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Winston-Salem Scores!

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As an aside, you should see some of the "interesting" and not-so-nice email I got for expressing my opinion on this issue.

Beleive it or not, I got some hate mail for my review of Winston-Salem, accusing me of glossing over the bad, and reviewing corps to "soft" because I wanted Finals down here.

So, I would like to formally state for the record, I don't care where Finals '06 goes. Period. Would it be cool to only drive 20 minutes to it? Sure.

But, I'm willing to drive to PA, CT, NY, a Canadian Baskin-Robbins, a mudhole in Bangor, Maine, an abandoned barn in Rhode Island or a fishin' hole in West Virginia. Wherever. I'm down with DCA like that. :)

I hope that clears that up. ^0^

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That's such a cool attitude, and I wish I had the finances to join you!

Although a mudhole in Bangor, Maine...my in-laws live in Maine. It wouldn't surprise me if it was snowing in Bangor by Labor Day! :P

Beleive it or not, I got some hate mail for my review of Winston-Salem, accusing me of glossing over the bad, and reviewing corps to "soft" because I wanted Finals down here.

So, I would like to formally state for the record, I don't care where Finals '06 goes. Period. Would it be cool to only drive 20 minutes to it? Sure.

But, I'm willing to drive to PA, CT, NY, a Canadian Baskin-Robbins, a mudhole in Bangor, Maine, an abandoned barn in Rhode Island or a fishin' hole in West Virginia. Wherever. I'm down with DCA like that.  :)

I hope that clears that up.  ^0^

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However, after seeing LMS-S, and the W-S show, she wants to see more senior corps. She thinks the Renegades are "cool", and loved that Heat Wave played songs that she knew. She was happy to be there, and said it was her favorite show ever. No kidding. It's like she became the drum corps wife I always wanted. :P

If a drum corps neophyte like her can "get" DCA....and this is after me trying to get her to like the junior drum corps idiom for years, imagine what we can do across the country with a Winston-Salem (or other location in the Midwest, South, wherever) venue.

I think your wife has excellent taste!!

Seriously, had an amazing time both at LMS-S and performing before an appreciative, albeit wet, crowd. That place had great energy!

BTW, thanks for the T-shirt Lee. Wore it home to Tampa. Was previously a huge fan of the 'Gades, but now I think I've turned fully to the dark side! Will wear my Renegod shirt to guard rehearsal tonite and channel the energy of Ron, Diane, Lisa, Ms. Kanika and the rest of the fab Reneguard. Thanks for blowing me away!!


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That's such a cool attitude, and I wish I had the finances to join you!

Although a mudhole in Bangor, Maine...my in-laws live in Maine. It wouldn't surprise me if it was snowing in Bangor by Labor Day!  :P

she's not kidding :blink:

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Absolutely.  If you can't have honest disagreements with your friends, then what do you got?  A gaggle of yes-men ... lol.

FYI, while Jeff and I were having this debate on here and RAMD, we were also simultaneously exchanging emails laughing and hyping about other aspects of the show, the scores, all the corps etc.  I am sure at one point he got frustrated with me, and vice versa.  But, we are still friends, and it's all good.

As I wrote on here earlier, we all need to get out of the mindset that an open discussion and even occassional public disagreements are a bad thing ... or somehow mean that you are being hostile for expressing a contrary view.  A friendly and open discussion is a good thing for everyone, and many good points were raised on here by many people, on both sides of the issue.

As an aside, you should see some of the "interesting" and not-so-nice email I got for expressing my opinion on this issue.

you didn't frustrate me at all. actually i was hoping to frustrate you :P

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All I know is, as has been pointed out already:

Total Number of Dumb ### Redneck Kneejerk Cops Hassling Fans in Winston Salem: ZERO.

(This message brought to you by the "ANYWHERE but SCRANTON" Foundationâ„¢)

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(This message brought to you by the "ANYWHERE but SCRANTON" Foundationâ„¢)

and it has already been well established that 2006 won't be in Scranton.

unless you people who keep harping on the downsides of Scranton are thinking about boycotting Scranton for 2005, can we just let the Scranton issue go? because Scranton for 2006 is a NON-issue.

i said it before, if you say something negative about W-S it seems to come off, both on here and RAMD, that you hate drum corps, progress and just about everything else. BUT it is perfectly fine to bash Scranton til the cows come home. what is it that people are saying about W-S? if you don't like it fine, don't come, we won't miss you. imagine if we turned that same statement on the Scranton haters. :blink:

interesting reversal IMO.

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Would really like to go to WS just to move the activity around a bit...........BUT..........considering the bids submitted..........and the overall picture .........I'm willing to bet...........SYRACUSE will be it for 2006.

Just my thoughts.......... :)

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