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Master Chef + Drum Corps?

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It's come a LONG way from filling ten baskets at Costco with Chef Boyardee ravioli, Lucky Charms and Oreos....and 10 loaves of bread...AND PB and J!!!

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Getting Top Chef to do it with the kitchen truck and ingredients on hand and not just do a "tasting menu" (itty bitty portions) would be a challenge. These corps chefs are amazing at stretching a budget and creating 3+ meals a day for 150 people. Kudos to them!

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It's come a LONG way from filling ten baskets at Costco with Chef Boyardee ravioli, Lucky Charms and Oreos....and 10 loaves of bread...AND PB and J!!!

Oh, absolutely yes! In 1975 and 1976, the cook vehicle for Cavaliers was...well, there wasn't a cook vehicle. All the food that was transported was kept in the bus bays and some on the equipment truck. In 1977, the corps bought a very small pop-up camper and that allowed the cooking crew to put out some Coleman stoves to heat up stuff from cans. Breakfasts were always cold milk purchased that morning and doughnuts from a local bakery.

Betty Traves, the woman who was the DCI nurse for ages, (remember the MASH Unit?), told me during an interview that the reason kids didn't faint as much as in the first years of DCI was due to nutrition being so much better. In those early years, it was common for a few kids from many corps to faint after they got off the field. They held it together to make it through the performance and then couldn't hold it together any longer.

I was interviewing her in Madison in the mid-1980s as she watched the members come off the field. She'd say something like, "See the third from the left in the fourth row of horns? He's going to go down." And then she went and walked behind him and mere seconds later, he collapsed into her arms. I asked her how she did that and she said she looked at their eyes, scanning everyone as they came off. I found that hard to believe, but she did that many times during the interview, so there was something to it.

Anyhow, she said the rate the kids went down in the mid-1980s wasn't nearly what it was in the 1970s because corps for the most part stopped feeding their kids convenient junk. Instead of dealing with multiple kids in many corps, she only had to deal with perhaps one per corps. Today, you don't hear of that happening much at all. In Allentown, I interview corps staff about their shows as the corps comes off and I personally haven't witnessed anyone go down from exhaustion or lack of nutrition when they came off the field.

I have witnessed kids go down due to ankle or leg injuries, which I didn't see much of (if at all) in the earlier years. With the whiplash drills, lunges, leaps and other body sculpturing we have now, sometimes someone steps wrong and it's all over. But that's a topic for another thread and perhaps someone would like to open one up to discuss that.

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I'd like to see a DCI corps kitchen truck food competition either at one of the regionals or at Finals week. Give each corps crew a time limit, their resources and have them create a meal that would be served to their corps, with judges and tasters. Make it a formal award - give it out at Semis or Finals.


They had something like this during the TOC tour through California in 2004. They had the bus and truck drivers be the judges and they picked BD as the winner.

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Am I the only nerd who read the thread title as "Master CHIEF + Drum Corps"... and wondered who had announced a Halo-themed show???


Ok, carry on.


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Am I the only nerd who read the thread title as "Master CHIEF + Drum Corps"... and wondered who had announced a Halo-themed show???


Ok, carry on.


Funny you mention that, because the 2009 Sun Devils totally did a Halo (and other video game music) show. Their drum major was even dressed up as Master Chief.

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I have to say how absolutely amazed I am at the food truck crew and their ability to crank out four meals a day for 225 people on tour...and the food is GREAT!

Since there's a reality show about everything else under the sun, why not one about drum corps? I know a certain videographer who would do a great job *cough* rcawth *cough*. I think it would definitely do well and show people just how much of an ###-kicking drum corps tours really are. Dramatic moments happen all the time...bus breakdowns, staff arguments, issues with the locals, the food truck loses power or the delivery doesn't show up on time, souvie truck doesn't make a dime and the tour director needs $5000 to fix something... What's not to love?

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I'd like to see a DCI corps kitchen truck food competition either at one of the regionals or at Finals week. Give each corps crew a time limit, their resources and have them create a meal that would be served to their corps, with judges and tasters. Make it a formal award - give it out at Semis or Finals.


So who will feed the kids that day? If the cook truck is not at the housing site to feed the kids, other arrangements must be made. Are we all willing to step to the plate and write a big fat check to cover the cost of a catered meal for 225 people in each corps while the cook trucks do this? It would cost a little over $100,000 to cater meals for all of the corps to make this happen at a regional.

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