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Kids in Alumni Corps

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I guess I don't get it. There's too many arguments to be made about it. I mean, when I hear the term "Alumni Corps" I think to myself "ok, alums of that said corps." Chances are half of the people in the Alumni Corps didn't perform with the corps that they're supposed to be alumni of. Ok, sorry about that, it's just always been something I found amusing.

From what I've read and heard a lot of Alumni groups started as 100% ex-members. A few were even non-performing groups that bought instruments later. But the big problem is the corps that no longer have a competing unit (Marksmen, Lancers, etc). As members age and drop out there is no one to come in to keep the corps going. As a result the corps dies a second time. :( It was open up the ranks or else eventually fold. As far as using "Alumni" in the name.... yeah it is confusing and think it does hold people back from joining as they think the corps might have a ex-member only policy. When I first saw the Lancers I thought that was the case until I heard that there were HS'ers in the ranks and I knew the corps stopped competing before the HS'ers could march.

Interesting, can't find the thread I started on new term for Alumni corps. :( Must have gotten clobbered in one of the server cleanups.

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I always thought of Alumni Corps as the last stop in the progression, not the first. I don't think any Alumni Corps was established to be the training grounds for DCI or DCA.

Maybe it's just me, but I would not have the same impression of Hawthorne Alumni if I saw 15 year olds in their ranks.

Another problem I have seen with kids in Alumni Corps is, they tend to put the needs of the corps last on their list of priorities. School sports, band, school work, competitive corps that they may be involved with are all higher on their list. Along with, they just don't feel like it today. To the contrairy of what Shadow7 stated, I have never seen a kid that made a good solid dependable member in Alumni Corps.

I agree with you.

I know the Rebels had alot of spots open because the kids in our corps put the corps last.

Either you're in or you're out!

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I don't think there is any true correct answer to this question. I know when I joined Reilly which was exactly 4 years ago Dec. 20th. I remember a couple of the really old timers weren't so pleased. Yet I think now they realized the importance that younger members, are what will be keeping the corps around for the long haul.

In my personal opinion. They only instance that kids under 18 should be allowed in alumni corps is when they are over 15 and one or both parents are already vetern active members of the corps. In my opinion.

I'll be hanging my shingle at Reilly until I'm pushing up daisies.

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I mean, what difference does it make if the adults swear and drink. Chances are, if their parents are bringing them to rehearsal, the kids have seen it before. Just watch 10 minutes of TV, you'll find it somewhere. That being said, I don't see why adults would have to restrict behavior.
Good point. I can understand those hesitant b/c if it is an alumni corps, the members should be alumni of something. On the other hand, if the kids can't afford the money, time, or both required to fully participate in a Jr or all age corps AND are willing to COMMIT to the alumni corps, they should be welcome. Encourage them to participate in Jr, but welcome them to the family.
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Just out of curiousity, how many of us in "Senior" corps are marching with our kids?

My 16 year old son will be marching with me this year with RCR. :)

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The kids in our corps are all children of members.

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I'm sorry, why are kids marching alumni corps a problem? What is the average age of an alumni corps member now a days? I've marched 17 years with the Cabs but will be turning 36 this season. Not yet ready for Alumni and I probably have another 10 years before I consider alumni if ever. There must be tons of other memebers in all corps in the same position as me. If we don't fill in the ranks, how many others are going to? There are more an more younger kids getting involved in the competeing all aged corps now. Meaning longer competetive memberships. How long does the average alumni member hang around? Seems to me restricking membership to only aged alumni is cutting of your nose to spite your face. In fact I am seeing quite a few alumni returning to competeing corps also.

AS successful as the DCA and Alumni circuits may seem, I don't think any corps should look a gift horse in the mouth when it comes to available and committed members regardless of age. And like Jeff said, although some of the kids might break in their baby teeth in an alumni corps and move onto all aged or DCI, they will remember their roots as long as they got something out of the experience there.

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i knew i liked you Josh.

and like many of us said, there's no reason to not do DCi when the time and cash comes. but if there isn;t the time or cash, there are other alternatives.

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