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Ahhh, nothing like sitting at an empty football stadium in 100 degree heat, it must be drum corps season. This is the only show I'll get to attend this year, save for the quarters cinecast. Saw some old friends. Saw some really really amazing corps. Let me quickly echo the statement from a fellow reviewer who pointed out how musical this year seems to be. Across the board, this was the most wonderful music I've ever heard at a drum corps show. Every show was pleasing to the ears. Please let it be a trend. After a one hour heat delay, on to the shows.


Look, they have actual uniforms, not just trench coats! They look good, btw. Anyway, the processional-type opening is brilliant, a total departure for these guys and gals. This whole show has a very "we're in it to win it" feel. The horns, though not nearly as loud as years past, have the best balance of any 'gades corps I can remember (even back 10 years ago when they started right here in Stockton). Low brass and the soloists are strong as always. Lots of movement, resulting in some rough trumpet and mello parts. Color guard, quite simply the best I've seen this early; full uniforms, nice flags, very good indeed. Drums are dirty, especially the snares, but their feature is absolutely slammin! Enjoyed this show very much. Kudos to the "wiser" generation.








I didn't buy a program, mostly because I'm frugal (read cheapskate), so I don't know what the title of their program is. I would call it "Classically Cute". They play lots of recognizable classical tunes. Opens with two solos, one from the drum major and a response from the field, very well done. Drum feature is groovy, let's the corps groove. Anyone that's seen these kids throughout the years knows part of the appeal is watching the tiny tiny members. This year there's a tiny trumpeteer, and the tiniest of guard members, who was too cute in her bouffant style wig. Fun show. Always enjoy you kids.


Blue Devils C

Blue Devils C

Blue Devils C

Blue Devils C


I had a moment here. When the announcer introduced them, I thought, my God, how great to hear that at this stadium once again. I digress...

VK is on there way, slowly, to returning to true form. During the warm-up, the cymbals poke a little fun at the whole BD chair experience, hilarious to those of us paying attention. The drum line warm-up is ROCKIN!!! Somebody record that. The drums and guard are the strong part this year. Brass has a few holes, but even then has some control issues. The music is not instantly recognizable but it's still fun. Drum feature was amazing, but please please please clean the bass line's spacing, darn near ran each other over several times. The guard carries the visual show, mimicing a circus act, although during the ballad the drums start walking "tight-rope" alla BD '08. Two of the guard "acts" are pretty good: First the tight rope walker who falls and appears at the end of the ballad on crutches, only to have another guard member knock them out from under her, Very Klever. Second is where one guard member is a lion tamer with the rest of the guard playing the part of the lions. Show ends (without drill) as two "lions" go after their trainer. Fun. Overall, I like what I see. Steps in the right direction. Clean it up, get some more members, and soon many more towns across th country will once again get to hear "The Velvet Knights" come across the loud speakers.


Velvet Knights

Velvet Knights

Velvet Knights

Velvet Knights

Velvet Knights


Ok, seriously. "B" stands for BIG this year. They could give this corps another name and march them in World Class. My dad and I counted at least 120 members. First sign of the keyboard. Not a fan, but let's not dwell on it...know. This show is entertaining with nice music. Brass has very nice balance with near "A" corps sound when at standstill. They seem to have adopted a bit of the "runs" from their big brothers when it come to drill, not a ton of form to form. Drums are very good, as always, and the guard though smaller this year is still top notch. I would have liked to hear the soloists, if it wasn't for the way too amped pit! Turn those levels down boys. Another enjoyable BDB corps show. Looks like they'll be tustling with SCVC all season for the top.


Blue Devils B

Blue Devils B

Blue Devils B

Blue Devils B

Blue Devils B


Yay, no more jolly green giant uniforms! Welcome back white pants. This is without doubt the most I've enjoyed any SCV Cadets show. One word: Melody!! The pit is off center to the right, allowing the corps to really connect and get close to the audience with some wonderful arrangements. They look like they're half the size of BDB (really about 3/4s), but are puting out nearly as much volume. Drums were the cleanest so far. Brass was pretty good with a few shaky attacks. Seemed as though the high brass was a little tentative, maybe worn out from the heat. Very good show. Will probably overtake BDB down the line.


SCV Cadets

SCV Cadets

SCV Cadets

SCV Cadets


Their performance was cancelled due to the shift in the start time of the show. Too bad. Saw a few members wandering around the snack bar. I like the new field judge uniforms.


I thought of a new yell for my home town crew. Ready? "Peel my face off!!" Get it, Mandarins, peel, No? Anyway, here come the Mandarins with the first truly polished group of the night. Opens up with a nice face peeling (see what I did there) brass hit, followed by a few more big hits. Brass overall was good but a bit tentaitve during long movements. When they're standing still, which they do a number of times, they really let loose. Excellent! The horn duet with the tenor and bass drums is really cool. Drums were really clean, probably the cleanest I've seen them for this early in the season. Really good feature showcasing their chops. The flags are just beautiful. Not so good things: Way too much bass from the keyboard, something I hope will get toned down over time. And what's with the umpteen Aero beds, this must be the reason for the DCI Areobed partnership. Anyway, the beds were distracting and unless they are going to be used better, ditch'em. Heard some "string" instrument from the keyboard, meh. The closing drill is right up there with the Cadets and Cavies of the world, tough stuff. Another good show from a corps that just lacks the size to compete with the next teir. This hometown boy is rooting for ya, go peel some faces.








In all honesty, this show really works. The brass is very well balanced and is darn clean, clearly the strong part of the corps. West Side Story never sounded so...interesting. There's a gorgeous ballad that leads into a giant rifle toss and a very high but well played trumpet feature, brilliantly done. Drill was easy to follow without being boring, lots of moves. Drums are understated and get lost amongst the rest of the corps, but they play cleanly. Really enjoyed this show. I'm not into guessing where they'll place, but I would imagine they might end up higher than most people think. Thank you for coming West, don't be a stranger.








Why are they going before BK and Coats, just curious. A clear indication for me if I really like a show is how many notes I take. SCV notes = Zero. I could not take my eyes away long enough to jot down even the smallest of note. The show is all hype, the good kind. If you see no other show this season, sit and enjoy this one. My dad even said he might purchase this show when available. The brass was the cleanest of the night by far, sorry Devs. Drill, though slow and easily forgetable, has a certain peaceful flow to it that draws you even more in to the music. There's lots of little moments during the first half where they give you tastes of what's coming. Absolutely my favorite SCV show since Scheherazade. Lots of solo drill moves amongst the brass and drums and the guard is nicely integrated throughout the show. Drums unfortunatly are lacking, which truly could be what holds them back. They play pretty clean but get lost amongst the rest of the corps, except for a wicked cool bass feature. That's enough drooling. Just a wonderful emotional show. Go get'em SCV.


Santa Clara Vanguard

Santa Clara Vanguard

Santa Clara Vanguard

Santa Clara Vanguard

Santa Clara Vanguard


The seemingly always "dark" corps is not so dark this year, more "cold" than anything. After SCV's horns these guys seemed a little lacking, a victim of the scheduling perhaps. Some brass voices sticking out, especially during the ballad. The beginning and end are actually pretty clean, the middle is just dirty. Keyboard was too intrusive, I did not like the guitar strings and the wind sound was unique...until Bluecoats did the same thing. Drums were very good playing a ton of beats during their feature. Guard was also very good. I particularly liked the shiny blue flags near the end, brought a lot of good visual pop. Maybe they could be the first guard to spin skis instead of rifles, it's a thought. Drill had a lot of movement, including a company front push, which after SCVs push seemed a little minor league. All in all, not a bad show, just a little flat for me. Good to see them left of the Rockies.


Blue Knights

Blue Knights

Blue Knights

Blue Knights

Blue Knights


If this year's BD show doesn't leave you with your toe tapping, check your pulse. You may not like the running around or dancing drill, but the music is absolutly on point. They do have this one particular drill move at the beginning where the brass rolls up from right to left, pretty cool. I'll start with the good, or at least what I liked. The music, like I said, is fantastic. The pit feature that leads into the drum line feature is amazingly sweet. No one showcases their colorguard better than BD, and this year is no different. The chairs...work. I thought they would be hard on the eyes, but they are actually used without too much intrusion. Drums were the best of the night, lots of meat and hacked pretty well. The yellow underside of the, I guess we're calling them leg capes, complemented the guard unis. What I didn't like: TOO MUCH KEYBOARD! The piano sounded out of place because it sounded like an electric piano. And it was too upfront, there was no attempt to "hide" or blend it with the rest of the pit. The brass, as good as they usually are, seemed a little off. I heard quite a few high voices sticking out, very uncharacteristic. But overall, when all is said and done, this will be one of the best BD shows this decade. Super fan friendly and accessible, perhaps something learned from last year's near miss. Great fun show Devs.


Blue Devils

Blue Devils

Blue Devils

Blue Devils

Blue Devils

Blue Devils


Someone answer me this, when you have 16 tubas, why add fake bass from the keyboard? Let's see, compared to the last two year's shows, not nearly as accessible (read fun to follow), but it still looks very demanding and a nice show. Love the return of Gordon Goodwin, really showcases how well the brass can play together. Really enjoyed the guard with some excellent tosses and beautiful flags. Drums were strong and had a kickin feature. Lots of interaction between the guard and drums during the ballad, where the drums lose their jackets. Not sure about the whole jacket thing. The shirts underneath are a little busy from the stands. The brass moves a ton, which results in a little bit of a "tinny" upper sound. Just needs some cleaning. The 16 contra feature through the end of the show is just pure corps magic. Loved it. I don't think this show will place as high as some may hope, but still an intriguing and all around good drum corps show. Thanks for making the trip.







ENCORE: Blue Devils played their warm up, then something soft I hadn't heard before, quite nice actually. Then the front end of their show. And then "When A Man.." which brought the place down. Oh, and there was no one on keyboards for that last one, as there shouldn't be.


A great night of corps. Really really enjoyed it. Seems yellow is a popular color for guards this year. Keyboards...meh. Not a fan. Didn't really add anything I had been missing, but didn't get in the way too much. Would rather not have it given the choice. Oh well. See you next year corps fans.

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I liked the review ... but I LOVED -- LOVED -- the pictures. After seeing Stanford from high-cam Saturday night, it was niced to see the corps up close ...mostly my Bluecoats, even if I don't like what they're doing with the uniforms.


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Yeah, Great Review!!

I am REALLY not digging the uni change for the Coats near the end of their show...everyone I was sitting next to all had the look on their face like...wtf? :unhappy:

The other thing was the order...sort of threw me off when I saw SCV coming out with the SUN OUT!

Besides those two things, it was an amazing show! Great weather, great people, great corps!!!


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Thanks for the photos ... Renegades new uniforms are very cool!

What Lee said! Love the "7" motif on the unis.

Excellent review overall. Thanks!


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Fabulous review. Spot on, in my view. Your criticism of BD was very accurate. The piano during the solos (in the opener) is too loud. They must be going for the Jazz Club kind of atmosphere and they're almost there! I have the audio from download and THAT is the balance they need to seek, it's simply wonderful, soothing and charged. Brass balance and ensemble is their current weakness but for BD this is a very easy fix! Still can't believe they added that much to their ending in 4 days. I also thought the early "1930" was anti-climatic in view of their formation in the closer. Just nit picking, but this is a superb production and another good shot at 13.

Edited by Plan9
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I am just a fan whose son marched a couple of years so I don't have the technical knowledge you all have. That being said both my wife and I said, as a whole, this is the best overall show we have seen in the four years of watching drum corps. Maybe thirty shows or so in person. Thank goodness for twitter so we knew in advance that the show would be delayed. At least for us the weather was fine by showtime then again I was not down on the field. Note to Bluecoats there are some people who should not wear spandex or whatever that top was made out of. Enjoyed the initial fan network show too. If the finals where in the west I would probably go. Indy is just a little far for the casual fan of limited means. Best of luck to all the corps.

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I don't know the purpose of the Bluecoats uni change, but in Rio Rancho on June 23 they were in all black, which was VERY effective. With the show title "Imagine," I had a moment of "Imagine if we just take off the stuff that labels us as Bluecoats and we're now more anonymous - do we still rock? YES!" At least that's how it felt to me.

With the colored shirt I'm not sure it works as well. But we'll see where this goes over the next few weeks.

Thanks for a great review!

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Thanks all for reading.

I agree NorCalDad, this was the best corps show I had been at in a long time. Every show was not only musically appealing, but was very entertaining.

As for the Bluecoats, yeah, I don't get the jacket thing. I think if they could do it in a little more "mystifying" way, alla SCV, then it would definitely give more effect.

And thanks Lee, good to hear from ya.

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