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Everything posted by BigBoom

  1. Boy oh boy! I'm sure glad they simplified the narration so people like me can understand the story. A couple of weeks ago it was so abstruse that I just couldn't get it. Now I can appreciate that the "nails on the chalkboard" effect it had on me in person was obviously a result of not understanding and appreciating this brilliant saga's depth and meaning. Seriously........this declamation has just gone from lame to lamer ("lamest" remains for somewhere and sometime down the road). Ay yay yay! Boom
  2. I went to the Madison show and saw part of the Cadets' show for the first and only time. Out of respect for those around me and the members of the corps, I refrained from booing and simply got up and left quietly, as did many others. Like passing a bad car wreck, I peeked back in through the tunnel openings a couple of times to see if things got any better......they didn't. I don't expect others to agree with me, but it was absolutely, positively the most annoying production of any form of entertainment I have ever witnessed in my life (Well, on second thought, maybe not....I remember seeing a punk band back in the 80s where the guitar player leaned his guitar against his amp so it started feeding back and he sat down and had a cigarette. There were people in that crowd who thought it was the most brilliant thing they'd ever seen so I understand tastes vary). It was quite the night to remember in that I loved the Crusaders' and Crossmen's shows, thought Crown was outstanding though I've never been a Crown fan, have considered that the Cavaliers' production might be the best I've seen in 45 years of following this activity though I'm still searching the memory banks before reaching that conclusion, and then having these fond emotions capped by the agony that was the Cadets' show. Personally, I'll continue to take a pass on the Cadets. To me, it's worse than the proverbial nails on a chalkboard. And yes......these negative comments are all related to the nonsensical babbling that constitutes their narration. My only hope is that the judges don't reward this drivel, resulting in everyone else getting on board the Inane Train in the future. Boom
  3. Er....Phantom's got a bit of a roadtrip ahead of them in order to be in Glendale, AZ for the show on the 2nd. They're then going to be out west for a while. Boom
  4. The Colts do an annual performance event with the Dubuque Symphony Orchestra. This year, it's on the 28th. Boom
  5. IN A DCP FIRST, POSTER ADMITS BEING WRONG! I was wrong on my gap prediction. Boom
  6. I'm driving from Phoenix to Dubuque for the show Thursday night (okay....I'm seeing friends and family too....). I'm looking for great things from the Colts this summer. Go Colts! Boom
  7. My hot air: Colts will have their best start in history, finishing tonight with a bigger gap between themselves and the corps (plural) below them than the gap with the corps (plural) above them. Unlike those willing to wager large sums of money, I simply reserve the right to be wrong. Boom
  8. If so, it'd be more like, "Obvious your path is." Boom
  9. Pack your bags, kiss momma goodbye, and hit the road. Corps B. Good luck! Boom
  10. I attended last night's show and enjoyed it immensely. This was my first time in the Tempe Center for the Arts and I was impressed with the architecture and ambiance. It is an intimate setting and I believe accurate to say there is not a bad seat in the house. I was in the 8th row dead center. Like SteenAZ posted before me, my personal highlights were the two segments of the Vienna Nights field show. Part 1 was performed before the intermission and Part 2 closed the event. Both the brass and percussion sections had some smokin' segments and I thought the hornline sounded noticeably better when performing the show music as compared to the other pieces that were added for the event. This would seem to make sense. I think the show's concept also makes sense and will sell on the field. Other highlights for me, in descending order were: 1) the cymbal line feature. These 6 guys are flat out bad ###. They look like they've just completed boot camp at Pendleton and have the skills to match their look. If you like intense plates, be sure to check these guys out. Their feature included some drumming on separate hi-hats as well as ensemble line work. Cool, intense, funny, & impressive. They brought the same passion, intensity, and focus to the minicorps' performances as well. Did I mention they were bad ###? 2) the tuba feature. The 11-person tuba section performed their winning I & E piece from last year and it was wa-a-a-a-y cool. Again.....cool, intense, funny, and impressive (sound like a pattern developing). 3) Sam Palafian and Pat Sheridan's musical MCing. Sam and Pat performed several times throughout the evening, mixing music and banter. They were entertaining and their performance of a Cuban lullaby (the name escapes me) with drummer Wes Anderson was phenomenal. Though I confess to having not listened to a lot of tuba music in my life, I certainly never heard anything like Sheridan's sweet melody on this tune. Sam introduced him as "the best tuba player in the world" and I now believe that statement was not hyperbole. Of note, Wes Anderson is REALLY good. He was featured three times throughout the evening and on the three tunes played with Pat and Sam, he played concert snare on two and the cajon on the other. He also was featured on a drum set solo that morphed into a percussion ensemble which morphed into a big old battery jam. I think Wes is going to end up making a nice living with a pair of sticks/brushes in his hands. 4) The glimpse of the whole battery in another drum feature: 10 snares, 6 tenors, 5 bass drums, and those 6 bad ### plates. The battery looked huge....in a great way. Finally, when we were leaving, the whole corps was in the lobby, randomly thanking people for attending. They seemed genuinely sincere and I couldn't help but think this was a classy touch. I'll leave critiques of the instruments to others, since I thought the brass and drums sounded....well.....like brass and drums. As far as the value of the entertainment dollar, it was a bargain. For me, this was not just A Night at the Show; it was A Great Night at the Show.
  11. Indeed! We'll front load the alphabet there as well: Anchor Steam, Amstel Light, Budweiser, Becks, Blatz, Blue Ribbon, Blue Moon, Corona, Coors, Carlsberg, Castle, Dos Equis, Duvel, Efes Pilsen...........you get the idea. Boom
  12. oops....Flugelswerebugels: You're invited to join the cleanup crew as well. Boom
  13. I can't be TOO critical since I've enjoyed reading the posts but...........Michael and Chris in particular, you are hereby invited to help me do some yard work. Boom
  14. I'm looking for someone to give mellophone lessons to my 15 year old daughter. She's got a solid background in music, having played piano and cello for 6 years. She's decided she wants to be in her high school band. We're in north/central Phoenix but are willing to drive for good instruction. PM me if you're interested or know someone who might be. Boom
  15. The audacity of The Academy! Somehow missed in most of the posts I read was any recognition that they are selling tickets to these performances and raising money to support the organization. Imagine earning several thousand dollars for the corps by providing musical/visual performances in a spectacular venue designed for showcasing the arts......It will be their ruin! Actually, I'll be plopping down my $s to see this and think this whole undertaking is a superb idea. Not only will money be raised, but the members have the opportunity to perform in a non-traditional drum corps venue. OUT-FRICKING-STANDING!!
  16. The McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act of 2002 is the piece of federal legislation that pertains to enrolling homeless kids in public schools. There's a lot of information pertaining to it via a simple web search. Boom
  17. Thanks HornsUp! I started taking a look around eBay. I'll continue to do so. I appreciate the response.
  18. My high school-aged daughter has decided to take up mellophone. I need a decent, not necessarily spectacular, horn in F. I would like to stay at or below the $500 mark (for those of you who know more about this than me, is that a reasonable expectation?). Also, if you have any advice on brands/models to seek or avoid, please let me know. So....please share any advice you have and contact me if you have a decent horn for sale. Big Boom
  19. I want Joe Morton's character, The Brother, from the 1984 film, Brother From Another Planet, to write my narration. The Brother has got to be the only lead character in a non-silent film to perform his role excellently without uttering one word. Amazing that he carried a 108 minute film without using his voice. Is carrying an 11 minute field production without voice asking too much? Boom
  20. The legitimacy of The Academy's guard outscoring the Colts' guard that night in Tempe is quite real. The Colts were still facing a storm when they went back on the field for a second time and there was considerable wind and still some rain. The Colts' guard had A LOT of drops that night. Having said that, I know next to nothing about colorguards, always thinking a corps could get by just fine without one (add some horns!). However, while watching the Colts' practice on Friday night in Surprise, I uttered words I've never said before: "They've got a great colorguard." I repeated those words in Pasadena. Boom
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