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Everything posted by MarchingXylo

  1. Did you draw these by hand? Was there an online designer, or a template?
  2. This seems like a great opportunity to discuss who has good/bad uniforms... or what makes a good/bad uniform so good/bad?
  3. I'd put money down that Phantom would figure out how to be just as loud on Yamahas, Dynasties... they'd figure it out if they were playing on kazus. And anothing thought... if King=Loud, then yamaha=...?
  4. Phantom SCV BK Boston Because their hornlines have the BEST sounds in their respective groupings.
  5. Anyone can play eigth notes clean. Which is exactly what Crown 05 was. They played thier eight notes very, very clean. Good for them. And good for them challenging themselves even further this past year. But I think it's arguable that the 06 line was clear, yes, but not as clear as the 05 line, simply because of the increased difficulty of the book (Which still didn't come close to the power lines of the coats, devils, cavies, regiment, or even cadets). Anyone can go "breathe-dah". I want a hornline that can go "breathe-dabadabadabadabada lots of other notes" and STILL play clean. Great start Crown. You're good. But you've got a long road until you hit the top.
  6. Aww... I think SOMEONE is being a little bit of a negative nancy here.... :) Take it easy buddie, this thread is really more just to distribute information and throw about drum corps ideas like fans usually do. I think most of us will freely admit we have no idea what we're actually talking about... I know I will... :)
  7. Who do you guys think will be newcomers this year in the top twelve? Heres my picks: OUT: Spirit, Glassmen, Madison IN: Blue Stars, Colts, Crossmen Thoughts?
  8. ... which is obviously the only thing one needs to have a knock down, drag out show? Was their brass good... sure... better than any brass performance by, say, Phantom Regiment in an 8th place year... maybe the one you cite above? Not a chance. Too bright and mushy for me... lay some chocolate on me; now thats the stuff I'm looking for. Breathe-dah schmeathe-dah. Give me some regiment power or give me nothing. PS: Battery. Nuff said.
  9. I think one of those guys was Adam Rapa... principal player for Blast!, and a vet from East Coast if I'm not mistaken... anyone confirm?
  10. Doesn't get much better for corps than Respighi's Church Windows... Best of luck Vanguard.
  11. I'll be honest... who cares what they call them... they teach pretty good... ... so.... great.
  12. Today, at the training facility for fashion police attack dogs...
  13. Agreed. That music was so easy, a freshman band at any high school could play that stuff. Good sound, but does that make them a note-worthy hornline?
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