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Crown reminds me of 80s Garfield Cadets

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Yep, this year's uniform reminded of of star '93 right off the bat.

I thought that was intentional because they also have that big angry Star 93 note at the end, the lack of color and the cubes in the guard as opposed to the plain metal triangles

Sort of an homage, wink, tip of the cap, tribute or whatever

So was it intentional?

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I think Crown 2012 would also win many times in the 80s. :thumbup:

Well, except for the 22 extra people on the field. And the wrongly keyed brass. The amps. The synths. The pre-show.

Okay, forget I said anything. :w00t:


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That picture of Crown's snares there is not very flattering... not just looking at the sticks and hands... but the feet, and the plume on the one in the center is really bugging me. ph34r.gif

But yeah I get a Star and Cadets feel fromt his show. Like Bawker said, I really get a Cadets 92/93 feel also. But with a mix of Star from the same time. The uniforms are similar, and there is a mello lick in the opener that just screams Star. Or Cadets. Lol.

It is interesting to look at Star, Cadets, Crown and look at all the staff similarities.

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Oh look, another thread about how good Crown's brass is.

I *knew* there was someone else I meant to block... :thumbup:

I agree with whoever said the drill felt more like Cadets of Bergen County than Garfield Cadets. And the harmonies involved are very different from what Crown's been putting on the field for the past decade if not longer. And the climax with the scalene triangle and the huge brass moment from the trill in the trumpets to the melody in the contras and baris and the soaring mellos definitely brings back memories of Star.

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Oh look, another thread about how good Crown's brass is.

Am I the only one who just thinks Crown is like Crown? Their percussion, while very tasty, is dirty and a totally different technique than what Star and Cadets had going (same writer, different playing technique). And what's this marching similarity now? Crown still looks frantic and their technique is awful on the move (which is why they march halftime or stop altogether when playing difficult stuff). Cadets in the 80's had a controlled chaos to them, which was all the more impressive when you realized they were doing things no one else did. And Star had a beautiful symmetry/anti-symmetry to their drill that is rarely matched.

Man, Star didn't learn to march until 92. They looked just as messy doing Zingali drill in 91 when they won .. as Crown does now. Marching like Star did in 93 or Cadets did for many years before that ... that stuff takes time. It's a progression.

Some ppl have talked about the counter rotating diamonds that is "so cool" ... Almost the same effect as Star's rotating X's or "crosses" that switch half way thru the move to be counter movements in 93 during Medea? Leon May is a product of that Era. The corps is heavily influenced by both Cadets and Star. Leon aged out of Cadets the year i marched there. He went on to be a visual tech with Cadets for many years after that. I'm sure those great shows of his Era and the the first years that he taught weigh heavy on his design elements ... in every show he writes.

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I think he was comparing Crown's uniform to the '93 uniform, you bunch of smart-#####. :tongue: Those I think would be pretty close to each other

Thank you Fbone! I am vindicated. :smile:




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I've always thought Crown was much more comparable to Star also. This year especially with the 'stereo' tymps at each endzone. Heard that, mind immediately went STAR! I remember that!

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