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Madison Scouts 2010 Cymbal Discussion

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I have only presented my feelings toward an action.

Now that your position is clear . . .where do we go from here?

I understand your thoughts with this, but what, exactly are next steps? DCP as a faceless sounding board may be good for getting your feelings out there initially, but, is there some way that you can see rectification of the issue? Further to that, is there a way to rectify your concerns?

Some of the solution here . . .whatever it may be . . .may have to come from your own alumni.

I'm betting that there are a ton of Scouts alumni on here that would be glad to talk to you, through a PM, a phone call or whatever else.

I'm not about to ask you to stop posting how you feel. However, it's equally as important here to sort out what you want to accomplish, and think of how that can be done. :tongue:

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It's generally understood that cymbal positions are tenuous in modern drum corps. One wanting to pursue such a position should have in mind that such positions may be relatively few, and expendable. The biggest concern I have in this affair is that the Scouts have been admitting or failing to produce members that have integrity. To take this personal issue to a public forum is illustrative of a certain lack of class that I have never associated with the Madison corps. So either the corps is failing to send alumni into society with decent character, or a few members here and there fail to live up to the character I know the corps has historically instilled in members. I tend to think it's the latter. So there were four members of the cymbal line and we now know that the particularly disgruntled one is teaching high school. If I'm reviewing that person's resume, why would I would want to hire someone or give them a role when I can see how ill-prepared they are for how both drum corps and life in general often work? Was this marching member guaranteed a position until age-out? I don't know if the Scouts require their members to audition each year, but what if this person lost his position to someone else. How disappointing that this person would want to come in here and spoil everyone else's excitement about the young drum corps season and to exhibit such a lack of class to a corps that had provided him such a wonderful opportunity.

This is comical. Have you seen the classless way that some old Scouts alums have carried themselves on this forum the past couple of years? And you're going to pick this guy, who has a legitimate concern/issue/complaint, and hold him up as an example of how the administration wasn't teaching the right thing? Ridiculous. A few bad apples (and I certainly wouldn't consider this guy a bad apple) does not mean the whole bunch is spoiled, and if we're being honest, it's the old alums on DCP that have been representing their corps with a lack of class.

Edited by liebot
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Matt, I don't think I attacked anybody. An unfortunate choice of words on your part.

Not at all. You accused this person of lacking integrity, class or character. You stated that either the corps had not provided him with these qualities or he was just a bad apple that wouldn't learn them, then made it clear you believed the latter. Simply because this kid shared with us his feelings on how he was treated, which is well within his right. You even called into question his current employment! All this about someone you've never met. If you don't consider your post to be an attack imagine for a moment that your own words were directed back at you. Would you honestly feel you'd deserved them? I doubt it.

Second, your premise is groundless. What makes you think I am either a fan or an alumnus of the Scouts?

Please. DCP has feature that allows you to view the post history of any member. Judging from your post I doubt that you are an alumnus, but I'd certainly call you a fan. And you're not the only fan/alum who I'd consider to be making personal attacks in this thread.

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Defend was the word you were looking for. Maybe our backs are raised a bit from the constant drive-by sniping we endure, and threads like this provide people with more opportunities to do just that. We, as alums, feel the need to defend the organization from the perpetual misrepresentation and spin we so often see on here. Not sure why that is so unreasonable.

I don't think I've seen anyone on here attacking this former member. Unless you considering contesting his assertions as untrue.

But also as alumni don't we need to speak out when we feel something wrong has been done?

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But also as alumni don't we need to speak out when we feel something wrong has been done?

Nope. Toe the party line. Madison can do no wrong and they're above criticism. Unfortunately, this isn't just limited to Madison and their alums. Other posters do the same for their own corps.

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Being p.o.'d that the corps doesn't have a real cymbal line and has put cymbals in the hands of guard members is a legitimate beef, imo.

Saying that you were "lied" to and "betrayed" when you were given a chance to at least try out for another section? Not cool at all.

that's pretty much the bottom line on this subject for me.

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But also as alumni don't we need to speak out when we feel something wrong has been done?

Absolutely. But speak out to those who can do something about it. Otherwise you aren't accomplishing anything except making yourself appear in a way you might not want AND provide cannon fodder for those who love having a reason to skewer the Scouts...baseless or not.

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Being told that the cymbal line was being eliminated for 2010... and then seeing a cymbal line - in whatever form - on the field would certainly constitute being "lied to" in my opinion.

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