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Everything posted by skajerk

  1. No. No issues. Just wondering if I was getting good service from my provider. I have ATT&T but I have their modem/router going through a NETGEAR N600 Wireless Dual Band Gigabit Router becuase the AT&T router can't connect all the gadgets we have... 5 mobile phones (we're completely mobile so we don't use a land line), X360, DirecTv, Wii, laptops. I think that's all.
  2. Please tell me they turned down the voice-overs in the closer. I don't like the crap being scared out of me by Linus. It's just not right.
  3. ANOTHER FRACK!!! Has that been played cleanly at all this season?
  4. That's hardly even a rest where they are yelling it. All you hear is "Vang" before the horns come back in!
  5. It always takes me 2 viewings to watch SCV. One to watch the corps, the other to watch the cymbals.
  6. Please, PLEASE SCV fans... don't do the yell! It doesn't fit where you're yelling, not everyone does it or does it at the same time and it takes away from a beautiful moment! I don't think I even heard it last night in Houston. Go ahead and start red-marking me! I can take it.
  7. Not knowing much about internet speed, this is mine. I did a few different tests. Is this good, bad or average? Ping- between 19 and 22 ms Download speed- between 17.48 and 18.12 mbps Upload speed between1.47 and 1.48 mbps
  8. Just logging on. LOVED Surf's rearrangement of Pure Imagination! Just gorgeous. Was that Bobby's voice in the pre-show? Speaking of the pre-show, that was THEW best use of a&e I've seen/heard yet! Way to go, Surf!
  9. Nothing beats Blue Bell! Makes sense. I mean, they were in Brenham where Blue Bell is located.
  10. When was it held at Rice? We moved here 4 years ago and it's always been at the Berry Center. Well, our San Antonio plans fell through for this weekend but we won't be going to the Houston show, either. Like Kasey, I'll be watching on TFN. It's cheaper and I'll have better seats (and food/drinks) than I could get for the cheap seats at the show. <rant> I'm still tic'd that they got rid of the 2 night format with all the WC corps in favor of the ToC format (and kept the same show price for a single night). Unless they've improved the format, IMO, it's just not worth it. It's expensive, the show last year just dragged on, and most of the instant encores left a little to be desired. The best part of the night, other than the individual shows) was the mass brass. The Houston show is just too expensive for a family! I mean, the San Antonio tickets (with 26 corps!) are only $5.00-$10.00 more than Houston. </rant>
  11. </topic> As a Giants fan, I'd like to thank the Royals for Melky Cabrera. <topic>
  12. I've never seen that Colts uni look better! I'll be hitting up their souvie truck in San Antonio (along with a few other corps )
  13. All I know is, in '83 we went on at noon at DCI South at GA Tech. I was wearing shoes with thick soles... I'm talking Doc Marten thick... not only could I see the heat vapors coming off the field, I could feel the heat coming up through my shoes before we even hit our first note of the opener! Then again, 20 years later The Renegades competed at a show in Sacto and it was "Africa hot". Brought back memories of '83.
  14. Very cool! I'll have to keep an eye open for them this weekend in San Antonio.
  15. A ToC show is being broadcast... Houston. Or am I misunderstanding the op's question?
  16. Well, you know if it does, I'm gonna lie just to get that beer, right?
  17. I guess I'm going to have to wait until San Antonio when I'll get to see BD live. I know it's a talented group of "kids" and it's a demanding show, but this show is still just not grabbing my attention.
  18. Actually, the only link left is Kalamazoo. You can also pause the show, if you'd like.
  19. The Scouts 12 year streak (1973-1985) didn't seem to hurt The Cavies. What would one year do?
  20. Sounds like a job for Law and Order: SVU
  21. Hopefully not EVERYONE is involved, though.
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