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Feathers Up

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Everything posted by Feathers Up

  1. From the perspective as a performer and fan. As a performer I didn't like domes for a few reasons. For starters I prefer to march on "grass" and not artificial turf. And I marched before the majority of domes started going to the "field turf" surface. Which is better but still not the same as marching on a beautiful low cut natural grass field. Most domes were bad because you would warm up outside in 88-95 degree heat and then have to perform in an air-conditioned environment. So tuning issues are more common. And sometimes going from a very hot environment to a cool one will mess with you. It's also harder to hear what's around you. And the echo is pretty evident on the field. As a fan I just don't like the muffled sound. Depending on where you are sitting, it can range from pretty good to awful. Very hard to hear clarity of bass lines and low brass. Just my opinion.
  2. Yeah, but you also have to keep in mind when the visual side started to really come forward in terms of "demand" . It started with a few shows in the mid 80's and just started building from there.
  3. Yeah, I think I even remember watching BD and seeing a few members with their jackets off wearing t-shirts with #10 on them. haha
  4. I actually liked a couple of your ideas to be honest. But after giving synths another try this year, I would rather just see them GO WAY!! It's not that I don't think the addition could be used for more effects and more ideas. I see a lot of great possibilities with using synths and electronics in general. But I love "drum corps" so I can hear those ideas arranged for a pure accoustic brass sound!!! Sorry, but that's my main problem. The addition of synths and electronics has taken away a lot of that sound and I miss it!!! It has nothing to do with me not liking the effect when done well, because I do. But I can just go watch BOA for that and enjoy it. And one of my favorite musical qualitites of "drum corps" will soon be lost.
  5. I just don't see what the big deal with the chairs is. BD actually uses the chairs throughout the show for a nice visual effect. And they are used in various ways and in different positions on the field. I guess people would rather see 40 large tables on the field which are staionary the entire time with hardly any interation with the hornline or drumline. Because I haven't really heard any compalints about that.
  6. Darn, I was hoping you would be curious enough to go look because I didn't want to.
  7. What if the 2-5 corps start closing the gap a little on BD? Could we see 4 corps scoring 97? I know we came close last year, but has that even ever happened? I can't remember.
  8. BINGO!! My thoughts exactly. When they have "strentched" sets it just doesn't come off well with the unis. They really need more "condensed" sets to have more of a visual impact. They did that a lot last year and it worked. Something the Cadets do very well also. It was just hard to tell what the form was suppose to be when the intervals of the set where so far apart. Which also goes to your third point. Guard staging also seems to be a problem.
  9. Haha. Yeah I started thinking the same thing.
  10. Wow, I was probably sitting right next to you!! And I agree with your take on both nights.
  11. One more thing. If you are on staff with a corps, please don't go up in the stands and make comments on your corps throughout the entire show. People around you haven't seen the show a 100 times like you have and would like to actually enjoy it without hearing everything that is right or wrong with it. I've been on staff and understand the urge to do so, but it just reflects poorly on you. You will have plenty of time to talk about the show afterwards. Thank you!
  12. Now there's an idea. Then everyone is happy!!
  13. That's a great pic also. Just like your angle a bit more.
  14. Thank you Beast!! That should be on a poster or t-shirt. Seriously!
  15. Ok, I went back and fixed it. Also, does anyone know where I can find that pic Wildabeast took of the side toast? Or can you link it here? That was a great pic!
  16. Jesse, no doubt. I haven't really looked at it that way. But I do see your point. I'm just going on visual impact. I feel the side toast just gives the pose a larger viewing spectrum for the audience to see. And I love being able to see the Star with the toast. It just looks Classic to me. And it's harder to see form the front view. But your points have made me like the new version a little more.
  17. Add me to the list. The side-Toast had much more impact.
  18. Maybe bc he enjoys BD's show more?? And thinks they have more GE? Just a thought.
  19. Or we can have 4 corps scoring over 97 at finals. When was the last time that has happened? Or has it? And 5 corps scoring over 97 would be insane! But I doubt it will happen.
  20. Wow, do you have a picture of it on the tree? Would love to see that.
  21. Owning GE as in sweeping the GE captions with a double panel at a .8 spread. And audience appeal shouldn't be a factor. Been to four different shows with SCV/Crown (twice) and Crown/Cadets (twice). Each show the crowd clearly had a different favorite.
  22. I don't know much about percussion, but one of the guys I went to the Murf show teaches percussion at a well known music school and I trust his opinion. His take on SCV was this: "SCV's snares are just very sloppy right now. Tenors are fairly clean with minor issues. And the bass line is top notch. There was also some minor-to-major phasing from the snares to tenors at one point of the show. Pit plays with great musicianship and balance. But the volume of amplification for the pit is a bit too loud. They have my second favorite book, yet they are lucky they aren't 9th in the caption right now. If the snares can get it clean, then good things will happen." Paraphrasing of course.
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