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Everything posted by monoemono

  1. I do remember them looking very muscular back during that season. The unis let you see their whole arms up to the shoulder, though, that may have had something to do with it. They did look a little bit more 'cut' than the average guard--like they were hitting the weight room on practice days.
  2. The DCI link seems like a bit of a throwaway on there. I actually really like Uni Watch. And, yes, Bawker, it is, like many things in sports, at least as dorky--if not more so--as anything we get into on here. Though they would never admit it....
  3. Let me ad my voice as another very proud alum. Great job this year Bloo! Keep doing what you're doing! :thumbup:
  4. Star had detractors all along, right from the start and to the bitter end--from the beginning when they "stole everyone else's staff" to the end when they "took their toys and went home", and everything in between. Of course, they had lots of fans and supporters, as well.
  5. Okay, now I am booing, not blooing. No, not really, awesome job, Bloo! Hopefully they can jump back up over the next two nights.
  7. From the article: I have to call baloney on both points here. Very Wikipedia of whomever to pull the old "it was widely agreed that....". Was it? I was there that night. I liked both shows a lot, but I don't think anyone can definitively say that Star was better. They were both great. Star certainly wasn't perfect, despite what many here would have you believe--go watch the tape, it's all there. I thought Cadets were as good, if not a little better. And I certainly am not alone in that opinion, and there on that night it was the same. Some thought Star got robbed, others thought it was a fair outcome. It was extremely close, as the score reflects. As for no one talking about 93 Cadets, people do talk about that show all the time. It's one of the great "who should have won" debates in DCI history, right up there with 1988 and 1989. The show gets talked about on its own merits all the time, as well. The tenor break in that show might be the best ever, the brass ensemble near the end was gorgeous, and the drill was stupid hard.
  8. Did they perform before or after Kansas City Star?
  9. Wait a minute....are you saying there are homosexuals....in DRUM CORPS?!?!?!? Frankly, I'm shocked. Next thing, you'll be telling me to look for them in theatre, television, Hollywood movies.... Where does it end, SOCIETY IN GENERAL?!?!?!?
  10. Provincetown....Lobster Pot.....Mmmmmmmmmm....
  11. You've got a better memory than me, Bart. Did we actually play that as a parade tune? I wonder what people thought of seeing the corps march a parade in--what was it--four different time signatures?!?!? And yes, there were a lot of potentially very cool ideas in that show that never fully ended up working. I would love to see a tape of early season that year--what a hellacious mess it must have been! And that's just considering the guard uniforms! To be fair, the corps had more problems that year than the show design. Lots of new staff, lots of member turnover (5 lead sops from 91, I think, left for other corps), many young and inexperienced members and very few age-outs, the cloud of a very disappointing finish from the year before, etc. It should also be mentioned that the same guy arranged many very fine shows for the corps after that, including the 93 show, which I still think is one of the coolest Jazz shows ever put on a drum corps field.
  12. I stand by the "game-changing" tag I applied to this show earlier. It was, IMO, game-changing for the BRASS portion of the show (you know--the MOST IMPORTANT part ). Those nice exposed soli parts throughout the show that feature each section--stuff like that made the rest of the field have to raise the difficulty level of what they were doing to keep up. Well, except for Star's mello line, maybe.
  13. People do go on about it. For pages and pages and pages. Find the threads on here about 2008 retreat.
  14. I dunno....I went to our local 4th of July parade this past weekend. We were right at the end of the parade route. There were several pipe and drum bands there that marched the parade route right on out. Amateur bands that probably don't do it more than a couple times a year. Not like a top 12 drum corps, who practice MARCHING for many, many hours every day. Drum corps--it's all just marching band, right? That's what many here keep insisting. Sweet. It's marching band. How 'bout you....I don't know....march? I'm not just dumping on Crown, either. I hate seeing a "marching" unit in a parade walking their way through it--high school bands are very guilty of it, and I don't like it when they do it either. I feel embarrassed for all the bands in the parade when they slop their way down the street, and then four old guys with a sabre, a rifle, and a couple flags show them all up while they're still "left...left...left right left..." all the way out past the last police barricade.
  15. I feel like the 1991 show (musically) is similar to 1993 Star, in that many people didn't like it then, but can't talk enough now about how ahead of its time and game-changing it was. I'm certainly in that camp. That show caused EVERYONE to have to step their game up in light of what they showed a hornline could do.
  16. Gotta add my BLOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!! to the fray. Go get 'em, 'Coats!
  17. Could someone that knows how please shop those plumes brown or cream or white or something? Might give a better idea of what they're working with there. I understand the very good reason for the pink, but that is harsh....makes me think of all the pink stuff we saw in the NFL last season.
  18. You have those dreams, too, huh? In my version we're always ready to start, I'm on the field, in formation, in uniform with a horn in my hands, when I suddenly realise that I'm too old to march and I haven't once practised the drill or the music. In some versions of the dream I even end up "winging it" and not doing too bad....yeah, right, can you imagine correctly "guessing" even 10 seconds of a DCI show?
  19. You're never going to change this. Some kids will remain loyal no matter what, some will always have their "dream corps" that they want to march with before they age out. Sometimes it has to do with rings, sometimes not. I knew a lot of people that wanted to march with BD or SCV, even when they weren't in the thick of championship contention. I also don't think it has much to do with the experience these corps are providing--if you're dead-set on marching a certain group, it doesn't necessarily matter how good you have it somewhere else.
  20. Something just struck me as a little funny in all of this. The whole reason for this proposal (at least the "official" reason--how they're trying to sell it to everyone) is to increase revenue and attendance. Speaking for myself, the reason I've been less and less interested in going to shows in the past several years is the increasingly disappointing product put on the field by many of these "G7" groups. I want to be wowed by the "big boys" at the end, and instead I'm left a little disappointed and flat. And now they have the gall to tell me that the best way to fix the situation is MORE OF THEM? Appalling.
  21. All I can add to this before I punch out from this: Man, what short memories these people all have. Cavies, Bluecoats, Crown, Phantom, and yes, even you, GARFIELD, you all spent your YEARS as somebody else's parking-lot-warmup-time corps. "Big draw corps?". Not always so. You had to work your way up from somewhere. It's most upsetting to me to see one name on that list--what's going on there down I-77? Better check yourself, Canton!
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