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Everything posted by ShouldveMarchedAgeOut

  1. Man I can't wait to see BD's show next Tuesday!!!
  2. Amazing show! my 2nd favorite in 07 behind BD
  3. Yeah they have an entertaining show, but right now it is WAY too hard for them. I feel like over the last few years they've kind of strayed from what they do best in trying to stay with the rest of the pack. I'm still not sure what I think about this show yet, but I'll give it some time to develop.
  4. They're an interesting corps. I remember loving them when I marched in 2005 and also in 2006. My biggest problem was Triple Crown (which I already know I'm in the minority there). It just seemed silly to me, I guess TOO disney, but everyone has their own tastes I guess. But since then, Finis and this years outing have been amazing. This years show feels like they're borrowing styles from Phantom, Bluecoats, Blue Devils, and dare I say it...Star of Indiana at times.
  5. I actually love their drill! But I agree, some of the stand stills last a little too long. Add like 20 more sets and you've got a contender!
  6. I keep doubting Crown and they keep winning...but I think I'm gonna stick with HNC.
  7. Wow Crown! I keep doubting you, and you keep truckin along! Hopefully you can keep it up. Everyone loves an underdog.
  8. This show continues to grow on me. I've never been a huge Crown fan, but this year and last just might make me come around. One of the most innovative of the year!!!
  9. I'm with you, I just seriously don't see them beating HN Cadets AND BD AND the late pushes from PR, Cavies, and SCV. But I am surprised they are firing on all cylinders this early.
  10. Agree with Mike, Phantom's show is awesome!!! It probably won't escape the "it's not spartacus" moniker, but I don't care, best drill of the season so far! Cavaliers were okay, but they just haven't impressed me the last few years. Carolina keeps pushing, but I highly doubt this will stay this high all season. It kinda reminds me of the Bluecoats in 2007 when they beat the Cavaliers and BD in the same show then got 7th at the end. I like it a lot, but just don't see it breaking into top 3.
  11. To all Crown fans I would say to take this win with a grain of salt... We all remember when the Bluecoats beat the Cavaliers midseason last year right?
  12. I think 3hree has the greatest potential of any other show right now. If they clean this thing up the Championship could be in their hands...im just sayin...
  13. Brass - Phantom Percussion - BD/Bloo Overall - Phantom
  14. I say... 1. Blue Devils 2. The Cavaliers 3. Phantom Regiment 4. Santa Clara Vanguard 5. The Cadets 6. Carolina Crown 7. Bluecoats 8. Boston Crusaders 9. Blue Knights 10. Glassmen 11. Colts 12. Pacific Crest 13. Blue Stars
  15. 2006 is my fave!!! with 2003 as a close 2nd...2004 is probably third favorite
  16. I think it's a good show, but nothing great...I have loved Crown in recent years, but this show is just a greatest hits...which is fine. I just believe that in this day of drum corps more has to be brought to the table. Everyone else is incorporating story and an overall experience that I feel Carolina Crown isn't bringing. Seriously, have you seen Phantom's show or almost anyone else's for that matter. I felt they had it down last year. It's as if they took a step forward to only take a step back. But I gotta say I still love that brass sound, even though the visuals are slightly lacking.
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