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Everything posted by Sutasaurus

  1. Ereeeewwww! Time to make your own pizza! I do! A couple of frozen bread dough loaves , a can of San Marzano whole tomatoes, some onion and fontina cheese, sausage/mushrooms some mozzarella and fresh basil and you are good to go! we don’t need no stinking’ pizza ovens! Buon appetito!
  2. Ha! I started my career with the “phone phactory” as a residential service rep in the late 80s about the time the 900 numbers started to show up on customers’ bills…. to the tune of hundreds, if not thousands, of dollars. Customers, a.k.a. parents, would call in screaming at us reps about the amount of their bill. Us service reps weren’t the ones who made those calls. We had to politely advise them that someone in the household, a.k.a the kids, made those calls. I remember a few calls when the person responsible for those calls was disciplined while I was on the phone with the customer!
  3. Congrats to both Regiment and Cavaliers for a successful “Backyard Brawl” with each organization raising over forty thousand dollars for their respective corps. A job well done “Team Illinois”, $2 to the incomparable Robin Lanning. Sure would be nice to have both corps in the mix for top five! Spluta!
  4. We were taught to say “You have a very nice drum corps this year. “
  5. Bada bing! With some Tomita thrown in…..
  6. With all due respect to Ms. Czapinski , kudos! But how do you bring your experiences to today’s reality? Just asking for a bunch of friends on DCP.
  7. I could never be mad at you my dear. I❤️ Ms. Terri…..don’t let Jim get jealous!😉
  8. Congrats G-Daddy! You’re awesome. Now back to the topic at hand.
  9. 2010…..Beautiful interpretation of an incredible musical idea.
  10. Perhaps Regiment could do an interesting take on “A Night in The Museum” ala the ‘78-“79 WGI Rockford Hall of Arts? Or not.
  11. Anybody else familiar with this piece???? Would love for Regiment to pull this off! You have to commit to watch the entire opera then draw your conclusion. Here’s a teaser
  12. Unless they dropped pursuing said clearances once the plug was pulled for ‘23.
  13. I resemble that remark! And I thank you whole heartedly. What a ride this organization has had over the decades. Many highs and lows, but in the end, they think of their audience and what moves them. Not a bad track record.
  14. Gotta love them for honoring their past while looking towards their future. Not an easy “Walk Too Far” but when done with a sense of humor, it makes that journey really rewarding. SUTA…with all my heart!
  15. You got me there girl! Thanks for the blast from the past Ms.Terri
  16. In my 50 years of following her career, she never ceases to amaze and move me emotionally.
  17. I see what you’re saying but despite the drops in 2010, the show brought many wet eyes… in a good way. As for 2024’s guard, it has to do with the techs that clean the work and it looks like the techs from last year are back. Good to see you back! Doin’ good here. Anxious to see what 2024 brings. What are you looking forward to?
  18. Why? They conveyed the theme quite well in my eyes. Just asking for a friend. BTW, what does this have to do Regiment 2024?
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