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Everything posted by crazymello

  1. Aight, lemme get out the baseball bat, this dead horse is gonna get it! 1) high camera OPTION, not default 2) NO MORE ENDZONE CAM! 3) focus on the right stuff, seriously! 4) better mic placement 5) Did I mention better mic placement? Lets hear more than the pit, now...
  2. 1) Teal Sound 2) Cascades 3) Pioneer 4) Jersey Surf 5) Pacific Crest 6) Mandarins 7) Spirit 8) Crossmen 9) Madison Scouts 10) The Academy 11) Colts 12) Troopers It'll happen.
  3. One problem! Spirit isn't from Jacksonville, AL!
  4. >_> Imagine a panel of adults judging some under 21 girls for a drum corps not based on talent, but based on attractiveness. sounds kinda creepy, doesn't it?
  5. So, this topic has persuaded me, a younger guy, to go watch 87 sky riders. I must say, wow. just wow. Great show!
  6. West coast only has like... the two most successful corps in DCI history? Darn, you guys are so unlucky?
  7. It went great! And they're playing *******. They are opening with a preshow of ********, entering a drum feature based on ******, a strong statement of *********, then a beautiful lyrical ballad... great selection of ******* and a big closing number of ********. It's gonna be AWESOME! You have no idea!
  8. I still kinda got ostracized... but mainly because my band director thinks anything outside his technique program is wrong. Not marking time through holds is just stupid in his opinion, because you'll not keep time. <_< Straight leg? ########! In fact, he said "I can't even do it without bouncing!" ...yea... he can't. (not all corps do straight leg, but a very good percentage do, and good ones too!) Toes apart? that is so stupid! laaaame. (I think most corps do that now? I know the Cadets don't.) DOTS? What? You march DOTS in your corps? No way that is possible! (Okay, lets not start this debate here. <_< lets just leave it at some corps do it) And no, this discussion didn't start with "Well, in DRUM CORPS, we do it like THIS!" He asked. So basically, he hates everyone who isn't him. eh.
  9. Wait a second, are you telling me that it took 20 pages to somehow connect hopkins to this? I am disappointed, DCP. Just disappointed...
  10. I did drum and Bb/F brass corps. You can take this "summer marching band" business somewhere else. >_>
  11. If you wanna get technical, it is a verb. –noun 1. a company of persons or, sometimes, animals or things, joined, acting, or functioning together; aggregation; party; troop: a band of protesters. 2. Music. a. a group of instrumentalists playing music of a specialized type: rock band; calypso band; mariachi band. b. a musical group, usually employing brass, percussion, and often woodwind instruments, that plays esp. for marching or open-air performances. c. big band. d. dance band. 3. a division of a nomadic tribe; a group of individuals who move and camp together and subsist by hunting and gathering. 4. a group of persons living outside the law: a renegade band. –verb (used with object) 5. to unite in a troop, company, or confederacy. –verb (used without object) 6. to unite; confederate (often fol. by together): They banded together to oust the chairman. —Idiom 7. to beat the band, Informal. energetically; abundantly: It rained all day to beat the band.
  12. Wait, there are people that march AND band at the same time? SIGN ME UP!
  13. Well, we would say "Drum and Bb/F brass corps," but that really doesn't roll off the tounge....
  14. I'd take out amplification, EXCEPT for narration! Narration can be used fine in some places, and the drum corps world is starting to realize their boundaries on this. But the synths, ewww, the amped pits, I don't even like. So, yea... Oh, and don't even get me started on mic'd brass. >_<
  15. I've never sat in LOS, actually, so I guess I can't make the call there. =P but I was generally pleased with the sound from my seat in the georgia dome.
  16. Between San Antonio, Atlanta, and Indy, I think Atlanta's dome is the best. I mean, compared to LOS, the GA dome is accoustic heaven! And no, I wasn't in LOS in person, but I heard some of those awful quarterfinals recordings (unlike the cleaned up finals recordings) and compared them to atlanta recordings. So, best stadium ever? No. but does LOS make you appreciate it? Yea..
  17. 25- yes. More numbers in smaller corps, even if it makes the top corps less accessible. I think it would pan out that the "norm" is marching in a smaller corps unless you are over 18, instead of only wanting to do a big one. Corps size to 175, no, I am fine with the current size. 13 minutes including pre show? No, because they can already be that long if you have a decent pre show. I wouldn't like to put a limit on the pre show. The OC corps, YES! It gives the top OC guys to get a chance to know where they REALLY stand in light of everyone, not just their division. finals in open stadiums- It isn't the roof that bothers me, the Georgia Dome is fine... it is just LOS.
  18. But did you hold over more in Allentown? I'm pretty sure I liked that better, off the top of my head. >_> I don't remember if you did or not, though. I've just been listening to the field studio recordings.
  19. Madison is gonna score a perfect 100 on finals night. Cavies 2002 and Cadets 2005 fans everywhere will call BS. >_>
  20. Ha ha, I felt for you after watching San Antonio, but I was in the stands in Atlanta, and I was almost biting my nails, because of what I saw on the SA video. I was on my feet when you nailed the crap out of it. I also love how it shows your facial expression on the fan network video.
  21. But they aren't Garfield anymore. The G has no place in the name anymore. They have a C for Cadets.... since that is the only word in their name other than "The" now and it would be silly for them to emphasize the "The."
  22. Spirit didn't make finals... theirs would be semis.
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