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Blu-Ray DVDs: What would you be willing to spend?

Please read all the items below before voting  

82 members have voted

  1. 1. What would you be willing to spend if the items below the poll were contained in one Blu-Ray disc?

    • $100-$149
    • $150-$174
    • $175-$199
    • $200-$225

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And what a Major Bummer that is. I'm not sure a lot of people are going to be jumping on the $450.00+ tags for those players. ...

That's why prices go down. Just wait.

I'm not sure Blu-Ray DVDs are worth it. Maybe if they provided a way to store the different performance views (hi-cam, color guard, etc.) in a format we can easily store for use on iPods, as well as ALL the commentary (not just the drum commentary...I'm tired of that being on every DVD as of late), and the audio performances.

I'm not that big on HD; more pixels and prettier background don't make a movie less sucky. But if they provided extra content as opposed to the picking and choosing we have on the current DVDs, then I'd be more inclined to purchase. That would be an effective use of the extra storage capacity, IMO. $150 max?

Edited by jaylogan
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And what a Major Bummer that is. I'm not sure a lot of people are going to be jumping on the $450.00+ tags for those players. Warner Brothers really turned on a dime and stabbed Toshiba and all us HD DVD owner in the back. :doh::doh::doh::doh:

They do carry a rather outlandish price tag but I've seen several for under $300. I would love it if DCI took your idea EB! I think the current price of the DCI DVDs are ridiculous, but for bluray quality I'd be willing to settle for about $140-160.

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  • 5 months later...

Any news on this? Will we be getting a Blu-ray option this year?? :::::crossing my fingers:::::::::

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So... Stupid question. I'm going to wait a bit to buy a Blue Ray player (hint, next year). Is DCI going to make '74-'08 DVDs playable on my new BR player? How much will each cost? Any discount on a mass purchase? Enquiring minds want to know!

Not stupid. As cabsbaritone suggested, a BluRay player will play the DVDs you already have. But if DCI reissued any of the older DVDs specifically for BluRay, IMO... some videohead may want to pick a fight on this, but IMO... they wouldn't look significantly better on a BluRay player than they already look on DVD. Certainly not the ones that were so old that they were recorded on analog videotape, anyway. The only real advantage for BluRay for fans with this older material would be that more material could be put on one BluRay disc than a regular DVD. BluRay looks better (more movie-like) than regular DVD, but only on a 1080p high resolution display (HDTVs that are a few years old can't show 1080p), and only if it was recorded and processed in 1080p to begin with, which the older DCI material was not. So I doubt DCI will bother with reissuing older material on BluRay. DCI clearly sees the future for the older audio-video material in Internet downloads and Fan Network, not disc sales which are slowing annually.

Where you'd see the additional impact of BluRay DVD would be if they recorded and processed new video with 1080p equipment, which I don't think they've used yet.

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I'd say a good price would be. $99 for the regular and $149 for the Blu-Ray choice. Sounds reasonable to me.

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Not stupid. As cabsbaritone suggested, a BluRay player will play the DVDs you already have. But if DCI reissued any of the older DVDs specifically for BluRay, IMO... some videohead may want to pick a fight on this, but IMO... they wouldn't look significantly better on a BluRay player than they already look on DVD. Certainly not the ones that were so old that they were recorded on analog videotape, anyway. The only real advantage for BluRay for fans with this older material would be that more material could be put on one BluRay disc than a regular DVD. BluRay looks better (more movie-like) than regular DVD, but only on a 1080p high resolution display (HDTVs that are a few years old can't show 1080p), and only if it was recorded and processed in 1080p to begin with, which the older DCI material was not. So I doubt DCI will bother with reissuing older material on BluRay. DCI clearly sees the future for the older audio-video material in Internet downloads and Fan Network, not disc sales which are slowing annually.

Where you'd see the additional impact of BluRay DVD would be if they recorded and processed new video with 1080p equipment, which I don't think they've used yet.

Tom Blair will get around to it. It wont be long.

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Tom Blair will get around to it. It wont be long.

Jeez.....I hope so!!!!!!!! We are WAY overdue. The video side of these DVDs should have been at least upgraded to 16:9 anamorphic YEARS AGO! Please.....get with the 21st century already!!

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Jeez.....I hope so!!!!!!!! We are WAY overdue. The video side of these DVDs should have been at least upgraded to 16:9 anamorphic YEARS AGO! Please.....get with the 21st century already!!

Ohmygawsh! That widescreen stuff is like totally a sham.. and stuff. It like gives you less picture with those annoying black bars. Like.. everyone totally knows fullscreen is the better option! For realz!


But seriously, DCI in 16:9 would rule.

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I'd be willing to spend just under $200 for a great set of drum corps HD DVDs!

btw - for those of you who bought HD DVD players already - you were a little premature. You should have waited until the "Betamax vs. VHS" war was decided. :smile:

And for those of you who don't think HD is worth it, my question is, do you currently have an HD television and watch anything HD on it? I've been watching cable in HD for years now and I won't even watch the non-HD channels anymore. Plus, I hate how fuzzy my old DVDs look compared to HD, so I'd definitely invest in some Bluray DVDs for one of my favorite passions - Drum Corps! :tongue:

Edited by PeeWee
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