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Wild Nights

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Everything posted by Wild Nights

  1. Well, the fat lady mighta sung, but ITS NOT OVER YET!!!!!!!!!!!!! GO VK! b**bs
  2. I get it! Blue...COATS!!! I thought you meant Devs- that explains my confusion. BD beat Phantom by more than a couple points tonight.
  3. I do have DSL, but I can't get it to play, in itunes, windows media player, or otherwise. With WMP, it just sits there and shows what is currently playing (in the real365 skin). With itunes, it says Connecting to URL, and then when that leaves, nothing happens. Any help here?
  4. I didn't even notice the guard work at first... the music was too impressive.
  5. Especially with this music- everyone knows The Godfather!! b**bs
  6. BALLAD- "SANVEAN" Seriously though- heres my take on it all. This season, I've experienced both strong Anti and Pro feelings when it comes to the cadets- and let me say this. Nothing anyone says will change anyone elses mind about it. After hearing the ballad, you cannot convince me it's bad if you feel the other way, and if you don't like it, I could talk till I was blooo in the face and not accomplish squat. So on that note, props to the cadets on their ballad (no pun intended :P ) and that about sums it up for me!
  7. How do you get it to work? I click PLAY and it brings up the new window, but nothing plays.
  8. Yeah- I read those too... very good stuff. Also, another member of Nikk's section has a website: www.jessieandmatt.net where there are some good articles about Phantom Regiment...
  9. Sorry... I'm missing the "Lee-o" reference and the "George-us" reference. Somebody help me? Other than that...I liked it!
  10. I'm not so sure I agree anymore. I DONT want this to be a normal thing, but this, as an exception, is amazing. I'm listening to the video, over and over, as I type this!
  11. Not necessarily. A chord progression was all the ending of Lord's Prayer was (Phantom 03), and that is one of the high points of the show for me. Very, very emotional, like this clip. Only LP was joyful, this is sad, yet hopeful, IMO.
  12. Oh. My. Goodness. Honestly, I don't know whether to cry, or just stand in awe, or what... but that is beautiful. Where do Cadets get these ballads? Last year, the ballad was DEFINITELY the high point, and this year, I can't imagine anything (except maybe Ave...) topping that. Beautiful. I'm still not rootiing for 'em, but that was amazing. The singing, I no longer mind. Do any of you "Cadet Borg" want a hug? :)
  13. YOU HAVE GOT TO BE KIDDING ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AGdrummer, I think we are really the same person. This is the second thread topic *today* that you got up before I could... Are you sure we aren't twins seperated at birth? :P To answer your (our :P ) original question, it's a little tough to put the finger on the ONE reason I am working towards marching the Phantom Regiment. First, I love classical shows. That's where it is for me and I love the music Phantom chooses to perform. Also, I love their sound. I've got at least seven full shows on my iPod, and over an hour of other clips, including the ballads CD by the corps, entitled "Hymns, Heroics and Great Resolutions." Wow. That gets me every time. Through that CD and others, I've fallen in love with the classics: Amazing Grace, Fire of Eternal Glory, the Winter Palace, Shostakovich's Fifth, Elsa's Procession, Nessun Dorma (J.D. Shaw solo... ), the Wheat Dance, Dvorak's Ninth (The New World), The Lord's Prayer, Wild Nights, Canon, the list goes on and on. I could talk for days about all the things I love about the Regiment. Just seeing the classic white uniforms on the field, with the helmets and huge plumes gets me excited! I can't tell you how many Chevrons I ended up doodling in my planner at school last year. And anytime I see anything related to the corps, it's "Thats MY Corps right there!!" That's how I feel now. I drive through town blasting Phantom shows in my car, and sometimes I learn the chords on the piano so I can play along. So pretty much, I'm a Phantom Addict at heart, and I'm super proud of it. But there's no way I can pin down ONE reason that started all this...so you're just gonna have to deal with it!! EDIT: Plus I wanna learn what SUTA stands for, and then be able to yell it at finals after I age out... :P
  14. My profile says 2003, but I'm going with 2004. 007- Cavaliers Attraction!- SCV Apasionada 874!- Phantom Mood Swings- Coats Summer Train Blues Mix!- BD MadiSonic- Scouts Seasons of Love- Crown ^0^ And all the rest...
  15. 2002 The Cavaliers 2003 Phantom Regiment 2004 Santa Clara Vanguard 2005 Bluecoats 2005 The Cadets Wow. Don't I look like a new guy? I do love some shows from the 70's 80's and 90's, but for picking top 5, I like the recent ones! HM: 1992 Santa Clara Vanguard 1993 Phantom Regiment 1995 Madison Scouts 1999 Santa Clara Vanguard 2001 The Cavaliers 2004 Madison Scouts 2004 The Cavaliers 2004 Phantom Regiment
  16. AGdrummer, you stole my topic! I was gonna bust this one out after the season finished. B) So, if you have advice for trumpet players, anyone, I could use some help too. What kinds of things specifically to practice? I'm going for a top 5 corps- what kind of things will the audition include *besides* playing- ie marching, running, etc. Anything I should know? Any exercises I should do? All replies are much appreciated along with responses to the original post. Thanks AGdrummer for yet another great thread...even if you beat me to it! :P
  17. 2003 Phantom Regiment. Lord, what a hornline. That show taught me how to hear the difference in a recording between 1)having the volume up loud on a normal hornline, and 2) a crazy hornline just busting down the seams with raw power. You can TELL that Phantom 03 was busting it out. WOW. If you don't have this show, buy it. Now. What are you waiting for? Go! EDIT: stupid smileys screwing things up.
  18. I hate it when high school ####s copy drum corps shows. It shows a lack of imagination, and also makes the show seem that much more pathetic. That's even a close copy of Phantom's old unis (worn during the early 90's, but not 1996). Let #### be ####, and drum corps be drum corps. :spit: By the way, for all you purists on here, I edited out The Word. :P
  19. To the original poster: Drum Corps IS it's own genre... on my iPod at least!!! I used to listen to classical music all the time as a kid. But when I auditioned at one college for a music scholarship, and had to take a listening test, (ie they play a piece and you tell em what it is), I was GLAD I knew various drum corps reportoires. I had several shows stuck in my head the rest of the day. IMO, music can be MORE accessible in the form of a show. There's so much classical music ot there, it really helps to have some of it "brought to my attention" in the form of a show. :P
  20. I think someone already mentioned this in another thread, but I wanna see "The Zone: Part 3" where instead of the mad hatter and the rabbit, Dani meets characters like the Shark, the Fat Lady, and the Communist!! :P
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