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Cap Reg Mello

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Everything posted by Cap Reg Mello

  1. all i have to say to that is OH BABY!!!! im on my way haha
  2. Thank you Bryan. I had no idea that Mark had stepped down. Im glad that we could get a historical point instead of just what happened to us this summer.
  3. i was there too much to go into, causes too many problems. It was bad; enough said.
  4. No there is no alumni group. And if there was, im sure Rick wouldnt have any part of them assist in this. He may have decided that Cap Reg needed to go inactive, but i havd a feeling that DCI played a large part in his decision.
  5. Very sad news, but it is no surprise to me , or any of the members im sure. Ive seen it coming for a long time. i almost hate to say it, but Im almost glad it happened because tere needs to be a SERIOUS complete rennovation of the inner workings of my old corps....
  6. Im surprised noone has said this yet, but anything by Metallica...
  7. off topic, but where can i get one of the banner things that everyone has in their signatures?
  8. I am trying to download it cuz its sounds awesome haha. oh and byy the way, in before the lock. thought id be cool like everyone else
  9. Sorry if mellotech's name isnt Jason... That was the mello tech's name at CR and that was his name on the forums..
  10. sounds like mellotech knows something... lets hear it Jason
  11. My nickname at CR was either pinky, because in the sun... i get rather red; and Lil' C because the year before I started marching, there was an ageout mello named named Clay who could play louder than the whole trumpet section. I look alot like him, and i can do the same thing, so i was dubbed Lil' C
  12. I absolutely love Wayne. I was under him for my four years at Cap Reg and he was an awesome teacher. I know he will do great things for Boston.
  13. The techno version is pretty ufnny and interesting. My old cell phone actually had a somewhat techno version of Adagio on it.
  14. Capital REgiment does not have a board of directors. I was informed of this by the former Assistant director...
  15. Lights out during winter camps is usually between 12:30 and 1:30 and wake up is 7
  16. im thinking like for when corps are done, like if they dont make the next show.
  17. That would be awesome. i have always wanted to be on the price is right.
  18. First off i was there for the sundial, and believe me we all wanted it to burn. 2. the girl spoken of before IS one of the best people that i have ever met. And they paid because they were promised spots when holes opened up, even though when they did open, they were overlooked and new people were brought in. but yes the sundial or "shark" as we called it, was terrible.
  19. First we wont go into why they quit, because it has been in many threads, and every one gets closed. And i think who goes there will be effected by the same thing
  20. Hey, just wanted to let everyone know that the Cap Regsite is back up. right now its basically a skeleton, but should be getting finished eventually.
  21. someone already posted it, but i think SCV '04 should DEFINATELY be up there
  22. SCV, one word 2004 And because theyre bad ###. but i dont have the money for a cali corps
  23. Kinda like the contra cam from cap reg '05 http://video.google.com/videosearch?q=capi...iment&hl=en All the ones that say Conotra Line
  24. i definately did not like CF. This is my fourth year of drum corps, and i miss AoC with full encore. (it was especially good when i played on G's cus switching instruments at retreats was always fun)
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