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Everything posted by harmonics101

  1. haha, "my name is Jay Bocook and i write mello books" :P
  2. ^OO^ couldnt have said it better myself. To be clear, i used to be a HUGE Cadets fan. I was taught by Cadet Age Out staff, and just loved them. 05 i liked, it pushed my limits but i liked it. 06 confused me and completely made me sick. This year: GREAT music, wonderful show....its just too bad i cant appreciate it because there is constantly someone talking, its very distracting. I would like to just sit and enjoy the music, why is that so wrong? Hop even wanted to put spotlights on the members narrating, but its against DCI rules. <**> I love broadway, and musicals as next as the next person, but I like those shows for different reasons than i like drum corps. Drum corps is one of a kind, keep it that way...dont merge it with the stage shows. I just think Cadets need to go back to how they were 90s,early 2000...THOSE are the Cadets people fell in love with, those are the Cadets that made me want to march.
  3. I have to say my ultimate fav was Taco Salad, but to stray away from what seems to be the concensus I will have to go with the variety of chicken breast we could choose from: BBQ, italian, plain, or lemon. The BBQ chicken on tour was some of the best ive had anywhere! seriously... But of course...could never go wrong with drum corps pudding! YUM!
  4. Well, id LOVE for Regiment to take it--its been far too long and i love their show... BUT, realistically I will have to say Blue Devils for their 12th.
  5. Sorry you felt Equus was slow...186 to 210 the whole time...thats HARD!! lol, we tried our best!! B)
  6. Parents did complain, so did the kids, it just didnt seem to do much. The texas parents actually helped ALOT, they provided lots of food for us and some stayed on for a long long time (THANKS A BUNCH!!!!) I think the lack of volunteers was because of the way they were treated...none of them wanted to stay or come back eventho some still did. DCI took action after the Kansas incident which Trey explained. I believe it was someone fromm Cavies that called DCI on us and then Fred was sent to us. I think a lot of the problem was CR tends to be a very proud corps and sweeps problems under the rug or tries to down play incidents to maybe save face? Im not sure, thats just how it appears to me. Theres nothing wrong with pride but ya gotta know when to ask for help too.
  7. apparently there was a mix up with the syco order that day in Kansas- the lady went on vacation or something without telling us <**>
  8. Alright, ill try to keep this short since i just got out my wisdom teeth today and vikadin is about to knock me out...but i just had to say something Ive been in this corps for 3 years,3, why? Becuase through it all i love CAPITAL the corps and because frankly im not certain i can make it where i want to go and i dont want to just settle for just any corps. With that being said, everything on our forums is absolutely true and thats really not the half of it. I will say that Rick does care about the members, when hes in a good mood....honestly thats how it seems to fly. When someone pisses him off or hes just angry, things go bad. Matt (the webmaster) told me there was a time he was calling Rick to get money to go to the store and buy some food. Rick didnt answer, they called from Megans phone and other peoples phone- no answer. Then they finally figured out if they called from a selective bus drivers phone or one of the volunteers that is friends with Rick, he he would answer. They had to TRICK him into picking up his phone to get money to feed us....and on many occasion no money was actually obtained. So Mattt and Megan spent their own money to go to the store or buy McDonalds or Pizza (this happened alot). This is the same director that cussed out a volunteer for buying ice from a gas station for injured people in our corps. I was one of those injured people. I was literally forced (pulling ,tugging,pushing) off the feild because my ankle that i had hurt severely before tour was causing major issues with my marching ability because of pain. There was another girl with severe tendonitis in her knee and another with severe tendonitis in her VERY flat feet. So were all sitting on the sideline wasting away. This volunteer carts ice bags out to the field for us to use. We were very grateful, only to find out later she got reemed at for buying ice for INJURED people, not even for water jugs in the 90 degree humid heat, for injuries.... That same volunteer was then refused a ride to the airport. And that same volunteer came back towards the end of the summer to help again. THANK YOU NIKKI YOU ARE AMAZING!!!!! those two are two of SEVERAL things in one summer. I mean i can think of one time he seemed as tho he really cared for my well being but looking back on it, it was more of he was doing his job thing. My very first drum corps camp ever i ended up getting sick- i puked ALL night long every 20 mins of so. It wasnt until late afternoon the NEXT day that Rick came to see me laying in the corner of the girls locker room (i needed to be close to the toilets) and asked if i had any money because they may need to take me to the hospital because i may become dehydrated. I told him i had about 20 dollars and that was about it, he may have said some other words like, well w'ell see what happens but he left right after that. So i spent the rest of that night laying on the locker room floor getting up to puke as needed. No one bothered to call my parents or tell my friend that i came with what was happening (and i had told one of the volunteers or rick cant remember that i had come with this friend.) The next day my friend saw me and was like, where the heck have you been all weekend????! Ok, this is long, i thought it wouldnt be but once a CAP REG member gets going on this subject its hard to stop, trust me. Why do kids come back? Because the little staff thats left, and the OTHER members....thats why, and they come back hoping....maybe this year will be better, maybe he'll change. yeah right-i have yet to see change....and thats sad because i sincerely love Capital Regiment, and no matter where i go (if i even march...my drum corps spirit was killed this past season) Cap Reg will always be my home. Thanks to everyone who actually read this-- this is from a members perspective, and i wasnt even one of the kids that passed out and started convulsing in Kansas! Oh and btw Thanks to the Cavaliers for taking care of us, giving us food, and basically taking us under their wing. Also thanks to Colts for feeding us and asking us if we needed anything. ps. Fred....youre amazing THANK YOU and of course Matt and Megan!!!THANKS!!! There would have been a many a time we wouldnt have made it without you two...you did your best to take care of us- i know. After marching a year with Megan i know what kind of person she is and she wouldnt have given up on us for anything- and she didnt. And Matt...oh man you didnt even know the members from the beginning but you gave it your all too! Thanks! do i feel bad for bashing my own corps? Yes...i do, and im sure there will be consequences but im sick of being an 18 yr old kid (been marching since i was 15) and asked to just DEAL WITH it....no- thats bull we may be marching drum corps but we are all in end kids that needed to be taken care of and we werent. Point blank- we werent.
  9. Patrick is at Cadets along with Julie,Thomas,Abbey and Jon Hollis.
  10. alright... Patrick Farrell- we called him Larva because although he wasnt the youngest in the corps or even the hornline...he acted like it Nick Wahle: Utters - lets just say youd have to see it to get where the name came from... we had a tuba player named Precious, not sure why and i dont know his real name... a trumpet player named Eric was really only known by the name Piffle two trumpet players by the name of Tom, and somone else by the name of Randall led to one of the trumpet players becoming: Randallel Someone mentioned earlier about a bari player named Andrew being called Mitch. From what ive heard the section leader couldnt remember his name- so he just called him Mitch. This name then transformed into AndrewandorMitch, but mostly it was simply "Mitch" We also had another bari player that went by Shoeless Joe sometimes. This one came about simply because someone started singing "Shoeless Joe form Hannibalmo!" He didnt like the nickname very much though...
  11. eating in uniform at CR is asking to be reemed. Maybe other corps are more relaxed about it but our director is really strict about those things, and he has a right to be. I mean how often are uniforms cleaned?
  12. To me it didnt seem so temporary. 4 or so hours (from the time we got off the buses til the time we got back on to change) in uniform and like 7+ hours without eating. Even without retreat i still had time to meet several Cavalier guys and hang with them...If their corps wasnt doing retreat i usually had time to find them and chill b4 we left. I dunno, i still prefer no retreat regardless of all that...part of it has to do with the fact that when we leave earlier we sometimes get floor time- and for a field liner, that is heavenly because that means we either A) get to sleep a litte or B) we get to stretch and have a normal amount of time to eat breakfast
  13. Im not gonna lie, as a member i really disliked retreat. I hated being in uniform for an extra hour before retreat- only allowed to drink water and the last time i ate was at 2:30. It was kin dof cool being out there with everyone else but it also got boring standing there waiting to play. Also, it really did save our corps time. CR would be the last ones out of the lot in 04 most of the time and in 05 that was never the case. The corps was fed and packed up ready to go for when the DMS got back. When there was retreat the corps would come back and have to pack everything up and then eat. Sometimes the corps left right away and the DMs rode on the truck that pulled our prop ( ) Maybe its just the lower placed corps that have this beneift (which was the point of the elimination right?) but seriously it was such a relief to be able to get out of uniform and eat. Going from 2:30 til 10 without eating (when youre in drum corps) sucks. thats my two cents....
  14. One of our snares left his drum out at a show site...his punishment: He was sentenced to field lining crew for a week.... now, ask yourself?How does that make us field liners feel?...we are punished everyday we get up an hour early to line a field....
  15. I didnt read everything....but I know last yr at Cap Reg at every camp we would have "lessons" each member would go off for about 25 mins during a camp and go have a lesson with their tech.And we did it some during the summer, but mostly there wasnt much time. plus i know more than one corps does tape assignments for each camp. They assign excersises and show music to be taped for next camp. Then i know at least at CR we get the tapes back with tons of comments good and bad and how to fix the bad. So, i guess some corps do try to better each individual- not just the line...and, by being apart of a great line the individual does better themselves- i know i have grown as a player monumentously.so i would say...get over it and stop preachin...not to be rude or anything....
  16. There must be something about OK, because ive seen on here more than once about bad water. When CR was in OK in 05 we had to use water from the Army tank they dropped off cuz the water was no good. Anyways- i dont really know any high temps. I do know that once when i was in the back of an un-airconditioned bus in the South the temp was 106. it was impossible to rest with that kind of heat. Everyone was miserable. I do have a really low temp tho!! In Belding, Mi in 04 we were at this school with one of those signs that flashed the temp. We watched it go from 60...to 59... to 58. It was also raining. The hornline was outside in hornarc (no one was prepared for the rain) and we continued to play. We were all shaking and completely soaking wet. Fingers were numb and lips were blue.It was REALLY cold. It may have only been 58 but being wet really makes it ALOT worse.And it turns out it was cold enough to make one of our trumpet players get pneumonia and had to go home... I wrung out my clothes...there was ALOT of water.
  17. haha...im with you there... i agree with what a lot of people have been saying- you dont really need that many clothes. Especially if you bring basketball shorts (the mesh ones) and not the cotton ones because the cotton ones get dirty and wet a lot easier. I do think however you can never have too many socks and underwear- those things are not reusable, they get NASTY! I would make sure you have a lot of show socks though, because they tend to get lost when you are changing in a hot sweaty bus after shows and the only thought on your mind is you want OFF the bus as QUICKLY as humanly possible... i found dryer sheets are a good idea- put em in your suitcase to get rid of the smell and use em on laundry days- if you put them in a ziplock they take up literally no room at all. Im not a two shoe person...i tend to stick with one even if they get wet because they dry like 100 times faster if you just wear them instead of letting them sit for a few days (and lets face it theres not many places to just let your shoes air dry as much as you travel.) Some have blister issues tho- im just not one of them. Also i recommend lots of black/brown hair ties,clips and gel for girls for show hair. oh and i know a lot of people in my corps had trouble adjusting to brand new marching shoes. People would get raw skin and blisters on the back of their heels. For this i recommend mole skin. Most importantly: a GOOD pair of marching shoes...spend good money if you have to on these. Your feet are your life in corps so treat em good and get a good rehearsal shoe. Get insoles- those really help as well.No one wants to be out because their feet are covered in blisters and toe nails are odd colors and fall off...
  18. Sears, you are my hero. Many years down the road i will be able to watch these videos and really remember what it was like to march that show...youre the man! Also, i think you should definitely do it again this yr....
  19. haha- i know what you mean! alright-- 1. when you hear the branches hitting the window and cant sleep because it sounds just like the drum part in "Mars" 2. when you can literally fall asleep anywhere,anytime... 3. when you can get up,get ready (well, look decent) and leave for work/school on time in 5 mins 4. when you eat string cheese or a certain kind of snack food and it reminds you of those few glorious times you had a 5 min snack break.. 5. you see people at the store that look exactly like someone you met on tour and want to go talk to them even tho you know that person you think it is lives 7 states away... 6. youre at a toy store and see a colorful pink basket and think "hmm...3 dollars?i could use this to suction cup to the bus window..." 7. when you get ready for a charter bus ride and wear shorts and a t-shirt UNDER your PJS and sweatshirt unlike everyone else... (you gotta be prepared if that air breaks!!) plus..when you actually get on you think: "these overhead bins are perfect!spacious AND would make for a sneaky way to the back/front of the bus during bus wars!" i got some more but im done for now...
  20. i agree completely- i LOVED that ballad... just like many others i wasnt a fan of Cavies 05 ballad...i mean it was okay, but they could have done something sooo much better or more with it...the ball was dropped in my opinion...keep in mind that this was one of my favorite shows last yr too...
  21. I heard "breathe dah" everyday in the summer of 04 with none other than Chad Pence... Im pretty sure he marched Star and i think Cadets too, then he taught tuba at the Cadets for a while, was brass caption head of Magic in 03 then brass caption head of Capital in 04. Then he returned to Cadets in 05 and is still there... Im not exactly sure where he picked up his teaching techniques but i definitely heard "breath dah" and "poh ho!" every-single-day... whatever he did worked tho- we jumped 5 places in 04! B) b**bs
  22. so does anyone know why Michigan State never hosts shows? Its an awesome field and plenty of schools to house at... maybe im a bit biased (since i grew up and live about 10 mins from campus) but i think itd be AMAZING to have finals there...
  23. you mean..."Pass the gosh darn butter"? or "dutdutdut!dutdutdut! WEEEE!" or MAYBE "Jay Bo-Cook!" i really dont see where you are getting this.... "Kill me now...etc" was mad because that particular part of the show to the end of the opener was the toughest and we repeated it over and over.... And the song about our brass caption head being mad?Thats not anti-CR ...its a lecture about a bad show that was made into a song...everyone gets lectures over the summer and has bad shows... I just dont see where you are getting your info- im not trying to make this into a big thing, but i also dont want our members being thought of as kids who make up songs to put their own corps to shame.... <**>
  24. you mean the ones the members of CR made up to our show? Or are you talking about ones that people from other corps make up about CR? Cuz if thats that case- id like to say im sure theres lots of anti-Cap Reg diddys...along with anti- every other corps in DCI diddys.....
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