 was also a great show, especially Enigma, but I'm giving it to Boston.
  21. I'm going to be biased, so I apologize. My Spanish Heart, ECJ 2004. Jeff Bolduc is an amazing man.
  22. sackbuts are awesome.....just spell "there" correctly. I look forward to seeing what the Raiders have to offer this year if these reports are true. However, I wish all open class corps the best of luck. With times as they are, it could be interesting to see how corps' sizes turn out.
  23. Make Our Garden Grow is one of the best ballads of all time, in drum corps or not. with that being said, I believe 1985 Cadets wins in my book. Other great ones, Cavaliers 2004 (favorite moment of that year, other than my own show) Phantom 2003
  24. I don't think Surf has anything to prove. They've taken a very long road to get to world class, and they've never had to "prove themselves" before. For the (insert number of year in existance), The Jersey Surf will be very entertaining, and will have rabid fans. The fact that they have moved to world class is proof enough for me of how well put together that organization is. Corps I think do need to prove themselves: Phantom - it is easy to become complacent after a championship. Can they do it again? That's the only way they will put doubt in the fans that believe BD should have won last year. Cadets - 5th place is not acceptable for this corps. do we remember what happened the last time they came in 5th? They came out smoking the following year...I expect much of the same. Vanguard - this is one of my favorite corps. Top 3, easily. However, after their "disastrous" year in 2005 (which I loved), they have no been able to compete with the "big boys". The Vanguard that I know is the one we talked about every off-season as perennial championship contenders....I want that back! Most of all, the Scouts and Crossmen. - When I started marching these corps' names were synonomous with entertaining, yet competitive. Few corps had that "it factor". They may have never won or even gotten close in my lifetime, but they have always been in my top 3 favorite corps....as well as many other people. They each had a rough spot within the last few years, and I think it's time they both take it to the next level in trying to reclaim their competitive stature.
  25. Competitively, I think the clear choice is Reading. And that is who I voted for. However, if you take age into account, there could possibly be several other corps who could switch. I don't know age makeups of corps. It's a good thing I don't think any corps would ever make THAT switch. I'd much rather spend the rest of my years with a DCA corps than march one more in DCI....it just makes more sense and I have more fun.
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