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Everything posted by futurebluecoat

  1. I was hoping for a short shift at work tomorrow but unfortunately I work until 7. You know where I'm coming as soon as I get home though! Super stoked for this show!
  2. Well guys take this with a grain of salt as anything can happy in the crazy world of drum corps but here is how I think finals will play out. Either Cadets will take it all or Bloo will. Cadets are really really good and I wouldn't mind them winning at all with a show like this. SO much better than last year. There is also a pretty good chance that Bloo will win just because there's so much they can do with that show. I think Cadets will mostly clean until the end of the season and Bloo, in addition to cleaning like crazy, will add some pretty big GE moments. BD is definitely in the race of course but I just feel like they don't have as much room to grow. Who knows though.
  3. Did it 3 times on desktop and 858 is my highest so far. Yikes. I guess it doesn't help that my space bar makes a sound after I hit it so that makes it harder.
  4. Me too. They tie for second, and Bluecoats win
  5. For some reason when I made this I forgot that there was already a thread for this show, but I don't know how to delete this one. Just ingore it.
  6. My heart melted when they sang the IV I resolution at the end of the ballad. What a great moment.
  7. TOC Friday, July 17 7:30 CT Reverse order: The Cavaliers - Rosemont, IL The Cadets - Allentown, PA Phantom Regiment - Rockford, IL Santa Clara Vanguard - Santa Clara, CA Blue Devils - Concord, CA Carolina Crown - Ft. Mill, SC Bluecoats - Canton, OH Crossmen - San Antonio, TX
  8. I would really really love a detailed description of the closer changes if anyone wants to explain
  9. I want to see Bloo win!!! Root for them on my behalf haha
  10. I've noticed how almost every run, they're perfectly in time even though they're very far apart. It's trumpet and horn btw. Pretty cool moment.
  11. Mixed thoughts on the new Bloo ending. Sounds like it's not major enough to be the final ending, maybe just 1A. That's what I hope.
  12. I am a bit disappointed with Academy being ahead of Troop but good for them. Troop, CLEAN CLEAN CLEAN
  13. But hornlines aside, I want to hear about the new ending!
  14. The problem with BD (imo) is that their trumpets stick out wayyy too much. I've never heard them live though. I just love how Bluecoats have the low brass power to match their high brass.
  15. After hearing them live this year and watching lots of high quality videos, my appreciation for their hornline has grown. Best balance other than Crown, no question.
  16. Good to know that Crown used the banner, so it's not out for good like we were speculating
  17. I wonder if Bloo will premier their new ending on tonight
  18. I would not be surprised to see them beat Cavies soon and stay ahead the whole season, but I think that's as high as they'll get.
  19. Man I'm excited for BK. Last year was unbelievable for them and the show was just breathtaking. This show and season is shaping up to be the same way. I really love the new style they're adapting and I'm super happy for them! Go BK!
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