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Everything posted by CroWnSoPrAnO

  1. Thats a hard question to answer! But if i had to take a shot at it I would say they are both equal. Our staff made sure to make the point that you should never do anything different in a performance. Do not give 110% in a show and not at practice, thats how mistakes are made. For us, practice was simply an elongated performance and by finals i honestly didn't think about the performance aspect, everything seems to melt together. I was almost a robot! :)
  2. I'd just like to state for the record that at this current time Crown has more then enough contra players to fill a 16 member line but as we all know the hornline can change drastically before spring training. A little insurance is simply needed!
  3. During spring training i only wore sunglasses for the middle of the day block, when the sun was at its strongest!
  4. Why all the fighting! Last time i checked Stephen Colbert said that bears are our number 1 threat, i think we need to be a little more worried about that!
  5. Loose a crap ton weight so im not the biggest guy on the line!
  6. People need to stop thinking about 2007, whats done is done. It's time to think about 2008!
  7. I think a thread named "why didnt crown win" is a true testament to just how far the organization has come in the last 5 years, thats good enough for me!
  8. As far as I am concerned the placements are arbitrary!
  9. 2007 was pretty difficult but it was my first season, so i suppose it can only get harder! lol
  10. Most Div 1 corps are moving in either this week or next! So i just want to say; good luck! Be safe, stay healthy and have fun! See everyone in Cali! :) WOOT!
  11. I don't think i'd like it if the bass line played any louder. I suppose they could player louder, or maybe crank the drums up in pitch, that would aid in projection, but that defeats the purpose of the bass line. haha! Although, listen to Phantom Regiments show, and when you get to about 2:18, listen for the bass line! Its subtle, but awesome! It wouldnt have the same effect if it was right in your face.
  12. Hey guy! With move in a little more then three weeks away, does anyone have a advice on how to make spring training a little easier. :P
  13. For the record: I just used the line up from DCI Finals 2006! :P
  14. Yes, lets add brass to WGI, while your at it, why not add electronics to DCI! LOL
  15. Bummer, I'm already lining the practice fields! :(
  16. I'm typically a trumpet player, but this season i'm on lead mellophone! At first, i was extremely reluctant to switch and for the first month, I really had no fun playing the mellophone. It was just too alien for me, i had lost all confidence in myself! But now, having been playing the horn for about 3 months, I love it! The parts the mellophone gets are just amazing. I really enjoy playing parts that intertwine between the melody and low brass parts, plus, runs are pretty #####'in; the added octave of range doesn't hurt either! ;)
  17. I loved Blue Devils this past year, especially at the end, and in the Georgia Dome! hmmmm! :P
  18. A problem i've been having is, after visual block, the muscles behind me knee really really hurt. I know this is just part of drumcorps, but does anyone have any remedies for this?
  19. All these posts are making me massively pumped for this summer!
  20. Does anyone have any tips on topics not normally talked about that would help any rookies, namely me, survive tour! (ex. getting to sleep in the gym, preventing cramps, what not to eat before marching! etc!)
  21. The Atlanta show was awesome for me! If your sitting on the ground level the sound is amazing, and the dome resonates ALOT! But if your up on the higher levels, all you really is the percussion and the brass sounds muffled! Other then that, its definitely worth going to.
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