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You know you have Corps in your blood when?

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There are those things that immediately trigger some sort of corps related memory or Pavlovian response. What are they for you?

You know drum corps is really in your blood when...

Here's a few of mine:

-When you see Stuart Shulman (SCV's Drum Major) handing Rondinaro his b-day cake during the Quarters broadcast and you immediately think, "HEY! He's not allowed to handle food in uniform!" :blink:

-When you rewind a movie you're watching for the first time so you can listen to a part the soundtrack again and mentally design a corps show to it.

-When you smell diesel exhaust in Texas in December and for split second you look for the corps bus that just might be responsible for it. (When there probably haven't been any touring corps busses in the area for 5 months!)

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When I was in the army, diesel fumes reminded me of drum corps.

Now that I've been a civilian for a number of years, the smell of diesel remind sme of the army. Go figure.

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I was driving through DC the other day and saw a guy flipping around a piece of wood (maybe a rifle) like it was a rifle and my first thought was 'I wonder if he marched anywhere'.

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You know you really have drum corps in your blood when you're at a symphony concert, and they do a great performance, you want to stand up for the last 10 seconds or so and start clapping and cheering WAY BEFORE the final release.

I really felt the urge to do this a year and a half ago, as the U-M symphony orchestra was finishing up Pines of the Appian Way. It was awesome, I wanted to get up and start clapping early, but I knew people might look at me funny...

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When you look at the nice new (as in: they're laying it down right now) hardwood floor in your living room and think you could be somewhat comfortabe on it the next time you snore so badly your wife kicks you downstairs so she can gtet some sleep!!

Edited by 84BDsop
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Diesel fumes all the time.

Biggest reminder I ever had was when I was in houston for a friends wedding. To aviod the sun n heat on the drive home I left at 10pm. at about 2 am after gassing up I pulled onto the interstate only to see the Cadets busses cruising by.

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I live in Orlando, the land of bus transportation. However, when I see three or four busses running together, my first thought is, "Which drum corps is going through town?" I love it when I get to a show site and see those caravans moving through.

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1. You are walking down the street with your friends and you try to stay on the same foot.

2. You walk down the street to the tympo in your head.

3. You always carry an umbrela long enough to spin and toss a quad.

4. You ware your drum corps gear in non drum corps settings hoping someone will reconize it and strike up an conversation about drum corps.

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