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Everything posted by craiga

  1. Congratulations, Boston Crusaders! I am so proud of each and every one of you! DEVORATE EOS, BOSTONIA!
  2. Boston has had a big enough challenge getting our former Cadets members to march on the proper foot. Just kidding.....those kids have been great! 😀
  3. We really need to bring some of these swamp shows back to New England. Here in Saco, Maine, it is 70 degrees with a light breeze coming out of Quebec and low humidity....and it's late July in the beauty afternoon! And, even though I'm on the coast of Maine, I'm less than 90 minutes north of Boston!
  4. Actually, history would have been made last night, had one judge not put BAC in 5th place (Visual Proficiency). Interestingly, in what has been a strong caption for Boston. I never complain about judges or scores. So I won't. 😀
  5. For the record, Boston's hoops are not hula hoops. They are 6 feet in diameter and made of metal.
  6. Do we know if we have a full panel tonight, with all the airport delays and cancelations yesterday and today? Also, do we have double GE panels tonight? I just hate that J. Missing guy.
  7. Today's corps members are amazing brass players, drummers, guard members and athletes. I vividly recall kids grabbing a quick cigarette during breaks when I marched 45 years ago. Today's kids are far superior to those of decades ago....no question.
  8. I'm liking Boston's chances in this show. Good thing I'm retired....these late nights to this East Coaster are brutal. 😀
  9. I agree with many of your points, but I would like to add one thing. Crown has an unquestionably high talent level on the field. If I were a Crown member or parent, I would wonder why a drum corps who moved in to spring training a full week earlier than BD, Bloo or Boston still doesn't have it's closer on the field on July 16th. I realize that I don't have a dog in this hunt, but it would make me wonder.
  10. No, you are not alone. Their lack of actual visual design this year is shocking.
  11. If it's going to be one of those brutal 7+ hour rides, corps sometimes just leave a drum major with a couple support staff with a car at the show and send the convoy on the way. It's a great way to get the members and staff to their destination a couple hours early. The difference between pulling in to your next housing at 4 am versus 6 am is huge.
  12. I literally agree with every single word of this post. Spacewill, you nailed it!
  13. Someone's gotta say it: 1. Boston 2. Bluecoats 3. Blue Devils 4. Crown 5. Phantom Regiment 6. Mandarins 7. Santa Clara 8. Cavaliers 9. Blue Stars
  14. I actually think I read somewhere last winter that Jeff Prosperie is back on Phantom's perc staff on some capacity.
  15. Or, put this way: this is arguably the most talented, best designed and efficiently taught Boston Crusaders in their 84 year history.
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