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Musical Cop-Out

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The irony is so thick I can taste it. It tastes sweet, like cheesecake!

How so? I'm fully aware that there is an opposite view to what I'm saying. He felt I was being disrespectful to either the member or the activity. I feel the presence of those instruments is disrespectful to the activity. I'll debate with him all day long but I won't call him on his wisdom for posting in the first place, and I don't expect to have that judgement passed on my post in return. If anything I say is in violation of DCP policy, believe me, the mods will let me know all about it.

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You are giving me advice on how to live with "the fact"(your fact) that people will not embrace what I think they should? If you could follow your own advice, you wouldn't feel so hateful and spiteful toward DCI for progessing. You are welcome....now Carry On :tongue:

No - I was advising you to recognize that people won't agree with you.

And I don't hate DCI for changing - I just don't agree with it changing in this direction.

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Once again - here's the "you are afraid of change" gambit. I've stayed with DCI through many many changes. I'm out as of narration. Synths just makes it worse. But to charactarize that as an opposition to all change is dishonest.

That's fair, and I was a bit rash, but only to prove a point. I know most aren't simply opposed to "change" in the abstract sense, but I guess I see the positives in all of those, because I listen to so much music and I'm familiar with so much, and then I see drum corps and it just seems kind of sad to me at times. The activity itself seems to be trying to truly be an art form, but fans on DCP throw dead cats at the proposal. I'm not exactly sure why, I've watched the board in years past and seen the uproar over narration, but synthesizers and whatever else? I hope no one here thinks that electronic instruments are some how lower on the musician totem pole than....a tuba. If you honestly think that, I got news for ya, you're wrong.

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First off - there's a bit difference between physical violence and an opinion.

Second off - as I've said many times and will say again at the risk of sounding repetetive, my problem isn't with the marching members, nor is it with the kid playing those instruments. It's with the instruments themselves being on a field of competition for the genere that used to be correctly known as drum corps. The staffs and management of DCI are handing young kids something that is band and selling it as drum corps.

First off, words and images can be as hurtful and violent as any punch in the mouth. Ben Franklin said, ""A slip of the foot you may soon recover, but a slip of the tongue you may never get over."

Second off, so what? Whatever experience you had with drum corps is just that, your experience. Do you think that's the only experience that should be had, the only experience that counts? Is there some laboratory version of drum corps somewhere that is pure? G bugles? One key? Two Keys? In the end, do you think the kids marching this summer feel that they're missing out because they didn't march VFW drum corps? Or won't be just as devoted to it in the years to come?

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Oh look! Another electronics thread!

I'm so sorry I haven't been keeping up with the World Class forum in months!

Has someone said "Dinosaur" yet? Also "Marching Band"?

Remember, these are power words that will score you valuable points that you can redeem later in our prize vault, and you will get a higher seed ranking in next years inevitable rehash of the exact same material we've been beating to death for over 5 years! Play today! No purchase necessary!

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That's fair, and I was a bit rash, but only to prove a point.

No worries - I do that myself a fair bit.....

I know most aren't simply opposed to "change" in the abstract sense, but I guess I see the positives in all of those, because I listen to so much music and I'm familiar with so much, and then I see drum corps and it just seems kind of sad to me at times. The activity itself seems to be trying to truly be an art form, but fans on DCP throw dead cats at the proposal. I'm not exactly sure why, I've watched the board in years past and seen the uproar over narration, but synthesizers and whatever else? I hope no one here thinks that electronic instruments are some how lower on the musician totem pole than....a tuba. If you honestly think that, I got news for ya, you're wrong.

Nobody's questioning the skill it takes to play these instruments. At the bottom of it, the real objection is the loss of an entire art form. As drum corps morphs more and more into marching band, where will you go to see and hear the unique sound and spectacle that was drum corps? I'm not opposed to marching band doing its thing in its own circuits, I am opposed to having the same thing in what was a seperate and beautifully unique art form. This move to band is like telling all the sculptors that there is no more opportunity for them as sculptors, they all have to be painters now.

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I had criticized the performance last night in Rockford by Spirit on another thread. I did not like the bass player and amplified string bass thingy he played. Spirit had seven tubas but it sounded like they had 20. People rebutted my response by saying it was a rock themed show (chosen by Spirit) and that a bass was appropriate. "Don't blame Spirit" is what I was told. So...I thought I'd start a new thread . . . just for fun. :tongue:

I do not think that these new additions to Drum Corps are good. That's another discussion that could probably chew up at least 30 pages on here (and already has).

My main point (while trying to type on my little iPhone with my gnarly, crooked fingers last night) was that with Spirit it seemed like a big "musical cop-out." Perhaps they had the bass too loud on the amplification, but not only did the bass play specific parts, but it also played the same part at times (to my untrained ear) as the Tubas. One would have thought they had 20 tubas out there with as bottom heavy as it was. Nice effect? maybe. BUT, let's just say that I think that effect should be achieved with guys and girls rupturing a lung on their tuba versus a single guy pluckin' some strings.

This is just what happened in the beginning with amps. They were only intended to be used for amping the pit instruments, and then came the vocals. The electronics were only supposed to be keyboards but now we have guitars. Once again drum corps has been duped by the bandos. I only saw SVC last night. The sight of an electronic keyboard(and amps) on the field with drums and bugle is unsettling. They use theirs subtly. But as posted by others, it's really noticeable in the final push, is a distraction and ruins the effect of the horns blowing their @ss*s off.

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feel so hateful and spiteful toward DCI for progessing.

It would seem that a trend is emerging. One point of disagreement seems to be on whether or not the "changes" of the electronic era are indeed "progress". I don't believe that the two words are synonymous. "Progress" is "change", but some "change" is only..."change".

For discussion on some of the differences, see this thread, or any reputable dictionary.

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First off, words and images can be as hurtful and violent as any punch in the mouth. Ben Franklin said, ""A slip of the foot you may soon recover, but a slip of the tongue you may never get over."

Second off, so what? Whatever experience you had with drum corps is just that, your experience. Do you think that's the only experience that should be had, the only experience that counts? Is there some laboratory version of drum corps somewhere that is pure? G bugles? One key? Two Keys? In the end, do you think the kids marching this summer feel that they're missing out because they didn't march VFW drum corps? Or won't be just as devoted to it in the years to come?

I think first off that the kids in the corps will work just as hard as they did last year, and harder than I ever had to.

Second - The members of the World class corps are all 19 or better for the most part - and if they are joining a corps that employs these kind of toys they are going in with their eyes open, probably enjoy the notariety and don't give a #### what I think. I think they're old enough and smart enough not to expect everyone to love what they are doing simply because they are doing it.

Third - thanks - once again I'm catching the allusion to VFW etc as if we all want to turn the clock back to the '60s. Not true, as you should know by now.

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I hope no one here thinks that electronic instruments are some how lower on the musician totem pole than....a tuba. If you honestly think that, I got news for ya, you're wrong.

Not at all. Many of us just don't feel that they belong in this venue.

There are many different types of ensembles that use electronic instruments, even many that do so on a football field. It would be nice if these ensembles (corps) were left to sound distinctly different than some of the other existing types, without the homogenization of the arts that is so prevalent in entertainment today.

eddited for multiple errors :tongue:

Edited by j.morgus
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