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RContra last won the day on February 8 2014

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  1. Oh my god, it’s Cadets 2021 finals all over again. lol
  2. Doesn’t matter what you give me. Go listen to the originals. I’ve played both of the other tunes I mentioned. They use melodic material super true to the originals throughout. Your ignorance doesn’t mean reality isn’t reality. edit: spelling
  3. You not knowing the source music well doesn’t mean it isn’t melodic. Ever play Equilibrium? PR is playing melody straight-up all over the place. Fly or Die? Same. Bloo is playing melody straight out of Boston, Son Lux, etc. Melody is all over those shows.
  4. Not sure if this an attempt at humor or just some booze talking.
  5. For what it’s worth, this is due to fairly short-sighted licensing law. They’re required to rebroadcast the original presentation in its original form. This one isn’t Flo’s call.
  6. For what it’s worth, they didn’t stay in the same spot. Jumped up one.
  7. Visited an old student of mine with the corps. All I’ll say is they’re going to be very, very good. And the guard does something I’ve never seen before that has to be appreciated in-person. Trust me on this one. 😎 In love with this show already. Bloo has some new tricks up their sleeves. I left thoroughly entertained.
  8. How many times do people have to explain this? These people aren’t all doing massive stints on the road. Most of the great instructors have other commitments in the summer time. The larger staffs allow coverage all summer by tagging in and out. This isn’t hard, y’all.
  9. Spirit, we love that you’re back!! Can you PLEASE not use AI to write your releases?
  10. If you think that remark is harsh, the world must be a terrifying place for you. I stand by what I said. I think OP is just a rando looking to hear more about what it’s like for staffers. I’d be happy to be proven incorrect. But creating new accounts in both DCP and Reddit to ask this question instead of getting it from individuals within the organization? Doesn’t smell right.
  11. If this person is asking on DCP and not directly asking others in the activity, I find the whole thing very, very hard to believe.
  12. Why on earth are you asking DCP and not your admin or fellow staff members? Makes me doubt this is real.
  13. “…Showcasing a lineup that promises to be the ensemble’s rhythmic prowess.” Oh, hey! Another Seattle AI post, only this time it doesn’t even make sense. 😂 Does anybody in the organization who can stop these schmucks read DCP?
  14. “His journey includes rich achievements, from working with renowned ensembles to pushing the boundaries of musical expression.” Oh. My. God. This AI is awful. Thought it was just the one bio announcement, but nope. Here we are. Seattle, please stop making your organization look like clown shoes.
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