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Everything posted by corps_forever07

  1. Exactly... ... ... #### no. I conform my appearance and actions to fit my corps standards. If I (totally hypothetically - i'm way underage) go out and party it up and drink all the time at home, I'm a good member and it doesn't mean I'm going to do it on tour and totally violate the Bluecoats alcohol policies. It goes back to tour=tour, off season=off season. People act differently in both environments. *Edit for Grammar*
  2. Totally. Agree. Don't take people's opinions or choices so personally. Seriously...we're all reading DCP, come on now. We should all know better. What people do or say in the off season is completely up to them and is sometimes totally different from how we act or speak during the summer when we are touring with and directly representing our corps.
  3. I think the "consequences" of soda drinking are overrated. I never cramped up, I lost PLENTY of weight (about 15lbs, which is the most I've EVER lost on tour), I never was dehydrated, it didn't hurt my chops, and I drank 3-4 sodas a week, sometimes before shows, usually only on the long rides to the show site. I hadn't really drank soda on tour since my rookie year. Anyway...soda is bad, whatever, there are 1 or 2 worse things that we're allowed to put in our bodies on tour.
  4. I can't imagine you could have done MUCH more than the baldric change anyway, as cool as it would have been. I really thought the back, floral, 60's throw-up on the back of The Cadets' unis wasn't a good addition. It went with the show though, so I expect it to be gone for 07. I also wasn't a huge fan of Madison's new uniforms, but they started to grow on me. I like having a much more defined fleur.
  5. Bluecoats, of course. It's just home. I love it here. :)
  6. Wow I had no idea. Whatever, we call them what we want.
  7. We had to use the same model, but the size was up to us.
  8. I don't know if that was just worded completely wrong, but wow... <**>
  9. The entire 2006 Bluecoats sopline played on a replica of the Monette, and I could tell no difference. The pieces were made by Karl Hammond Design and were really an unreal buy for the price and quality. (Unreal is good :)) I would strongly recommend anyone looking to save about $100, give or take, to go this route. His customs are, on average, about $150, so it's a nice buck saved if you decide to go that route. Like I said, I saw no difference in these pieces when I played them side by side, so I would consider it a great deal.
  10. I got, "You already know the answer." And that answer is yes. I'm pulling for them!
  11. True story. The pit started the show, followed by staggared stepoffs by about 10 trumpets in the endzone. We scattered for a few counts and then started the first drill move, the EKG flow down the diagonal. At move-in, we were told that, when timed correctly, "You may take the field..." Was to be right before the first horn entrance backfield. It worked out that way most of the time, from what I can remember, but I never really noticed when it was wrong becuase we really had to be dialed in backfield to make it work, horns to pit. It was a difficult thing to do, but I liked doing it for one year. I'm not sure if I'd want to do it again, but it was alright. **Edited for grammar***
  12. Great thing to hear, Andrew. My experience at Capital was far from perfect, or even ideal, as my dad stated earlier, but the people at Capital gave me a big chance at 14 and I'm forever grateful for that. I think, with the proper guidance in the future, CR will become the class act organization to match the class act that they have been so consistant at being on the field. Best of luck to them in the future!
  13. I had heard the rumors on tour, but I didn't know how true it was! If I were looking to march somewhere else this year, VK would be IT! Best of luck in 07!!!
  14. Donny Allen, hands down. I know he reads this from time to time, but he was the one who really kept me going throughout the entire season last year, whether he knew it or not. He's definitely been one of the most influential teachers and friends I've ever had in my lifetime. Like someone said about someone else above, there is too much to be said about him to write it all out here. He is one of my personal role models and is the first person I think of when I think of a person that truly represents what being a Bluecoat is about. He loves the activity, the corps, and all of us kids that have the great privilage of standing in front of him over the summer. Now to get him to stick around for another 5 years until I age out...:)
  15. You beat me to it. VERY nice guy and very hot. I'd say he was the hottest guy I've met through drum corps. Hands down.
  16. Why be skeptical? Most have full corps PLUS alternates...Make that 140-145ish
  17. OUCH iamnivtop! That was 30-some years ago! She just called you one of drum corps hottest people. I don't know of many people who would argue with someone on that, unless it was complete modesty...
  18. I use Soft Scrub With Bleach on my shoes and the pen whiteout for any scuffs that don't come off with the Soft Scrub. Anti-shoepolish. It gets caked on and turns white shoes an ugly cream color. Soft Scrub, a cut up t-shirt, and a hard bristled scrubbing brush is the way to go for white shoes. For the horn, I use a spray polish in a light blue bottle that I buy from my local music store for about $25. It's a little pricey, but it's the BEST polish for drum corps. It gets the job done quick and the horn always looks awesome.
  19. Can't wait to MEET and perform for the alumni at next camp. :D ...sorry. That may have been off topic.
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