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Does anyone know how many DCI corps are carrying alternates this year? Back in my day (yeah before my bones started creaking) it wasn't all that common. Just wondering. :smile:

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There's still some corps who can't get enough people to come into auditions, and have to march a smaller line than they would like. I highly doubt that any corps that doesn't make semis carries alternates, and I would guess that quite a few semifinalists don't carry alternates either.

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If you are offered an alternate spot at a corps, screw that. Go actually march somewhere. It will be wayyyy more valuable to you to go actually march at Pioneer or Cascades all summer than to hold down an alternate spot at Phantom Regiment.

ps- not calling out Regiment in any way. just using them as an example.

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Alternates are fine, if they actually intend for the alternate to march at some point. I've heard of many instances where an alternate was available, and a hole opened up... But they never put the alternate in. I actually witnessed this happen in the colour guard of my corps this past summer. It's a little shady to keep someone around just to make money.

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Alternates are fine, if they actually intend for the alternate to march at some point. I've heard of many instances where an alternate was available, and a hole opened up... But they never put the alternate in. I actually witnessed this happen in the colour guard of my corps this past summer. It's a little shady to keep someone around just to make money.

Maybe the alternate was not cutting the mustard to be put in?

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Maybe the alternate was not cutting the mustard to be put in?

The idea I'm getting at is that they took on the alternate knowing that they were never going to be able to "cut the mustard" and never intended to put them in a hole even if one opened up. In which case, the corps is just making bank off of the alternate.

This isn't a common practice, I'm sure, but I've seen it done.

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My section had 3 alternates after the line was set after auditions. Right now all 3 are contracted members of the line. Things happen. People get hurt, people quit. It's way better to have someone there to fill those holes than make it an open audition to anyone willing to try in April.

If a person is willing to be an alternate for all of the preseason and maybe even some of the season, don't you think they're really dedicated to marching in that corps. Isn't that someone you want?

Edit: thought of more things to say

Second edit: I just saw the news post saying PR is looking for people to fill trumpet, euph, and tuba spots. I would think that would suck in comparison to having someone ready to fill the spot that has already been heard and seen by the staff and developing relationships with members.

Edited by TeeDubbs
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My section had 3 alternates after the line was set after auditions. Right now all 3 are contracted members of the line. Things happen. People get hurt, people quit. It's way better to have someone there to fill those holes than make it an open audition to anyone willing to try in April.

I definitely agree with this part... I had an alternate spot in January of 06, and I had a spot in the line in April. The alternates (at move in) in the horn line the two years I marched ended up on the field. That said, I don't now if I would've gone on tour as an alternate... I would definitely take an "alternate" spot in January though, if you think you are the level that the corps is looking for and/or can show improvement, b/c people definitely drop throughout the offseason.

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