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Everything posted by Tansea

  1. Innovative, Tim Jackson model.
  2. Just for their Balls to the walls approach!!!
  3. Some incredible corps at that show, a real battle!!! :lol:
  4. Tough one... I would have to create a three headed dice with the Argonne Rebels on one side, the 27th Lancers on another and the Stockton Commodores on the last...leave it to fate, as it were.
  5. EGG BEATERs!!! I saw a High School band bass line using egg beaters a few weeks ago and ran around like a mad man!! The sound was amazing, especially with the modern heads!
  6. You're welcome and thank you for carrying on the tradition and always shifting the paradigm!!! I cook steaks every year the new kids come to Denver...
  7. Unless he's on the receiving end...oh, was that outloud!!!!!
  8. Live it was amazing!! The bottom end mylar heads matched the visual concept flawlessly and live they weren't masked at all.
  9. Okay, let the record reflect: I marched with the Santa Clara Vanguard. We have never been known to have an undying love of the Concord Blue Devils. There have been years where I did not appreciate the Blue Devil's show and conversely Santa Clara's either. But, "Through a Glass Darkly", changes the pardigm. It is "Young Person's Guide", the first "Z-Pull", 93 Star, 96 Phantom, the first time Cavies did a drill that looked like a screen saver on fast forward, all that and more. I could read each note of what amounted to a disonant cluster of notes which was marched with unheard of precision. The mirrors. I hate gimmicks. I was no fan of the chairs last season, trust me. But the mirrors add an extra dimension to the field, that "fourth" dimension of shadow and reflection, which raises the bar on the visual caption. Which has its analogy in the amazing use of what we used to call "back field dynamics", which now is use of the stadium. So if you hate it, thank you. Seriously. Does anyone here remember the story of the premier of, "The Rite of Spring"? If we were a passionate nation you and I would have boxed in the stands, believe me. But, alas, we aren't, we choose places like this...faceless and safe. I digress. My $.02 So to answer the question, BD has nothing to prove for the next year or so. They could repeat this year's show and be excused. Of course they won't, this isn't 1974 after all.
  10. There are a few sections of "Wheelchair" that are "borrowed" from BD. Really, really old school street beat stuff.
  11. Imagine my suprise to find myself defending BD's show the other night!!! Phew! I thought I felt the earth rent asunder. I agree, it is a vision of the new paradigm. I also have a tendency to love music that was walked out on in a former century, La Sacre Du Printemps being a notable example. So, yes, Virginia, I love the Blue Devils, "Through the Glass Darkly".
  12. I love modern drum corps with all my heart and soul. I love the drum corps of my childhood-the 60's and before. I love the years I marched. The kids love that I am still involved and tell them about the old days without judging what they do. I love that rifles throw seven's, that corps march at 210 (try it some time), that the members not only can read but are usually music majors and can interpret what they play-well. I don't want to go back to 126, starting on the sideline, going up and down the 50 and ending on the "exit" sideline. I don't find that stimulating. I kind of miss a good timpani line, but get off on watching a truly gifted timp play and pedal-well. I enjoy a good Broadway play and the music that goes along with it, but I don't want to hear a World corps play one. I'll borrow a staff pass to listen to a DCA Alumni corps do it though. I enjoy using as much of the brain I have left, yes, the 70's, appreciating an abstract concept presented on the field to an arrangement perhaps the average person can't whistle leaving the stadium-I usually can. However, if you wish to sit on the metaphorical bar stool that is this part of the forum and wax nostalgic about the old days and how much better it was, then have at it Hoss. I'll even buy the next round. I mean I miss a big rotating wheel to the strains of, "Danny Boy", more than I can express here in the written word.
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