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Everything posted by Lance

  1. I will not be outdone by Troll Clouds (I own weather.com).
  2. I love phantom too, but I was saying this could happen from the first time seeing the mandarins show. The musical transitions in this show are pretty much flawless.
  3. For raw score rankings, Troopers were as low as 15th 8 days before finals. BK wasn't below 12th until 7/31.
  4. Fantastic show with gorgeous brass. I need to see this show get rewarded to have any faith in dci maintaining my interest much longer. Won't see it until next thur and I'm stoked.
  5. A few people making it all about themselves. That's what this thread invited from the get go. Gross.
  6. I'm actually not old. Getting ready to celebrate my 21st bday for the 26th time is all. Also, it's 6 pm. So obviously bedtime for me.
  7. thanks. i saw them in atlanta, and i think they were already doing that final formation. by begining of the ballad, could that mean the duet in the middle? actually, nm, i want to be surprised lol.
  8. i'm so curious about tweaks that are being made to the last few mins of the show. what am in in store for next thursda when i can finally watch some dci again?
  9. what a weird thing to be so negative about. thank you jersey surf for being a wc corps.
  10. cadets did crown to crown in their medieval show in 93. iirc, it was a change they made pretty late in the season, too. i'm not going to be able to watch allentown, but i cannot wait for the weekend after next. crown is going to rock.
  11. all about performance for this show imo. it's all there, they just need to nail it next week. cannot wait to see them do it.
  12. i get the same about half the time no matter if i'm using app, my pc, my laptop, and whether or not if it's wired or wifi. I have 200 down and 100 up and stream a ton in 4K from a bunch of providers flawlessly, so that's not the issue either.
  13. "veneer sound" is such a good way of putting it. the trend is going to grow, unfortunately. it's gone from being a cool ensemble effect here and there to being a ubiquitous easy fix to what used to be an onus of discipline and work on human performers. the sad thing for me is that the talent of musicians right now across the board is simply incredible. a little analogous to what Cher did with "Believe" with autotune to create a synthetic sound, but look at the majority of the top 40 pop charts right now. autotune in every song to the point where you can't even tell it's a human singing anymore. i'll treasure what i'm hearing from crown and bloo and some other corps for as long as i can.
  14. will this one go 30+ pages like the last one?
  15. i'm getting so much more out of this show every time i see it because they're starting to really perform it instead of get through it. the quiet brass moments in the ballad and nearer to the end are some of the most stunning things i've heard in my 35-year fandom. they've been that way for awhile, but now the rest of the show is getting to the same level of polish. big congrats!
  16. oh gosh, it's a completely different space now than it was back then lol.
  17. so many have been playing nice until now on here. claws are coming out. i love it.
  18. this was my last time seeing any dci until finals week. cannot wait to see the actual endings for crown, boston, bloo, and bd. and the leg kick for phantom, of course lol. and really wondering where the mandarins are going to place. we're all in for a treat for that 72 hours.
  19. the front half of bd's show has been fire all season, but i feel like they really nailed it tonight. wow.
  20. this hi cam angle is the first time i'm seeing bd's cutouts without glare except one of the pink pieces. what a difference.
  21. love you bloo. you do you and to heck with everybody else. sound mix doing all kinds of weird things for esemble sound for every corps tonight. i get percussion out of my left front channel, low and middle brass and front ensemble on my middle channel, and high brass on my right channel. makes it hard to know what they actually sound like live, especially in sections with lots of syncopation and complex rhythms.
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