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The Cavaliers 2011 Show

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Yes...it seems they're celebrating man-ness...so the center production number will feature the entire corps, accompanied by their pianist, in a rousing rendition of that great hit from 'Monty Python's The Meaning of Life: Isn't it wonderful to have a #####"

Everyone...sing-a-long now!

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Strangely, I thought the guitar riffs were great, though the tubas actually managed to sound weak next to them - not as much "oomph" as the guitars.


Well, I suppose the beauty of that show is there's something for everyone. To me, it came off as throwing a cheese-covered bone to the high school "OMG CAVIEZ!" crowd, much like the 2002 drum break.

A bit of an eye-roll moment for me, but, then again, I tend to be a bit cynical about stuff. "Smile" makes up for it, anyway. :smile:

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Xtraordinary Could you also read the full title as Extraordinary Man/Men? Not just Extraordinary.

its like one of those puzzles you read as a kid like:



it reads as head over heels. get it

I dont know just a thought.

Oo! I get it!

Maybe it'll all be music from the movie "League of Extraordinary Gentlemen" and they have Sean Connery lined up to MC the TOC events!


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Well, I suppose the beauty of that show is there's something for everyone. To me, it came off as throwing a cheese-covered bone to the high school "OMG CAVIEZ!" crowd, much like the 2002 drum break.

A bit of an eye-roll moment for me, but, then again, I tend to be a bit cynical about stuff. "Smile" makes up for it, anyway. :smile:

Well, we keep hearing how drum corps don't cater to the audience. :ph34r:

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B -

Sorry to drag the thread OT for a bit, but in defense of Fight Club, that sequence was the 3rd drum break in the song. The only reason I'm focused on this is I recently <finally!> learned the sheet music.

The first drum break was very much a modern DCI break - flam-drags, stick crosses and off-speed (five-let) passages, followed by a tenor break that emphasized scrape and crossover movement.

The second drum break is after the brass come back in with their screamy little passage, and is a pure old school drum break - triplets with backsticking, drum to drum and snare crossovers. The twist they throw in are the 16th note rolls, which snap it back to a "square" beat from a triplet one, back and forth.

Then of course, the Fight Club sequence, which is really the Everything and the Kitchen Sink, as far as the drum writing was concerned.

I know that's a lot more in-depth than we were talking, but I wanted to make the point that as far as the arranging goes, there was method to the madness, and while it was indeed more a vehicle to get the crowd up and jumping than displaying technical chops, they had already established that in the music at that point.

Sorry for the aside - back to the regular topic now. :shutup:

I can't wait to see their '11 show... :thumbup:


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