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The Official 2008 Madison Scouts Discussion Thread

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Way to go fellas!! Congrats on getting some respect and on a fabulous job the past few days!

Go Scouts!!!

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I never said anything negative about Beddis and McNutt...in fact, I think I said that that entire drum staff was top notch. I also stated that McNutt was leaving and I'm pretty sure Beddis was as well.

As far as Roger Carter and Casey Brohard, I'll take my chances. Their reputations also speak for themselves.

So should we compare '05 and '06 to what....'93? '95? '96? '97, '98, '99? '03???

There was a definite shift in writing style after '03. '04 was....well....it was what it was. '05 was very different from anything he had written before as well and '06 was....wow....it was just WEIRD as far as what I would expect from Boerma. I think that Cesario had something to do with that. I think that he convinced some that the corps needed to sound more like the Cavaliers. More "fluff" and not as much melody...something that was a trademark of Scott Boerma's writing style.

Do I think Jeff Spanos bleeds Madison? Yes. Dann Peterson? Yes. Nick Williams...Clay Wacholz...Matt Gregg...Jon Schipper...John Scruggs...etc? Definitely.

And for all that "creative saavy" on display in '05, they couldn't hang on to 5th because they couldn't decide on a way to end the show. It was "the show without an ending" if there ever were one. How many different things did they try that year? 6? 7? 10? Including putting in a new ending finals week!

The current staff knows more about being the Madison Scouts than any collective staff in the past 5 years.

So like i said, I'll take my chances...


GEEZ.......... this isn't the first time Madison has had to reorganize and probably won't be the last. But I would much rather concentrate on what WE........yes all of us......can do to make the experience for the young men the best it can possibly be. They are far more talented than we ever were and I am always astonished at how hard working they are. At how motivated and positive they are and its amazing how they just jump back up and keep moving forward.

It's all about building good men. In this the corps is succeeding.

All the rest is BS

Go Scouts ! ! !

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Now that we're back to talking about the CURRENT Scouts instead of the OF's and prior year nonsense...

My son says that the 2 new guard guys are still learning the show, so didn't march yet. The guard did learn the whole routine for the drum break, although I don't know how clean it is yet.

GO 2008 SCOUTS!!!!!

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Hate to be a party pooper, but we're supposed to be supporting the 2008 Scouts here, not rehashing the "old days" and bashing prior staff and management, or pining away for staff that opted to go elsewhere in prior years. Unless you have a time machine, you can't rewrite the past, and slicing and dicing it and griping about the "good old days" isn't going to change a thing.

Maybe you guys should start a new thread called "Madison Scouts: Remembering The Old Days"?

With all the time and energy you guys are spending rehashing prior years ad nauseum, I should stick you all on the volunteer crew to either solicit donations (both cash and items for the upcoming Silent Auction at the Banquet) or collecting required paperwork from volunteers who will be visiting the Scouts on tour. That's a hint, guys, and not a subtle one either...

Meanwhile, back to our regularly scheduled program (again)....

GO 2008 SCOUTS!!!!!


You're such a breath of fresh air.......No,.....No,.....wait,....I've got it, you're more like a super hero with "super buffering agent powers"........Naw, that's not it either. Wait a second, I know where I've heard this before........It's all coming back to me now......MOTHER?????......NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!

Very laudable suggestions, but one huge problem. Pssst! Come a little closer......what your suggesting is that the volatile mixtures of testosterone and the Madison Scouts should be able to simply and miraculously part company. C'mon, were talking about the 70 years young Madison Scouts here! The epitome of drum corps funk and swagger! The kings of cardiac! Yes, lets support and embrace the 2008 Madison Scouts in this thread with as much exuberance as possible. But, lets be realistic. What you're suggesting is akin to taking the Spartans from the famed "300" and then having a guy walk up to one of them, pee down a Spartans leg and then try and convince this trained killer of the "300" that it's raining outside. It's no longer kume-bi-ya and tea and crumpets. It's go time baby!! (as civilly manured as possible).

I agree, let's find creative ways of channeling our aggressive tendencies towards a better outcome for our beloved Scouts. But, I refuse to get in the neuter line. This world still needs those that know how to fight, otherwise there can be no damsel or heroine. Furthermore, lily livered living and the Madison Scouts cant exist together in the same zip code........that's not natural!

I'll try my best, but don't make turn into something I'm not. Otherwise I'm bound to start muttering to myself and curl up into the fetal position. Dang it all, I'm a Scout!

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Now that we're back to talking about the CURRENT Scouts instead of the OF's and prior year nonsense...

My son says that the 2 new guard guys are still learning the show, so didn't march yet. The guard did learn the whole routine for the drum break, although I don't know how clean it is yet.

GO 2008 SCOUTS!!!!!

I say all Scout fans look up Henry at the sovie booth and buy a shirt.

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Excellent job, Scouts! Things seem to be getting into gear.

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Very laudable suggestions, but one huge problem. Pssst! Come a little closer......what your suggesting is that the volatile mixtures of testosterone and the Madison Scouts should be able to simply and miraculously part company. C'mon, were talking about the 70 years young Madison Scouts here! The epitome of drum corps funk and swagger! The kings of cardiac! Yes, lets support and embrace the 2008 Madison Scouts in this thread with as much exuberance as possible. But, lets be realistic. What you're suggesting is akin to taking the Spartans from the famed "300" and then having a guy walk up to one of them, pee down a Spartans leg and then try and convince this trained killer of the "300" that it's raining outside. It's no longer kume-bi-ya and tea and crumpets. It's go time baby!! (as civilly manured as possible).

Poor Jerry... I'm not asking you to get snipped, just to lay off that double-dose of Viagra for a while...

You guys are such easy targets for flame-bait... really, now, choose your battles instead of jumping into every little fray. You'd think that by age 50-ish you guys would have learned how to deal with playground bullies by now. Seems Viagra is turning back the clock in more ways than one... Actually, you're acting more like you need a Kotex than... well... let's leave it at that.


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WOW. SO very good to see this improvement in scoring!

Does anybody have any review of the 2008 guard? How are things looking for them?

I will admit, the years that i marched in the guard were full of ups and downs. Are the boys on an upswing this season or are they just holding on?

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This world still needs those that know how to fight, otherwise there can be no damsel or heroine. Furthermore, lily livered living and the Madison Scouts cant exist together in the same zip code........that's not natural!

I'll try my best, but don't make turn into something I'm not. Otherwise I'm bound to start muttering to myself and curl up into the fetal position. Dang it all, I'm a Scout!

Ah, Mr. Whiplash, you must be beside yourself without Nell. I, Mr. Do-right, actually like your clever, insightful style.

Edited by oldtimedrummer
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