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Bugler's Holiday - Nashua, NH, Review

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Very nice guard costumes this year.

Not only a great review, but you used the word "costume" instead of uniform........just the icing on the cake.


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Not only a great review, but you used the word "costume" instead of uniform........just the icing on the cake.


Yeah, I'm of the older generation that sometimes misses those uniforms, too ...

one of the reasons I have always wanted to hear "Windmills of Your Mind" on the field ...

... no, I'm not going to go there ...

There is some good stuff happening out there today, too, and I am going to try to stay focused on that.

My very perceptive grandson said something to me on the way home about "those rifles that they spun wicked fast" and I said, Huh? I totally missed this. From what he was describing I think he was talking about Southwind. Can somebody tell me if they have a sequence where they spin the rifles double-time in the lower right front (audience right) corner of the field? If not, which corps is this? Spirit? Boston? I want to make sure I do not miss this again.

Also, after the kids dropped off to sleep on the way home, I started thinking about the missing encore. I know DCI makes decisions on these. And it occurs to me that it was the missing Division I corps ... Kiwanis Kaveliers was originally listed for this show. It saddens me to realize what is passing before our eyes.

The empty places on the field.

So, I want to let Kiwanis Kaveliers know that they are missed ...

and Troopers,

and Americanos,

and Allegiance Elite,

and Les Stentors,

and Pride of the Lions,

and Lake Erie Regiment

and all those who are inactive this year ...

I salute you and hope to see you on the field again next year.

As a former member of two corps, (one large that everyone remembers and one very small that gave me my start and who lives only in the memories of those of us who marched) who now exist only in the record books and the history of the corps ...

I stand in support of those kids who march today. Thank You.

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Old Guard, in answer to your "rifles spinning wicked fast" question...... :)

It happens during Boston's percussion feature, and it is pretty amazing.....BAC's guard goes to 20 flags and 20 rifles, with the rifles coming forward in a wedge-like shape up front on Side 2 (stage right, looking at the field). I watched them practice this for hours during their move-in in New Hampshire, and I'm still not quite sure what this is.....but, I think it is actually a one-handed flip in between each regular spin, kind of a 21st century version of the old "one-handed doubletime" from the late 70's. It is squeaky clean and very impressive, and the fact that a newcomer to the activity (your grandson) picked up on it is awesome.

I agree with you that Boston is great fun to watch this year, and you can look for more effect moments in their show to appear as the season progresses. Glad to see they're getting some decent numbers, and the audiences so far seem to agree.

The next time they're in New England is their home show in Lawrence, MA on August 2nd. Hope you can make it with your new drum corps fans!

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Old Guard, in answer to your "rifles spinning wicked fast" question...... :)

It happens during Boston's percussion feature, and it is pretty amazing.....BAC's guard goes to 20 flags and 20 rifles, with the rifles coming forward in a wedge-like shape up front on Side 2 (stage right, looking at the field). I watched them practice this for hours during their move-in in New Hampshire, and I'm still not quite sure what this is.....but, I think it is actually a one-handed flip in between each regular spin, kind of a 21st century version of the old "one-handed doubletime" from the late 70's. It is squeaky clean and very impressive, and the fact that a newcomer to the activity (your grandson) picked up on it is awesome. ...

Thanks for the heads up. Sounds like I must have been in never-never land to have missed this. At least my grandson was paying attention. Guess I better bring him with me more often. I will be watching for this in future. I knew I missed a lot in their performance.

I have been looking at the schedule to find another couple of shows to bring the kids to this summer. I've already decided on Bridgeport for Div II/III and am looking for a short enough Div I show for their ages and attention spans. I saw the Lawrence Show. Has this decrepid (sorry, but this was true) stadium really been renovated that much?

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My information from people in BAC's management is that it is a BRAND NEW stadium, with new seating, turf, and lighting. I think if you visit www.crusaders.com, there may be some photos of it somewhere. I know I've seen pics of the renovations somewhere (maybe it was in the Crusaders newsletter) and I'm pretty excited about the venue. That particular show will also include the Cavies, btw. Should be a great time.

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Every time we say "wicked" all the non-New Englanders out there probably just shake their heads! :)

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