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In the event of a major economic collapse...

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Any rumors of a secret bunker under Lucas Oil Stadium?

Is so, Bill Belichek wants to know about it ASAP.

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I'm afraid that if Obama is re-elected for a second term, we will find out the answer to your question


I'm sure you're not naive enough, or too blinded by your personal politics, to understand that the current economic issues are due to politics that far preceded the current administration...

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In related news. What say you of the doomsday prediction of 2012. How would this effect the drum corps activity? Does DCI have some kind of plan to protect itself in the light of nuclear holocaust? Any rumors of a secret bunker under Lucas Oil Stadium?

I think DCI would thrive, but would have to drastically "reinvent" itself, as well as adapt performance technique styles to accommodate the walking zombies that will have taken over the earth. On the plus side, no pointless debates of G vs Bb, electronics vs. acoustics, etc. DCP will consist mainly of "apeoihfapsn dvoijweofidv brains aepoifhdn vkqwpeo fisdvn"

Edited by perc2100
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If DCI would downsize, and lower ticket prices, they would probably prosper. Because the one thing that always survives an economic downturn is entertainment. People need that psychological escape, especially in hard times.

Prosper?! I think it would be more probably that DCI would very quickly disappear, having no one that could afford tour fees, no corps could afford travel, no fans could afford ticket prices, etc. I think what's more likely is what someone else posted about DCI disappearing, and local, community bands/corps would pop up that would do very minimal stuff (symmetrical drill, marches/patriotic stuff, etc): i.e. we'd be back to old school drum corps. Life is often cyclical...

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Prosper?! I think it would be more probably that DCI would very quickly disappear, having no one that could afford tour fees, no corps could afford travel, no fans could afford ticket prices, etc. I think what's more likely is what someone else posted about DCI disappearing, and local, community bands/corps would pop up that would do very minimal stuff (symmetrical drill, marches/patriotic stuff, etc): i.e. we'd be back to old school drum corps. Life is often cyclical...

Question is, who would be sponsoring (IOW paying the bills) for the community groups? In the past AL, VFW, church and other service groups sponsored corps when the costs were less and the service groups were in better shape. Lot of those Posts and churchs have been closed for years and many of the survivors aren't what they used to be. Even if the only expensive is getting the instruments (no touring, t-shirts, slacks for unis) that cost is prohibitive for many groups. On top of that, the local community bands that are still around that I know of have a high average age and would really need to change how they go after new members.

Edited by JimF-LowBari
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Question is, who would be sponsoring (IOW paying the bills) for the community groups? In the past AL, VFW, church and other service groups sponsored corps when the costs were less and the service groups were in better shape. Lot of those Posts and churchs have been closed for years and many of the survivors aren't what they used to be. Even if the only expensive is getting the instruments (no touring, t-shirts, slacks for unis) that cost is prohibitive for many groups. On top of that, the local community bands that are still around that I know of have a high average age and would really need to change how they go after new members.

These are all good points, for sure, and I certainly don't have any answers. I just think that it would be more likely that IF there were a global economic collapse, after the dust settles and things calm down I think it is more likely that someone/some organization will step up and get this type of thing going MORE than DCI/drum corps as we currently know it existing in the midst of economic collapse.

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Prosper?! I think it would be more probably that DCI would very quickly disappear, having no one that could afford tour fees, no corps could afford travel, no fans could afford ticket prices, etc. I think what's more likely is what someone else posted about DCI disappearing, and local, community bands/corps would pop up that would do very minimal stuff (symmetrical drill, marches/patriotic stuff, etc): i.e. we'd be back to old school drum corps. Life is often cyclical...

Do a quick study on US history. During the great depression, during the two world wars, during all of the recessions, the entertainment industry has prospered. Again, it is a psychological need for people to temporarily escape their problems through concerts, movies, clubs, ... and if DCI did downsize to something like staying local and just making one long trip for all corps to Finals, lowering performer fees considerably, lowering ticket prices considerably, they would survive an economic depression. Alas, though, many corps during this current recession want to cannibalize instead of downsize, so there is fodder to believe that DCI would collapse instead of downsize in a major economic downturn.

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Do a quick study on US history. During the great depression, during the two world wars, during all of the recessions, the entertainment industry has prospered. Again, it is a psychological need for people to temporarily escape their problems through concerts, movies, clubs, ... and if DCI did downsize to something like staying local and just making one long trip for all corps to Finals, lowering performer fees considerably, lowering ticket prices considerably, they would survive an economic depression. Alas, though, many corps during this current recession want to cannibalize instead of downsize, so there is fodder to believe that DCI would collapse instead of downsize in a major economic downturn.

Thanks for the pseudo-history lesson, but lets be more specific when going for condescension: radio and popular film thrived during the great depression. I'm sure you remember that radio in the 1930's was essentially what TV is today (with drama, comedy, talk, and news programs). The music industry, I'm sure you'll recall, was decimated by The Great Depression, and almost completely collapsed. In fact, you know what was a popular alternative to fossil fuel when it came time to keeping warm? BURNING records/phonographs! The majority of record companies went out of business during the Great Depression (the ones that survived mostly stopped production of records and produced radios and radio programs).

Millions of Americans did, however, enjoy listening to music. For free.

This of course led to the birth of jazz in America, even if it did take half a decade to take a hold in the culture with many of the US's large 'markets' (New York, Chicago, etc) embracing the music. It literally took the birth of new technology (FM radio, which was able to reach a far larger audience than previously) AND a new art form/expression of music to break through during the middle of the Depression; and even then very few musicians made money/broke even as performers. I'm sure you're not implying that drum corps has any sort of impact on modern society as the invention of FM radio & jazz!

Edited by perc2100
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If DCI would downsize, and lower ticket prices, they would probably prosper. Because the one thing that always survives an economic downturn is entertainment. People need that psychological escape, especially in hard times.

I couldn't have said it better.

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