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Why cant SCV be in the mix with the top 3

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Does it honestly matter?

They have the most enjoyable show in the top 5... thats all that should matter.

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I would say most areas of their design is as complex as others - certainly their drill, guard and drums, maybe not their brass. Their problem is excellence and slotting.

Part of their problem is excellence, but what you consider "slotting" is really just because of excellence: Cadets, Crown, and BD are currently well-above SCV from an excellence standpoint.

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On the surface, that sounds good. But, remember that the execution is relative to how difficult the routine is. A corps can execute something flawlessly, but it must be balanced with the difficulty of the routine. What would stop a corps from playing easy clean music if the repertoire wasn't a large part of the scoring process?

or to be more specific, design is typically a full 50% of each sheet. If, say, Crown is achieving more in brass than SCV (they are), AND their rep. is perceived as more difficult and effective (it is), then they will likely score higher in Brass, Music Analysis, and probably Music Effect. When all things are equal as far as performance excellence, the unit who is achieving a book with a higher degree of difficulty will likely get the nod on both sides of the sheet

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They can't be in the mix with the top 3, because their staff are not as adept at schmoozing the judges...

...or maybe they just need to be much cleaner.


Probably the second, but possibly the first. A brilliant staffer who can "work" the judges in critique will get their unit further than a staffer who is not good (or downright dreadful) in critique. The art of critique (for both a judge & designer/staffer) is a very fine skill set that some have problems with. It's one of those "uncomfortable truths" that the most idealistic of fans hope isn't really the case, but it can very well mean the difference in a tenth or two (which could sway a placement, or even a championship).

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It is very interesting hearing some bold statements from people that the top 3 have such a superior production. What I don't hear is facts to back up the statement. Moving and playing is one demand that they present that I don't see in the caption placements or scores as well, there is no doubt that Cadets play and move probably better than all of them! Crowns horn line moves to floor and holds there horns one handed and layers on lower body movement--while playing. BD has a segment that the horn line goes to the floor but they don't play. Next time you watch BD tell me how many time they follow the leader in a circle around the Mayberry pole at a step size les than 8 to 5, is this innovative drill or staging? How often do they play and move or is it just moving while the Jamming drum kit is playing in the pit. These are the analysis I am making and the judges should be looking at as well and I don't see it in the caption placements and spreads!

To be blunt, the facts are in the recaps. It doesn't take an advanced degree to analyze a recap sheet and see how judges seem to consistently say that Cadets, BD, and Crown are almost a wash from a design standpoint and everyone else in DCI is not quite in the same ballpark.

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I don't know if they're a fan friendly or not, but no one can say SCV isn't trying!

I think this is likely going to be THE fan favorite of the season. In terms of energy and connecting with the audience, when I saw them in DeKalb (essentially Phantom/Cavies homer central) SCV got the biggest crowd reaction, just slightly ahead of Crown and Cadets.

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Does it honestly matter?

They have the most enjoyable show in the top 5... thats all that should matter.

At some levels, yes. I'd imagine many corps are going to incorporate elements from "winning" shows, so if a show you say is the "most enjoyable in the top 5" can't win, you'll never see too many of them but rather more of the less enjoyable ones.

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EXACTLY!! Our enjoyment should have nothing (or at least very little) to do with scores/placements.

You were on a roll until you posted this. Audience Engagement is on the sheets. I already posted at length about how SCV is a legit contender for #1 in GE Music, and Audience Engagement is #1 on the sheet. This was done ON PURPOSE for the SOLE REASON to reward shows JUST LIKE SCV IS DOING.

That the judges refuse to understand it is a different issue entirely, but consider yourself learned.

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I would say most areas of their design is as complex as others - certainly their drill, guard and drums, maybe not their brass. Their problem is excellence and slotting.

incorrect. I'd say visual is an issue, and while brass has power, there are issues. First year, new arranger, techs etc...brass may take a little time to gel. Drumline is on season 3 of Paul. It's a beast, but the fact that the book is so musical may actually hurt it......too often musicality is not rewarded downstairs.

and really, to take it to the next level, the theme needs fleshed out. Great it's Les Miz. Enjoy the show to no end....but it's lacking that one thing to takeit over the emotional edge...which in turn could drive uit's scores up.


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