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Everything posted by Abbevillekid26

  1. Lol as much as I agree Bruckner I think the mods are gonna do some pruning. Or just shoot this thread down because it's nearly impossible to discuss how the changing of the school year will affect drum corps without getting into politics or the educational system.
  2. Sorry I thought being in the DCI World Class forum it was implied that I was talking about that. Yes you are correct "drum corps" in whatever form would adapt and survive, but it would not be the same as it is now.
  3. From someone from Michigan, it's actually Mackinac (stupid yes). But I agree with you I think learning outside the classroom is very important too. The still young/drum corps lover in me hates this idea and I love having my summers (mostly) open. But the rational side of me realizes that there isn't really a point in a long break now that we're no longer an agrarian society. I definitely agree more time does not mean better quality but really taking a 3 month break to forget a lot of what you've learned for no real reason other than it's summer isn't a very good idea. So I don't really want a nation-wide year-long school calendar but if it did happen I guess I understand...
  4. I'd also like to just put some thoughts out there that you all might not agree with but just some things I've noticed. A lot of us whine/question the lack of "public" recognition or ask for a larger fan base but is that really what "we" want? There seems to be an abundance of snarkiness when it comes to the activity especially in discounting peoples' opinions that didn't march or that are new to the activity or are old. People on this site get downright ###### with newcomers for asking questions or stating a simple opinion. There was that article this summer by whats-his-face about how "dark" DCI is and was blasted on here a lot about how he doesn't know anything and things of that nature. Of course a typical blogger/reporter doesn't and ####-talking one of the few people who gave a #### enough to go out and watch it isn't helping. To sum things up, for us wanting to be more recognized among people "we" do a great job at making new fans feel welcome. Not saying this is THE reason why DCI isn't widely recognized, I'm just saying it's funny that sometimes corps vets like to have their own exclusive club and then the next day cry no one recognizes the differences.
  5. I take it you haven't listened to Phantom Regiment lately. All snarky jokes aside, to say that corps like Crown are afraid of putting air through their horns out of fear of not sounding bad is simply absurd.
  6. Not many people care enough to actually look for it and there's no one really putting it out there.
  7. Sometime in the 90s, I think 92? At the end when things decrescendo beautifully some ######## ruins it. If you have fannetwork definitely look it up.
  8. This. This is a case where I support public flogging for such #######ery.
  9. specific corps or DCI in general? what i would not like to see: synths being overused a woodwind anywhere near the field vuvuzuelas in the crowd
  10. I think it's just you. I'm not the only fan my age that appreciate and watch a lot of shows from the '80s and '90s. I would rather march a fast pace show from this era but I have a lot of respect for the past and no doubt prefer those shows musically. I, in general, detest the sound of synths (on the field, they're not so bad indoors) and overbearing amplified pits, and no way would I ever want DCI to incorporate woodwinds at all. I'm not offended and I don't think anyone here is. That and this poll just proves that most people wouldn't walk away from DCI. It doesn't mean that 85% of the people here want that but that 85% wouldn't give up the activity under these circumstances. Some people here are being dicks like usual but there isn't a conspiracy against older DCI shows by young people.
  11. When I saw the title I thought of Bruckner8. I think in audiences being "ready" for something like Bruckner, society in general is less "ready" now than in the past. I'm interested in seeing his response though.
  12. It honestly wouldn't be as appealing to me to march but I probably still would and would probably still pay attention to shows.
  13. Almost this exactly. I went with 88 but 87 and 89 were also close.
  14. Just because I like your responses and no one else has, I'll throw my hat into the ring. Cavaliers taking the Ott in 2006 with that show is just hilarious to me. I love that show but I think it is the epitome of why people accused the Cavaliers of playing mf constantly. It had very little dynamic range at all and had way less "meat" than these recent BD shows people ##### about. They played technically correct but with no dynamic contrast and nothing phenomenal. I actually even preferred the Cadets' brass that year. It's hard saying who I think should have won because while Phantom was my favorite show that year they had very questionable moments in their brass and the Blue Devils (another favorite of mine, I just loved 06 in general) sounded so strident in general. Regardless, I think 2006 was a more undeserving Jim Ott than 1984 especially when you consider they were the sole winners (I believe? correct me if I'm wrong but I'm pretty sure about this) of brass compared to 1984 when the Cadets weren't necessarily ahead of BD or SCV.
  15. I understand. I apologize for the ad hominem but I guess we do not hear the same thing. I'm in Philly for the time being but that does sound enticing.
  16. Oh because so many people take off college to do drum corps. I would like to see the demand and excellence of DCI now with only people under 18 in it. Besides that, a lot of people can't even get jobs until they're 16-18 so good bye to tons of people paying for it themselves if the limit is 18. I am not a proponent of raising the age limit but really? 18? Many college kids spend their summer partying or working minimum wage, so is it really that important to "get out there in life"?
  17. Lol garbage? If I didn't know better that would sound like a hyperbolic insult from an upset member of their competition that year. The thing is I agree with you in some ways, especially about 2008 phantom and your overall point. It's just when you call garfield 84 "technical garbage" and it is well known that you marched against them that year, you come off as a dick.
  18. Who are "some people" and what was this comment?
  19. Lol 2 people seem to contest that the Cavies were better not only that year but the whole decade.
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