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Everything posted by MikeD

  1. Shafted? Invalidated? How can one person stating their opinion do anything of the sort? You hold your opinion, and I hold mine. I state mine when I come across a post and I happen to disagree with some portion of the post. You do the same. That's what this forum is all about. The "so what" was in reference to this quote from you: "...points are not taken away for a failed catch anymore. Marching has changed completely." I'd say the same if someone said "...points are not taken away for a missed release." or "...points are not taken away for a flat flam." Other than some remote penalties, points are not taken away for anything. Brass, Percussion and Visual Scoring use the concept of buildup as opposed to tear down, and have for a long time.
  2. "...peppered with shepherd on top!" ($1 to Mrs Lovett from Sweeney Todd :P )
  3. As you yourself wrote about what I said, I did not make a definitive statement. I said "a lot". :)
  4. Some may not have liked it...but a lot did. What is wrong with Crown coming in 7th? It was the highest placement of their existence. I thought it worked out great for them, singing, narration and all. One of my favorite shows of the past 5 or 6 years, actually.
  5. I think we'll see all sorts of electronic instruments in the near future (5 years or less)...I have no problem with that.
  6. Well, I'm a drummer too (started at age 9 in school in 1962)...and IMO the drumspeak was very good...by DCI East anyway...early on there were balance issues. Plus, the line had just played some great licks leading into the drumspeak.
  7. This is a discussion forum...which mean it is a place for people to discuss their own POV...you have your and I have mine. It's not 'trolling' to disagree with someone's POV...it's the purpose of having a discussion.
  8. So what? If a guard is dropping stuff all over the place it will impact their score. One drop may not...and IMO rightly so. Just as one missed release or bad attack won't ruin a brass score either, but a bunch will.
  9. :P Actually, I'm not alone at all. I have the great young folks who are performing the amazing shows of today to keep me company....and the staffs that create these shows...and a great portion of the audience that enjoys drum corps of this era, many of them also oldtimers like me. :)
  10. The pit orchestra at a show warms up and tunes while the audience is coming in. At the symphony the same thing. I happen to have no issue with it, and IMO it is not unprofessional and self indulgent. It's just different than in the day. The time between the corps ending their rehearsal and moving to the the performance field can take a while, so if they want to limber up and tune when they are on the field, what's the big deal?
  11. It means that something good can be made even better. You never had an idea and then expanded on it later as experience gave you more input? Happens all the time, in any endeavor. Amps can and are being used very well...George's proposal wants to make it even better, at least in his eyes. I fail to see the problem with that. Directors wil either agree or not...it's up to them.
  12. The "reality" is that amps work just fine when used well...and George's proposal wil help them work even better. IMO, of course.
  13. Today "being on" is not the same as it was in the day. I have no problem with the members dong whatever it is they want to do in those final few moments.
  14. We DO agree on those type of comments being 100% inappropriate. Did others thik the same? I guess it's "who knows".
  15. Well...no matter what you can say about one over the other, it's all subjective. What is "correct" sound-wise depends on, as said in another post, a variety of factors. Add to it the style of music being performed. Would the correct trumpet sound for Maynard's band be the same sound as the Philadelphia Orchestra's trumpet section? The evaluation by a judge comes in when they attempt to determine whether the BD "sound" reaches it's full potential in what it is trying to do in the first place, versus the Cadets attempt at the same thing. Mike
  16. The "sound" of a particular hornline is dependent on a variety of factors, not just the instruments themselves. The type of sound a staff wants to generate, and works long hours to create by the performances of the members, will cause a WIDE variety in the sound that is produced by different organizations. The skillsets of the performers will also impact the sound....younger and less experienced players versus older and more experienced plahyers. The arrangements themselves...esp the voicings....will impact the resultant sound.
  17. Well, if the same things get rewarded by a variety of different people over the course of an entire season, how do you know you are correct in YOUR assessment? You may like one "thing" over another, of course.
  18. I don't know your own situation, but if you think you have the "stuff" to judge...why not go through the training process and start to judge?
  19. You are comparing the total reaction to a bunch of corps shows against a reaction to one small portion of the Cadets show...it's not a valid comparison, IMO. The original post was also comparing the reaction to similar elements within the two shows, so it WAS a valid comparison. IMO overall Cadets 2005 and Regiment 2005 received equally huge ovations, at least at DCI East in A'town where I saw (and loved) them both.
  20. More from NJ: Emerald Grenadears Haddonfield Royaleers (the town next to Audobon...that's a lot of gals! :P ) Paramus Mountettes
  21. Yes, a lot of great shows that year...ours (Garfield) was a themed show that did us pretty well... Blue Rock and 27th were both excellent... ...not to mention SCV and Anaheim...and St Rita's Brassmen...and the best hornline in the country...the Argonne Rebels.
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