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Everything posted by TrishDish1002

  1. Yikes. Relax people. We at CGP send April and her family our best wishes and wish Braddock the best of luck in 2009!
  2. Topic closed. We're not going to speculate on the behind the scenes goings on here. We wish Carolina Crown, Phantom Regiment and Mr. Sage the best of luck in '09!
  3. Topic closed as all units have moved on to audition sessions.
  4. thanks all! proud to be a part of this great team :)
  5. hurry it along DCA! don't they know we're dying online over here and the corps members on the field are dying to go party??
  6. Thats the (insert vulgar name for cat!) It comes out mid-season (back in my day Cumberland) and stays for the remainder of the season!
  7. that's Jess Adams - one of the captains of the Univ. of Delaware/Delazure winter guard in the front of the guard pic! get it Jess!
  8. Here's to my old corps - the Bushwackers and the Brigadiers. Both of which will be taking the field shortly! Best of luck and love to all!
  9. This flag: http://www.thebandhall.com/scripts/prodVie...?idproduct=1060 I need 18 of them and The Band Hall may not have them ready in time for me. Please let me know asap! thanks!
  10. I SAID......!!!! GET IT BRIGS! Make this weekend as magical as all the other DCA weekends we all spent together! love you all :)
  11. I wish they had it at South Brunswick - I'd take my kids!
  12. * you may know jerry corradino's work he is most well known for his famous "din da da" show for the beloved new york royal guardsmen[1986 4th place,loudest crowd reaction ever Thanks Dugg! that's probably the best thing you've ever said on here! LOL
  13. Let's not speculate about why a certain judge is or is not no longer judging. I have dealt with Debbie personally - she knows her stuff. and congrats to the Blue Devils guard.
  14. Wow - thank you! None of us knew what the heck was going on with the kids being over there!
  15. As they happen. At this year's WGI Ind. A Semis, I thought I would kill myself waiting until the end for the scores.
  16. Garden State Plaza in Paramus, NJ here! lovin' that it's 10 mins. away from my house this year and I don't have to drive to North Brunswick!
  17. Yeah, it's been DCI weekend for a few years now - except '05 when DCI was at Foxboro and we had the show the next day in Providence. We got to see DCI finals for like 20 bucks, which although that weekend was unbelievably hot, was a sweet deal :)
  18. Spectrum. They are now back in A class and building a strong program with a great staff. Definitely worth looking into.
  19. Haha! Now, I wasn't there for the honeydew, but your reference to fruit did remind me of the "chilled grape" water breaks we had finals day in '01 :)
  20. Right Liz - but so was everyone else's in the corps that traveled a distance... ...which was wrong and we ALL KNOW the end result of that and that's a story for another thread!
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