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Everything posted by TitanSop06

  1. With Andre as caption head, I will not be surprised. He knows what he is doing
  2. Anyone at the show? I want to hear about Memphis' debut!
  3. very nice. Any chance you could make one of Memphis Sound this year?
  4. I appreciate everything you have said about that season of Memphis Sound. You have always shown support when others questioned what was going on, even now. So thank you. That one show that year will forever stand out in my head. We were not even in the stadium yet when the announcer asked if we were ready! And we still received the highest score in corps history. But back on topic. I tell people I marched Memphis Sound. I was at all-state auditions and someone saw my ring and got extremely excited because he had never met someone who marched before. He asked where and I said Memphis. Just like that he says, oh you only marched Memphis, and turned his back and left. Pretty much a slap in the face for me.
  5. I respect anyone and everyone who marched, no matter where and how long. The point is, they marched.
  6. Yeah! This is the score I am looking forward to the most tonight. DO IT PIO!!
  7. Pio win vis GE? That would be CRAZY!! YOU CAN DO IT PIO!!
  8. Keep it up Pio. Keep pushing and don't let all this be a fluke. Turn some heads this summer!
  9. Actually, the only thing changing is the name (which is still a play on Memphis Sound), the uniform (which is a step up IMHO) and the location. Every bit of tradition is being kept and I am sure a history night will be worked into everydays so new members will know EXACTLY where the corps came from. Chris specifically wanted all the vets to do what they could to keep the traditions around. Anytime from here on out, you will still be able to go up to the corps and yell "901!" and they will know exactly what to do. Now with that being said... 901!
  10. Link to design of next year's new uniform. I personally think they look great. http://www.memphisdrumcorps.org/forte.htm
  11. Bluecoats beat both Cavies and BD at one show in 07. Remember where they ended up? It's all fun, just don't get too excited.
  12. There need to be more from Mississippi
  13. Members will probably just assume MJ is the next Bob Barker
  14. Don't have pictures, but a few summers ago I was bored while playing Forza on xbox. I created different paint jobs on cars to represent different corps.
  15. In some sort of weird way, the perfect show would be one where all the drill is scatter drill. The members would take the same basic path every night, you would have stops and starts. the only sets written would be opening and closing. Since scatter has no design, who it could be argued that it is always clean. Would it look good? Eh, probably not. Just one of those things I thought about a few years back.
  16. For sure going to Hattiesburg, MS again. AMAZING LINE UP! I will try for Ocean Springs too.
  17. Memphis Sound + Swedish Fish = Tradition. Just add cherry coke and you have yourself a championship corps. Crap, I just let out the secret...
  18. well, ya got me there. but there HAS been a lion king show, so at least it is halfway there!
  19. Two years ago, a high school band i help teach did do a full lion king show. Band director is Nolan Jones. MB3 and Madison Scouts alumnus.
  20. forgot to mention that about 10 minutes after they said they could not show drum corps, they started playing Star Trek. Seemed kinda odd to me. That and the fact the manager did not seem at all bothered about it.
  21. Anyone else have problems with the countdown? the one here in Madison MS did not work again for the 2nd year in a row. Something about a faulty hard drive...
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