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Everything posted by Sutasaurus

  1. I agree with all your points Harvey. Let’s hope they have a great return rate so they can build on their successes. I’m really impressed how the 2023 edition of Regiment surprised a lot of folks. Exogenesis really spoke to their reinvention. They make this alum very proud.
  2. It’s referred to as staging for a reason. I think Regiment played a lot whilst moving, they just didn’t parlay that movement into “drill” per se. They did a lot of scatter drill which I hope they address in 2024.
  3. Oh, I get satire…when it’s done tastefully. So far it fails the smell test.
  4. Whaaaa? “Staff Merry go Round = staff additions, deletions, changes. Why is this off topic? Or is this a misguided attempt at humor?
  5. I’ll stick with “Don’t listen to me”😁
  6. I suppose corps’ supplied smartphones would be a bit cost prohibitive.
  7. How about John Adams’ Dr. Atomic? Seeing how Oppenheimer is doing at the box office…… The entire corps would need to set off flash bulbs, remember those, at the end of the show for full effect. Saw it performed at Lyric Opera around 2008. It was incredible. https://ahf.nuclearmuseum.org/ahf/history/doctor-atomic/
  8. Conspiracy theory or fact? You be the judge….pun intended.
  9. I would guess the award is given on the merits of an entire season and not a specific event. I applaud SoA’s DM for having the wear with all to get them through an unfortunate electronics failure. Oh, BTW, Regiment hosts a Drum Major camp every year so maybe that has something to do with their success.
  10. Ha! The stupid chandelier trick failed miserably when I saw POTO at the theater.
  11. Ima gonna go waaay back to 1985. Would love to se a redo of Symphonie Fantastique. That was a killer show.
  12. No matter our age, we all have something to contribute. No?
  13. As well as the percussion! They were showing some great progress during the whole season. Vet retention will play a big role in the success of PR 2024.
  14. 👍👍👍👍 I was hoping for more big splashes of color. Oh well, I’m not on staff.
  15. You need to diversify your portfolio to include PR. You might be missing out on a big bump in your investments.
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