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Just a note about the Cadets

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Certainly everyone is entitled to their opinion, however a little tact goes a long way. That goes for both sides of the debate.

Just because you CAN give your opinion doesn't mean you always SHOULD say exactly what you are thinking.

..and just becuase you can use narration on the field doesnt mean you should, 'specialy when its so trite, sophomric and laughable and bangs you over the head with silliness.....poor Sara Blah, blah, blah, who cares. Its not a marylin Crenshaw novel, theres no character development, no plot to be delivered, its, oh thats right, a drum and bugle corps show on a football field, with musicians........taking a back seat to spoken word through a microphone. Debate ? sure, just wish reality would set in and folks would realize there is not a valid counter-argument.

Brass, percussion, and visual accompaniment, thats what this activity is/was/will someday cease if Cadets laeader had his way.


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For those of you that dont know, or maybe dont remember, many corps have pushed the boundary of DCI.

Tell me how copying marching bands is pushing the boundaries ? Tell me how the leader of envelope pushing and innovation is pushing new boundaries now ?Tell me how three years in a row of terribly written, uneffective narration, storytelling, covering up, or in leiu of music is pishing the activity ?

Blind support is not needed, we arent mindless sheep. Vocal disapporval is country - wide, its not working, its time to let it go.

This I believe


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Tell me how copying marching bands is pushing the boundaries ? Tell me how the leader of envelope pushing and innovation is pushing new boundaries now ?Tell me how three years in a row of terribly written, uneffective narration, storytelling, covering up, or in leiu of music is pishing the activity ?

Blind support is not needed, we arent mindless sheep. Vocal disapporval is country - wide, its not working, its time to let it go.

This I believe


I Believe that Narration is not needed to convey a Drum Corps Show.

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My biggest pet peeve with the whole narration thing is that the Cadets are predicated on greatness. In the mid-'90s, their battery was playing parts no one was was even attempting. Wasn't even in the same universe. IMO, they shouldn't have even been on the same sheets as some other corps. Cadets, in tech demand, were box 6.

Now explain to me, how an organization that exemplifies greatness can deliver such horrible tripe? The writing isn't even average. It's bad. Hackneyed. Etc, etc, ad nauseam. Forget amplification, what about good writing? That writing is Box -37. Who's the narration arranger, because they should be drawn and quartered. ANywho...

On top of all that, where does George think he's pushing the activity to? Is his end game really to turn drum corps into marching band? Does he think that the narration is at the same level as everything else? I don't understand his motivation, but he could obviously care less what anyone thinks...which is fine. I'm all for change, but it seems like he's trying to turn professional baseball into t-ball.

Edited by atlvalet
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You don't get it, the people complaining want to hear drum corps not an over produced marching band show.

Ditch the narration and the complaining will stop.

No it won't. People have been complaining for years sometimes for no reason other than they don't like the corps or they don't like George. How about 1991? Short Ride In A Fast MAchine. If my old memory isn't faulty, it was the first time on the field. There was tons of criticism. 1999. SCV does it, and everybody loves it. Or how about 2003. They do a "best of" drum corps thing designed specifically to give people what they want. Huge criticism! They could come out next year and do this year's Carolina Crown show and be criticized. It is simply easier to believe what we want to believe than to be willing to alter those beliefs.

Case in point:

Star 1985 - Disney - Boo! Money bought finals for you.

1986 - John Williams - Boo! Money.

1987 - Circus - Boo! Money

1988 - Porgy and Bess - Boo! Money

1989 - British Music - Boo! Money

1990 - Belshazzar's Feast! - Boo! Money

1991 - Respighi - Doub;e Boo because now you're winning.

1992 - Americana - Boo! Too patriotic with scrims.

1993 - Medea - Boo! No comment.

1994 - Boy, I sure wish that Star of Indiana was still around.

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There's absolutely nothing wrong with liking the Cadets. What we don't like is the fact that those who do like the Cadets and what they are putting on the field try on occasion to say that they like the Cadets, and because there are people who actually like it, then we should too, which is not going to happen. If someone started a thread and the first post said "I like the Cadets", I say good for OP. But it's topic starters like "I like the Cadets and I don't understand why so many of you don't. Just face it, they are using narration so get over it and give them credit for their hard work" that really get some of us worked up. They give their opinion and then go and try to make ours sound invalid because it's different. Like who you want to like, just don't try dragging me in against my will.

Hmmm, funny. I get the same feeling from some of the hating negative posts. . .as if they are on a crusade or campaign to make sure everyone else hates the show, too. It goes both ways.

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Debate ? sure, just wish reality would set in and folks would realize there is not a valid counter-argument.

Priceless! Geoffrey has spoken everyone. Thanks for helping prove our point. If you like what The Cadets are doing, then there is no validity in that opinion and there is something wrong with it (according to Geoffrey, at least).

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Tell me how copying marching bands is pushing the boundaries ? Tell me how the leader of envelope pushing and innovation is pushing new boundaries now ?Tell me how three years in a row of terribly written, uneffective narration, storytelling, covering up, or in leiu of music is pishing the activity ?

Blind support is not needed, we arent mindless sheep. Vocal disapporval is country - wide, its not working, its time to let it go.

This I believe


It's not much difference than a corps that most people are going gaga over this year saying its so fresh and new, while the ideas have been played out in wgi for a years now.

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..and just becuase you can use narration on the field doesnt mean you should, 'specialy when its so trite, sophomric and laughable and bangs you over the head with silliness.....poor Sara Blah, blah, blah, who cares. Its not a marylin Crenshaw novel, theres no character development, no plot to be delivered, its, oh thats right, a drum and bugle corps show on a football field, with musicians........taking a back seat to spoken word through a microphone. Debate ? sure, just wish reality would set in and folks would realize there is not a valid counter-argument. Brass, percussion, and visual accompaniment, thats what this activity is/was/will someday cease if Cadets laeader had his way.


With all the posts you have about people being allowed to speak their minds about their hate of narration, I am shocked this is coming from your mouth.

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