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Everything posted by crazymello

  1. I just watched it again on the fan network, and while I think the effects are appropriate, and contextually correct, I'd like to hear a recording of it without the effects, just to add some appreciation.
  2. I think it is odd that people voted for BD, not because it is odd that people like BD, but because it is odd that so many people didnt take into consideration how many people dont like BD, and that while it is totally fine for people to like them, statistically, they don't fit the parameters of this poll. (that is, if we're talking about majority entertainment value in the crowd)
  3. cadets 01. Its like, everything you want in a drum corps show in the first 30 seconds. mello runs, catches into the rest of the hornline for an awesome brass feature, all while moving, cool drill, power chord, and we're done. >_>
  5. What are you talking about? P/Rs aren't drum corps! They have valves!
  6. Didnt the powerpoint say it was top 7 retroactive to 2008?
  7. The judges love that kind of design drivel! Are you sure you aren't a program coordinator somewhere?
  8. Then again, you ARE an audience member. Are shows written for show designers?
  9. Some brave corps needs to do a DCP themed show. The BD haters and the BD honks are always in a constant turf war, intellectually battling it out, but alas! a strapping young hater falls for a beautiful young honk, but their love is forbidden! Then some people die in flame wars. With real flames. We'll call it "Conflict and Resolution: Constantly Disputing Opinion." Though I can see where it would be confusing. Do loud cluster chords represent BD, or do they represent tension? or both? Why are there stop lights on the field? Who knows? Why are there scale model buildings on the field? To represent hate for props, or to set the background? It promises to be an ambiguously themed show that leaves approximately 50% of the audience scratching their heads and makes the judges go wild!
  10. BD. I just think that those guys under them are so cut throat that someone's gonna be able to make that finals week push.
  11. I want to hear them play the 79 arrangement of La Suerte for an encore! the choppy version isnt cutting it. >.> (cue hate to reign down on me for BD 2010 hate)
  12. I love how there is a poll predicting the weather. >_>
  13. maybe DCI got embarrassed when they sounded like the VODs. >.>
  14. Is anyone else amused that PhantomBari and BACsader are arguing over whether BAC or Phantom were better?
  15. I really respect BD for pulling those kinds of scores out their butts, and they sure do clean. However, I really wish I enjoyed the show more. I mean, I always hope for the best and get a little disappointed. I want the BD I enjoyed back. Maybe I will enjoy it more in person this weekend.
  16. I just like the look of a darker uni. It's easier on my eyes I guess.
  17. BK, but they might get invited to the club after this year. =P
  18. I'd suggest crossfit. It's all about personal preference though. If you feel like you cant do any more, then you have to do more anyways, and contemplate your existence, per haps thinking you'd rather be dead than where you are during the workout, it's doing its job.
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