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Everything posted by BlooContraGuy

  1. We played some pieces this weekend that were really cool and intellectually intriguing. Dunno if or when they'll be used, but I liked them all!
  2. BERPs can be useful. Are they absolutely necessary? No, but they can be of benefit.
  3. Walking in twos making crowds part like the Red Sea... no matter what the surroundings (once a large drum line audience moved onto a highway access road because we were using the sidewalk). THAT is a hype.
  4. The gloves are indeed different from person to person this time of year.
  5. From 2007-2009 my buddy and I would punch each others fists as hard as possible. Like a fist bump but harder, more painful, and more fun. We always joked that one day we would break our hands doing that. Never happened, thankfully. Also, listening to good music on the bus ride to shows, and screaming BLOO before every show.
  6. ...WOW. Can't wait for the rest of that footage!
  7. March camp was awesome. It was a drill camp for just the brass, and was the best camp we've had in a while. The music is incredible! You're in for a treat this summer, no doubt. EDIT: "Expectations" - Bluecoats March Camp video Theres the link to the video on facebook. Not sure if you have to "like" bluecoats to see it or not.
  8. There are some really great posters around. I particularly like "The Road Home" and "Rome" posters from The Troopers and the Reading Buccaneers. Some great work went into those! ...Still waiting for the Bluecoats '11 poster and show announcement.
  9. 2010 was a great year and a great show for the Bluecoats. Metropolis was a heck of a lot of fun to perform, and a heck of a lot of fun to watch. Setting a new bar for ourselves was also really fun. I hope we can reach a new standard for us again this season.
  10. Shake ups always make it interesting! Let's hope this year is interesting.
  11. Always good to have a home! And as far as I know, winter camps can (and most likely will) continue to be located at Perry HS in Perry, OH and Glenwood MS in Canton, OH. Great purchase BoD!
  12. Nope. They can play tuba, mello, trumpet, or anything else that is currently used in drum corps instrumentation.
  13. The point here is that there is a lot of talent throughout drum corps. Talent is great, but as it has been said before, it takes more than just that to do great things.
  14. I was going to start disagreeing with your post about cavaliers pulling away in texas - mainly because they never beat us between san antonio and quarterfinals - but since you said "started to pull ahead of Cadets and Crown" I decided not to. I know there are good reasons why we came in 3rd. No big deal. Also, I don't think we should have won. I think we could have won. If a few things went differently, then its not so far fetched. Like I said before, the season is over and I'm looking forward to 2011 a whole helluva lot.
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