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"You guys need to do the technique. If you don't then you'll either hurt yourself and end your season, or you'll be popping ibuprofen until you're jaundice. So stand up- none of that hunt for red october s**t."

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"It needs to be dead on balls accurate."

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"What planet are you marching on, huh? What planet? It's not my planet, that's for sure! It looks more like planet -INSTRUCTOR-'s foot up my a--!"

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We have a past thread like this because I saved my personal favorites lol:

"Joey!! You're never gonna make a girl happy if you can't find the right hole"- Lanah Kopplin CR -06

The staff Winnebego was parked in front of the field the hornline was practicing on when a famous marching instructor (who I won't name) opened the door of the Winnebego as we were warming up, held open a Playboy magazine at the centerfold and said, "Horns to the box!"

"contras.. you sound like a frog farting upstream"

"Stick it like Prom Night!"

“Just think, if you work really hard you can wake up in an airconditioned ambulance and have the night off”

"You have to get down and dirty and play this big swing section really greasy. Think of the biggest, fattest, greasiest whore in all of New Orleans."

"Ask yourself "Self... am I playing with good tone quality?" if the answer is no... kick yourself in the nuts. "


"Don't look like I just kicked your dog. LIKE YOU, I DIDN'T KICK YOUR F***'n DOG!!"

“Color guard! That was about as graceful as a door!”

“Contras! Are you on drugs? Would getting some help?”

"Contras, how many of you have girlfriends???"

(almost none of them raise their hand)

"thats because you all blow everything you have in the first two seconds!"

"Hornline, it should sound like the heaven's are opening up...right now it sounds like McDonald's just opened up" - JD Shaw

"If you do that again I'll hang you by your eyelids and kick you in the nuts till you blink!"

Color Guard! I have tampons that stink less than that!


"but Coz it's raining out"


This is what you call a Grandma set, because if you miss it, everybody and their grandma can tell

DRUMLINE!..........That sounded like 2 skeletons f***k**g on a tin roof! Do it Again.....

haha, a few of those came from me

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"Hornline, it should sound like the heavens are opening up...right now it sounds like McDonald's just opened up" - JD Shaw

One of my favorites. That was in reference to a poor run-through of "King of Kings" from 2003, IIRC.

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