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Everything posted by skevinp

  1. [quote name=Stu' timestamp='1379368209' post= '3323875] I, for one, evaluate postings without being effected one way or the other by the approval or disapproval number of that posting. Just because one person receives ten greens and another receives ten reds does not make the first person's position correct and the second person's position incorrect. All it means is that ten people chose to click green and like, approve, or agree with the first and ten people chose to click red and dislike, disapprove, or disagree with the second. This is the sort of stuff that went on when a kid running for student body president at middle school said that we should get ice cream sodas at lunch (eliciting the green pluses) and another kid running for the same office said that we should get a more nutritious lunch (eliciting the red negatives). Again how does that type of 'approval' 'disapproval' system really matter in evaluating the 'quality' of a posters opinion? You sure do talk about it a lot for someone who doesn't care. I understand they mean no more than they mean, but personally I find the little greens and reds useful. I seldom intend to offend people, so if something I post starts ringing up a bunch of red marks, it is an indicator that I communicated something other than I intended, providing me with an opportunity to clarify. Or perhaps I said something stupid because of a misperception of my own, in which case it provides me with an opportunity to diagnose and improve my own perceptions. Also, I like to make people laugh. And although I'm sure I fail at that much of the time, if something intended to be humorous gets a few green pluses, it is a nice feeling. And it is good feedback about what makes people laugh and what doesn't. I don't live for what others think or subjugate my own values to others, but I think the world would be in trouble if we all stopped caring what anyone else thinks.
  2. Wait, in view of your signature line, does that mean you think it's dumb to like what you post?
  3. Please don't start a fight with Canada. A hockey game could break out in the middle of it.
  4. I didn't remember Boromir being so fat. I suspect heart disease was a factor even though the coroner listed "Orc Arrows" as the official cause of death.
  5. If they had pulled a 'Patch Adams' you would have a stronger point.
  6. Because nothing screams illuminati more than 100 guys in bright green running around on a football field blowing horns and beating drums and telling thousands of people they are a secret society.
  7. That show is so crazy, I think most of the listeners either (a) listen for fun and don't take it seriously, or (b) are such kooks they would believe anything on the show, in which case there are much more serious matters on their minds involving secret government plots and space aliens.
  8. Perhaps they should have had John and his lover run towards each other and then crash into a major appliance.
  9. I never knew the exact location until recently. As it turns our, I lived less than a mile from there one year when I was working for a law firm in DC.
  10. Perhaps he can't betray his source, known only as Bass Throat, who he meets with in an underground parking garage in Roslyn, Virginia.
  11. Or maybe that's just the way it always looks at Salvador Dali Memorial Field.
  12. Crown performed there but had to stop abruptly when the field started to get sucked into a wormhole.
  13. You speak with great certainty, as if you have considerable inside knowledge and overwhelming evidence. So how about sharing it with us? As a drum corps fan I would think you would want to right these serious wrongs by bringing the evidence forward. Let's hear it.
  14. And I'm sure the 5 or so standing ovations they got during their show was because the crowd had all travelled into the future to learn that BD didn't win. Apparently the wormholes really work!
  15. Even in this thread, the one about not getting Crown's show, there were some people that didn't get Crown's show? That is surprising indeed. Yes it's an issue all right. The rare show that less than 100% of the fans got. The rare show that didn't connect on a level that Phantom 08. I hope they can live with the shame.
  16. It doesn't 'add up' does it. The strange choice of what to be upset about, the extreme reaction and bizarre extent to which it is clung to. Then I realized, maybe just maybe this isn't really about Crown at all. If I were about to go away for 2 years, such a radical change, cut off from so many things I am used to and things I love, I would be freaking out. But if I were expected to be completely positive about it, if I expected myself to be excited about it, there would be tremendous pressure to repress my stress but it would still be there, needing to come out in some way... Just a theory, not meant as an insult at all. No need to dispute it but maybe just give it some thought. Everything else aside, hopefully there are people one can talk to before undergoing such an endeavor. Caring people who will understand the normal human reaction to things and provide helpful counsel.
  17. One thing I find impressive about Crown's show is the amount of effort some people have had to go to find reasons to complain about it.
  18. I thought this thread was announcing Phantom Regiment 2014. Seemed like a strange choice for them.
  19. It looks like this move has the same essential component as the sunburst, only the radial is repeated back and forth and done sequentially rather than in parallel. And obviously with a very different looking result. So maybe the corps to do it is the Troopers. They could do the sunburst into the big circle and then return towards the center one marcher at a time for each petal, then back and forth for however long they want to rotate the flower. Of course, it would have to be called a Sunflower.
  20. I assume the different colors are just so we have a chance to see how it's done by honing in on one dot , and that it would be even more effective all in one color.
  21. That would be awesome. I'm trying to picture it in my head all in the same color, at a feasible speed, with at least 4 times as many dots, and it seems pretty cool.
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