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Impact on DCI

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Thinking of this while watching Ernesto head toward Rochester just before DCA Championships and realizing 5th Anniversary of the 9/11 attacks is tomorrow.

What would be the impact on DCI, corps, members, fans, etc if Finals got cancelled one year for any reason? Most of my ideas are $$$$$ oriented but would like to hear thoughts on all areas.

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I'm just taking a wild, wacky guess here, but if something came up necessitating the cancellation of the DCI World Championships, I suspect we would all have far greater problems to deal with. This is not a snide response...I just think a cause that would require something that drastic would create huge problems for all of society.

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Just because it has not happened does not mean it won't.

In fact we may be quite lucky that it hasn't happened already.

I can think of a number of "events" that could cause the cancellation of DCI. Whether they would be considered local, regional or national concerns is open for debate.

Baseball has recovered quite nicely from a couple of strikes.

The CART/ IRL split has effectively killed open wheel racing.

It remains to be seen how the lost season will effect the NHL in the long term.

DCI has loyal fans and dedicated staffs and members.

The Semi-Final results would stand and we would move on.

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How much wuld it mean to the members, you ask? Well, it wouldn't mean much to at least this one. It's more about being with the family and spending time with the wonderful people you love than getting to perform. I mean, performing in finals is an absolute dream, but what will stay is the people.

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Believe it or not, there's something called "event insurance" that steps in to compensate a producer if something happens that necessitates canceling a big event. It's not cheap, but it's much cheaper than potentially losing millions in revenue (since most of the expenses of producing a big event are largely upfront expenses, producers need gate revenue to keep themselves solvent.

I'd imagine the DCI Board, if they're prudent, carries event insurance that would kick in if Finals had to be cancelled due to an act of God (or someone significantly LESS benign... B) )

Edited by mobrien
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Out of curiosity, what are some of the reasons one might conjur up as to why the week might possibly be cancelled?

How about a massive scale power blackout, like affected the Northeast in 2003?

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Out of curiosity, what are some of the reasons one might conjur up as to why the week might possibly be cancelled?

My thoughts were:

1) Weather related liek a huricane heading towards show site (DCI at MIami again?). But moving indoors at Indy would take care of some of that. Some as in I don't know when tornado season occurs in the MidWest.

2) Another 9/11 type event when "normal life" would be put on hold until things are more sorted out. Sports leagues were about to stop their seasons for a week or so but could DCI move Championships until a week later?

Edited by JimF-xWSMBari
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