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A request for the Blue Devils

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I didn't realize this was Facebook, thanks for going through every post i've ever made and putting a dislike

on it hahaha, and I find my meme very hilarious thank you very much, quite puntastic. now if you have no real argument to back up your flawed request, or unable to have a right minded discussion with me, please, refrain from acting like a 13 year old you tuber that dislikes everything :thumb up:

once again, I did not completely misunderstand your post, you said that it would be ok for BD to have a 4th or 5th place show, as long as it was entertaining. with the word "entertaining" being a very generalized word, there are many different forms of entertainment. personally 2010 BD is a favorite of mine just because how emotional people get over it, now i call that GE! to ask that BD go back and do a older style show would be non productive and would be a step backwards in progression terms. "complacency kills" is a quote that i believe describes BD attitude, do something new and exciting every year, something fresh!

I would like to have a civil discussion about this but when you say i have a lack of respect for the kids, kinda ruins the whole, civil, part of it. I respect the kids of the activity because how much faith they put into their staff's and organizations, which you should try doing. I believe the staff at BD knows what is best for their organization and not some DCP forum wanderer.

It's an unfortunate, but hilarious picture in my opinion!

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I meant every word. Just because it's improv, patterns, thick chords doesn't mean it's atonal. Something doesn't have to have a melody to be tonal. Actually a good portion of BD's 2010 show was still tonal.

Yes jazz artists probably more than anyone else explore that line between tonality and atonality. I will give you that. But it is still very tonal music.

I stand by my previous post.

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I didn't realize this was Facebook, thanks for going through every post i've ever made and putting a dislike

on it hahaha, and I find my meme very hilarious thank you very much, quite puntastic. now if you have no real argument to back up your flawed request, or unable to have a right minded discussion with me, please, refrain from acting like a 13 year old you tuber that dislikes everything :thumb up:

Pot calling the kettle black here.

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It's an unfortunate, but hilarious picture in my opinion!

I too, like stevedb1975 find it offensive. Though I blame Jolesch for it. It was irresponsible and unprofessional of them to publish the photo. Ever since I saw the photo, I have vowed to never support Jolesch Photography again. As for bariman321's photo with his text over the top of the photo? Just bad. :thumbdown:

Edited by bmjfelts1988
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I can see the headlines now : BIG FIGHT IN VEGAS. MANGIONE VS. MARSALIS. WINNER TO TAKE ON FURGUSON! and yes I'm just kidding.

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Can I just say that Stan Kenton's City of Glass Album is not very accesible. I've listened to the whole album start to finish and I couldn't get through it. Sure it's very creative music, performed very well by the orchestra. But that stuff is not my cup of tea.

I also have to say that BD's arrangements were very very very true to the originals. Right down to the bass line and even the feel and groove the percussion laid down.

But to expect people to like and be able to listen to that show is just ridiculous. Yeah there will be people who enjoy that, because that music might be their cup of tea. But that is obviously the minority.

When the BD designers wrote that show they in no way had the fans in mind. How could they possibly? I mean the music they chose to play still isn't a very popular album. Well popular, but I guess you can say infamous. Atonality just isn't the majority of people's cup of tea. Especially in the jazz world.

I respect and have even studied and written atonal music. But it just isn't for me. It is extrememly creative and that has to be recognized.

But I don't want to hear it on a football field when I am there to be entertained. And with BD i was not entertained.

But this post doesn't speak for 2008, 2009, and 2011, other years I was not entertained. (08 and 11 I recognize are more accesible shows, but they just weren't to me)

replace every use of "people" and "the fans" with "me" and "I".

it's hard to take anybody seriously who tries to speak as a THE VOICE of either the majority and the minority.....and you're doing both.

thank goodness for diversity on the field is all I have to say.

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All Kenton Show! Who's with me!!!!!!!

If the all-Kentown show starts with Hugo Montenegro's "Fanfare," with a pizazz akin to Guardsmen 1979, l I will personally show up and help prepare lunch from the cook truck.

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Well, the Cavies' opener that year was titled "Melody"... :tongue:


true. and except for finals, it seemed the drumline could play "shave and a haircut....two bits" as opposed to finals which was "shave and a haircut...two ticks"

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replace every use of "people" and "the fans" with "me" and "I".

it's hard to take anybody seriously who tries to speak as a THE VOICE of either the majority and the minority.....and you're doing both.

thank goodness for diversity on the field is all I have to say.

ugh. not again.

he has a right to an opinion about what he thinks the majority (or minority) might think. this whole line of argument is just another way to try to stifle opinion on DCP. your post (however well-intentioned) is just another way to shout down / ridicule / marginalize opinions you happen to disagree with.

i think most people on DCP like drum corps. do i have personal knowledge of how each person thinks? of course not but it's a reasonable conclusion to make.

when you go to a movie, you often have an impression if the audience liked / disliked a film. does this mean "i think the audience was really moved by end of the movie" an invalid opinion? of course not. am i claiming that every single audience member was moved? of course not.

kickhalts should be perfectly free to express his opinions about how most people reacted to a show. it's just his opinion and not objective fact. other people in the same audience may disagree with him. his observations may be colored by the prism of his personal preferences.

but it's *his* perception. why should he not permitted to express it?

after all, most of what's posted on these forums is just opinion.

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based on crowd reaction, I'll say at least 50/50 liked it, and I'm being very generous to the 50 that liked it.


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